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I have a question..about the noa thing..dont know if it was anwserd or not...

when they ment all animals...did they mean all sea creatures as well? or just the land creatures..

floods can be quite destructive on habitats under the ocean as well....

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Duke_Leeeto: once again you are speaking about things you haven't researched.

There is abundant evidence of a world-wide flood. Seashells have been found on mountain tops.

Let me help you out:


"Evidences of a worldwide flood can be found in more than 270 flood stories and historic records found in many parts of the world"

Or how about this amazing fact:

"Clams are found at the top of Mount Everest (29,035 ft.), evidence that it must have been underwater at some point. Provides evidence of a catastrophic worldwide flood. Every major mountain range on Earth contains fossilized sea life

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you never answered the rebuttal regarding 270 different cultures that have ledgends of a world wide flood. And no it isnt necessary that Mt. Everest ever be underwater in your evolutionary plate techtonic theory. Mountains can arise wholle from continents, assuming the thoery is true in the first place. Too bad that there is no observed mountain actually FORMING, why are all of them eroding?


Can you please name a single forming mountain? Last I checked, all of them are going down the tubes, not vice versa. But maybe you can shed some light on it? I'm not saying plate techtonics is false, i just dont know of any mountains getting taller. Do you?

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Empr, oh please are you suggesting coconuts MIGRATE?!

Woah, just saw HolyGrail again (shakes it off)...

Are you saying that there is not enough proof to convince yourself that mountains are formed by plate tectonics pushing themselves upward into mountains as they are today? And aren't the hugest mountains still moving higher by like a few centimeters a year?

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Are you saying that there is not enough proof to convince yourself that mountains are formed by plate tectonics pushing themselves upward into mountains as they are today? And aren't the hugest mountains still moving higher by like a few centimeters a year?

I dont know if there is enough proof. Honestly, I never looked into it. Just because a few school textbooks say something doesn't mean anything to me. I only speak on things I have researched. You are asking me if mountains are moving higher? I dont know. I'm asking you for that information. If plate techtonics is a true theory, then we should be seeing mountains forming right now . I know all about erosion, but honestly, i have never heard anything about a mountain getting bigger. So if your theory is true, there should be not just one mountain getting bigger, but SCORES of them. So, please cite me some evidence. I want more than just one freak occurence. I am not denying it. I am merely saying I have never heard nor read of any real evidence that suggest mountains form through plate techtonics. So, show the evidence.

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Jesus christ I cannot believe I am trying to prove the plate tectonic theory to someone, but I will give links - proof - of established and credible websites informing you on the theory*.

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/tectonics/ talks about the history a bit and states that it is generally accepted that this is true.


Informs you all about the theory.


Talks (in the middle, probably have to do Cntrl-F and type in "proof") about a man searching for proof of the theory and he does and it says why/how, etc.

Even though this isn't my own words, I hope this convinces you.

*Note that this is yet a theory, but is proven very much by highly credible and respectable among the scientific community scientists.

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Emprworm, now you're exagerating. EVERY theory has some minor flaws, nothing is perfect.

Plate tectonics is perfectly credible and we have more than sufficient EVIDENCE for it. Unlike other theories, plate tectonics is NOT in any way controversial.

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plate tectonics does not contradict the bible.

and I do not think I am exxagerrating. Plate tectonics is one of those theories that is unchallengable. several years ago an alternative theory was published in scientific american ( i wish i knew the issue and the theory) and all i remember was the immense amount of ridicule and flack SA received along with the scientists who proposed it. This is terrible, but unfortunate reality in today's scientific community. It is almost like a giant 'clique' of politicians. If you think political corruption does not exist in the scientific community, think again. There are examples numerous of scientists reporting fraudulent data for corrupt motives. if you want any examples let me know.

i am not saying tectonics is false, don't get me wrong. it makes sense on many levels. What I am saying is that when the theory is taught, you should teach its SHORTCOMINGS as well. And when someone proposes an alternative theory, you should consider it objectively like anything else and not just ridicule it pre-emptively.

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ahh here is one of my favorite examples of how science can commit fraud and then the fraud is widely accepted as fact. once the public embraces scientific fraud, it can take literally decades to clean up the intellectual mess. The following is taken from


which I am happy for because it is a childrens website and it is good to see that TRUE science is being taught to children at least somewhere out there.

The Great Brontosaurus Hoax

by Borgna Brunner


The story of dinosaurs used to be simple. There was once an innocent time when the dinosaur universe could be reduced to a few creatures: basically, Earth was ruled by the terrifying T. rex and that peace-loving vegetarian, the Brontosaurus.

Brontosaurus Unmasked

But the Age of Innocence really ended the day the Brontosaurus, the gentle giant of dinosaurs, was revealed as a fraud.

Will the real dinosaur please stand up?


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I was taught that the Brontosaurus was real in 1st grade, then in 3rd grade I learned about actual variations of species and about the Apatosaurus. And please don't blame science for human common mistakes, even though it's not that big of a deal.

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