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well i've put al my time and effort in this Tournament to be a succes.And il promise u guys it will be a succes.I've locked the other toppic cause the main subject there wasen't about the tournament.

final information.


LIST of players:


















Team One = Elite47 and I0nflex.

Team two = D3m0nger and Acelethal.

Team three = Marcel71 and Slim.

Team four = Deathsumn and leo1990.

Team five = Ace3042 and Die4honr.

Team six = Fuzion and Ir0nblast.

Team Seven = Ratozo0m and Sarbaukar.

Team eight = Krazyorse and Zamboe.

now the random matching up:

Team One will fight team Six. : 1 vs. 6

Team Three will fight team Eight. : 3 vs. 8

Team Seven will fight team Two. : 7 vs. 2

Team Five will fight team Four. : 5 vs. 4

If some One thinks the random matching turned out to be unfair/corrupt or anything like that, Let me know.

There i made an EDIT and i hope it will stay this way

Now the *times* :


The tournament will start at 5.00 pm WESTWOOD TIME !.

There i've posted the main cities across the Globe.If any of you want more *times*, just ask.


Il expect every1 off u guys to be in the chat room *DUNE* at the times i gave You.I really can't say anything more then this.Lets hope this will be a succes and every1 will show up.Il do 1 more round check.Il IM all Tournament players for confirmation.


Good day




so that r the definite names ? damn i wanted to be innit :- I thought i putted me on reserve very quick and some pple left, so i made a chance .

Well if im not in this 1, sign me up 4 the next tournament

thx Brennq


There is nothing more i can do. Although i haven't heard or seen Sarbauker for the last 4 days now. Maybe he'l drop out. Well until saturday il keep a close Eye on all the competitors. So if Your lucky u might get a spot. But as far as i'm concerned, NO One will switch/change/orwhatever the places. So there will be no more mixup and confusions.

Good day



There is nothing more i can do. Although i haven't heard or seen Sarbauker for the last 4 days now. Maybe he'l drop out. Well until saturday il keep a close Eye on all the competitors. So if Your lucky u might get a spot. But as far as i'm concerned, NO One will switch/change/orwhatever the places. So there will be no more mixup and confusions.

Good day


Sarb was online last night.


I'm in.

Maybe a few "reserve" players can come on the same time to "Chat Channel" Then when somebody does not show up, the reserve player can take his place. Like that you are not waiting all evening for someboy to wake up and come online, and all the planned games can start on time...


Yes im here

Btw are you going by westwoods time? it be easier for me to work out and others as well

5th oct 2.00pm or something like (just go to chat channel and it will have time and date)

And if some people dont turn up who ever there on that time will get a chance to play what you think?

Someone would have to take a screenshot of so many people in chat chanel then ;)


I'm afraid I'm out!!!

I can't play at 11am PST, thats 1am on Sunday for me here. I have a freakin' curfew at 11-12pm. >:( >:(

Anyways, there a spot open, I guess that should go to brennq as he has been waitin' so long.


well i dont think i would have been able to make it, (not on the list anyway) BUT if I am available that night, I'll show up in case they could use an alternate. Hey you never know.


Well ace, To bad i can't change it any more, I guess ur out, il inform brenq and remove u from the list... :-

And that goes for u 2 Acelethal..... It means im disqualified.. Cause my partner is out and we got no reserve players... But no BiGgY il just observe it won't matter much.To bad u can't play acelethal,

PS: if ne 1 wanne sign up DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!




Acelethal, Im'ed me saying he can't play unless i change the times..

But good news i can change them but if i do NO and i mean absolutly NO ONE may drop out anymore, IF SOME 1 DOES i won't arrange the tournament il dropout.

Now the westwood times.

The tournament will start at 5.oo PM WESTWOOD TIME !

I expect every1 to be in dune CHAT,acelethal I hope u can still enter, Let me know if u can't...

good day



why not just look at a GMT clock and set the game times to be played in GMT time, that way everyone is usein gthe same timezone... i made a pos tint the gaming forum with a linik to a good GMT site, i will try and find that post if you think meeting at GMT time would be easier.. that way you're not going is that 10:00 my time or your time ;D


ehm yeah but i think he cant take only the time which only for US players good is and the time which he puts was all the same moment all over the wolrd and when he takes a good time for US or Europ players then maybe the other players couldnt play !!!

so i think 8pm in c.e.t. was good ok 2 hours later is well too but it shouldn't be to late ... and ehm I dont know the time yet 5pm ww time is in c.e.t which ?


d3monger, for next time, you should post first the date and time scheduled for the tourney and knowing that ppl might sign in for sure.


I've got two bball games Saturday...First is in the morning and wouldn't get in the way, and the second may or may not conflict...it's either at 3:15 PST or 4:30 PST depending on whether or not we win the first game...

Someone should take my spot...better safe than screwed.


if you need a reserve player for this weekend's tourney on saturady i'll be able to join in as long as the ETSU's campus internet is not down. Hopefully the connection shouldn't be too bad because alot of people go home during the weekend.



Heck! this is geting confusing... i need to know the times soon cause i gota work at some dudes house saturday and ill try to go there when the tournement is not on so plzzz some 1 make the times nice and clear!

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