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In The Destroyer's Grip


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Will there be a possibility to switch off the mod so the "out of sync" msg when playing online does not appear?

What should i do: i really want to try the mod because it looks great but i want to avoid complete reinstalment of my emperor game.

Any suggestions?

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well the mod consists of several folders:

3Ddata, STRINGS, SFX and Model

the 3DData, strings and Model folders can be added to emperordata without overwriting anything, the SFX folder however contains files that will overwrite existing ones within your original SFX folder (so back yours up)

to uninstall the mod so you can play the original online, remove 3Ddata, strings and model from data and replace the SFX folder with your backup.

There, thats it. =)

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well the mod consists of several folders:

3Ddata, STRINGS, SFX and Model

the 3DData, strings and Model folders can be added to emperordata without overwriting anything, the SFX folder however contains files that will overwrite existing ones within your original SFX folder (so back yours up)

to uninstall the mod so you can play the original online, remove 3Ddata, strings and model from data and replace the SFX folder with your backup.

There, thats it. =)

Want me to make you a switch program in VB?

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