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In The Destroyer's Grip


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I have made super weapons for both the Aspedos and the Tempest.

The Aspedos get the Aspedonian Rail Marksman and The Tempest get the contamination Device, which fires a missile that causes a splat much like the deathhand but the splat deviates tanks and infects infantry, causing the infantry to exploade into yet more splats, like a chain reaction.

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I would appreciate that, Frodo, and Im making an installation program for it as well.

and Rigel, it has 3 entirely original major houses and 5 entirely original subhouses.

The subhouses work in a way to provide huge variance in units. Depending which major house you choose the subhouses differ, if, for instance you chose kulchatah house and energy subhouse you would be able to build Kulchatah Laz-mechs but if you were to choose Aspedos house and energy subhouse you would be able to build "blue-fire entities".

The release date is SOON, very soon.

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