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Ok, here is a tip for you atreides players that dont use mongos.

Mongos are the best unit for dealing with Hark tanks, just keep moving them at a reasonable distance from the hark tanks, since mongos fire while moving, if u do it right then u might kill hark tanks without any damage to your mongos.

Hark tanks attacking your minos? Minos are useless against hark tanks properly used, so instead to back them with kindjal just one or two mongos moving around the mino will will be enough to keep it alive.

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hehe, it might have been me, rushing you ;)

Well, i'v seen a tactic from BossOfPig defending hark rush.

Mix aa and buzz. So don't have them as separate groups, but mix them. When u are being attacked, it is VERY close to your base. Keep pumping those buzz.

Select all your buzz and men, and repeatadly press, "T","T" (select all (selected) units on map) and then Ctrl+Shift and point the mouse somewhere inside the group which is attacking you. (NOT on a certain unit!!)

Keep it going like this and i think u will manage.

Because your newly made buzz from your fac will be faster at the place of the fight then his. Sometimes u need 2 buzz vs 1 to get overhand.

His newly arrived units will die very fast while u will build up a small army.

If u really think u need extra tactics and your partner is FAR away, so he can't help you, ask him to give u a ref. Then with your own harvs (in your own base) u put them in the middle of the fight. You attack with Ctrl+Shift his units as soon as the harv(s) are landed. His units will start attacking the harv and u attack his units.

With a bit of luck u save even your harv too. Those things are VERY hard to kill with only buzz and smipers ;)

Tell me if you think it helps...

I think this is the post where the good and focused advice for the anti-rush stategy for Harkonnen vs Harkonnen finished.

Since the people are now off topic, I think I'm done with my question.

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I have a question, how could you build a building for your ally? Or build him a conyard?

Make the building, place it down. Then click on that building and press the "O" key (believe that is the default, but if you changed your defaults then it will be whatever you changed it to) and your ally now owns that building. You can also give him an MCV with the same procedure, or any other unit or building that you have.

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The rush consisted of the following combination of units:


Harkonnen Light Infantry


I was Harkonnen, and so was the player that rushed me. This was on Fishers Plain, and my base was situated on an adjacent rock plateau to the enemy base. I got rushed by a group of Buzzsaws, Light Infantry, and Troopers all at the same time, and it just seemed to walk right into my base. >:( I'd like to know how to counter this sort of rush with Harkonnen. The settings were: everything off, with starting money of 10k.

i guess i'm an little late to say my advice but i'll do so anyway.

its quite easy, just build a lot of buzsaws and light infantry, mix.. YES MIX!! the 2 groups together with 5 or more fedaykins.

place the fedaykins in the front line BETWEEN the buzsaws and light infantry, don't let your enemy squish'em, they're the most important unit to kill troopers/buzsaws and light infantry.

and navaros: building an factory first does not give you an advantage if you're hark. vs an hark. player.

i think that an bunch of light infantry units protected by buzsaws are more important then an buzsaw only group.

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ken no i'm not a mod Gob doesn't love me enuff yet but maybe after I send him some more bouquets that'll do the trick ;D

and ken, Fedaykin suck vs. good hark players; their range is way too short and they die real easy vs. any good Hark player

Everything dies very easy with a good hark player... I can't remember his name, but i played a hark player and i dunno why, my units always got slaughtered with him.

Eventually it is just the mix of units which do the trick and some micromanagement...

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of all the house combos, hark vs. hark was the hardest for me to finally nail down. Unless the map is knife fight where all the units are extremely close and there is zero "build time" the best way to kill a hark buzz/trooper/inf mob with hark follows:

6 buzz, 2 assault, 2 flame, 2 buzz, 1 assault, 1 flame, etc.

use buzz, assault, and flame tanks. If money is at 10K, go easy on inf cuz they add up, but mix in some inf in there. It really works.

basically you will have 2-3 buzz for every assault tank, and 5 assault tanks for every 2-3 flames.

Basically, my army will look like this at the start: 8 buzz, 3-4 assault, 2 flame with a few inf mixed in. The flame tanks ALWAYS hug your assault tanks, never isolate the 2. Trust me it really works. 2 assault tanks will pop 10 buzzsaws like balloons.

By the time you make 8 buzz, 3 assault and 2 flames (with some infantry to boot), he will probably have 25 buzzsaws and 30-40 or so infantry

your army will beat his

If you are rushed by a mob of buzz and inf, one flame tank can annihilate the entire mob of inf in 1 or 2 shots. It really is amazing, i think theres a bug in the program because i have seen flame tanks kill infantry on the OTHER SIDE of the screen before- far beyond mino firing range. I've seen this happen many times. The flame will start firing at nearby infantry, and suddenly you see infantry far away start burning up screaming ARRGGGH--AAAHHHHHH! (lol, always makes me laugh). As your flame roasts the infantry, your assault tanks are popping buzzsaws like grapes (let your flames and assault tanks default attack, but make sure at least one flame is specifically targeting an area of lots of infantry) while you CONTROl your 8 buzzsaws to run down as much stuff as possible. It really does work.

Keep in mind that just making these units will not guarantee you a win vs. buzz+inf+troopers- there are some basic things you need to keep in mind, but overall it works wonders.

I will make a final update to my site soon and further explain how this tactic works.

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The flame will start firing at nearby infantry, and suddenly you see infantry far away start burning up screaming ARRGGGH--AAAHHHHHH!

Its not a bug, i've seen it too. You force attack anywhere besides ramps with the Flame tank and you'll see how far away does the flames of a Flame tank actually extends.
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i think flame tanks are perhaps the most underrated unit. when used properly im telling you those things rock.

example: 15 troopers and/or kinjdal camped on a rock.

take a buzzsaw with a couple troopers and/or a fremen and put the flame tank 1 inch behind saw. Then send all units0 to rock. All units fire on the saw, troopers and/or the now visible fremen and before they can even reload the flame has just burned every single one of them AND is promoted to lvl 2 (self-healing). Its works everytime.

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i think flame tanks are perhaps the most underrated unit. when used properly im telling you those things rock.

example: 15 troopers and/or kinjdal camped on a rock.

take a buzzsaw with a couple troopers and/or a fremen and put the flame tank 1 inch behind saw. Then send all units0 to rock. All units fire on the saw, troopers and/or the now visible fremen and before they can even reload the flame has just burned every single one of them AND is promoted to lvl 2 (self-healing). Its works everytime.

I wouldn't say it works everytime. At least not with atr players with some experience.

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Well it would work when the experienced ATR player isn't aware there's such a group coming.

If there's only 15 troopers or Kindjals camping in an infantry rock, just just one buzzsaw and flam tank, you don't need any anti-tank infantry.

Send the buzzsaw in directly in, and that would obviously be sacrificed, when all of them is reloading, thats the flamers chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. Who else needs help from the number 1 ATR gangster? Most of the threads in this Forum are of very little value and of a low caliber. So post some more good stuff in *this* thread, and it might actually help some people for a change ;D

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*all for 10k no pre*

hark vs hark: I usually build barracks first with about 15 light infanrty. If he is close i build 6 buzz, 1 harv and about 5 more buzz. If he is far away i build the harv first and then about 10buzz and some assault tanks.

Hark vs ordos: I always make sure to make a lot of infantry, so i go barracks first and build 20 light infantry, then fac and build 1 assault and 6 buzz, then a harv. I think feyds work the best to deal with laser tanks.

Hark vs Atreides: I like to go barracks,ref,fac,frem,ref- build some rocket troops for aa against drones and about 6 to go hunt some carrials, then abut 8 light inafntry.I build about 5 buzz and few assaults then i go about 4 inkvines and get some more assault tanks.Then fedaykin are a must for worming atreides in late game or early on combined with your attacks.

Although the best strategy in Emperor is micromanagement, and that only comes over time(Working with ordos also makes your micro good and so do qm setts they make u better i think.)

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can a mod please delete Navaros post it is irrelevant to the subject and he is not contributing anything useful which is against his rules ::)

I *NEVER* said worming was a cheap tactic. I hate engis, although i didnt say anything about them either, but i do use worms. I said using your harvs to block attacks(Harv dropping) is lame.

My opinion is more qualified than yours anyways...

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and ken, Fedaykin suck vs. good hark players; their range is way too short and they die real easy vs. any good Hark player

wrong, keep the fedaykins between the units in the front line, or at the sides, this'll prevent most of your fedaykins of being squished, fedaykins wont die so fast because when they are invisable all orders to kill the fedaykin disappear and your opponent has to re-target his units to your fedaykin.

Harkonen units have armour and fedaykins are good vs armour.

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