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Girls too feminist nowadays?


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At least equality is better than it has been in the US. Though I don't like the double standards at my school.


African American kid uses racial slur against Caucasian kid. African American kid is not kicked out or even disciplined. (Note a teacher watched and heard this.)

Caucasian kid uses a racial slur back in the arguing. Caucasian kid is suspended for the rest of the year.

Example 2: The exact opposite of the first, where the Caucasian student gets away with it in front of a teacher but the African American student does not.

Double standards are stupid, and everyone, regardless of sex, race, age, height, weight, and mental stability should be treated equally under the law.

Personally, I think we live in a sad society. Yes, we have more equality among all races within the US than we once did, but it still isn't full equality. We are still a divided country, just in a more subtle and insidious way.

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I don't think that North American white people have anything to bitch about. Studies of mock trials have shown that "colored" people are at least three times more likely to be convicted of a crime, if put on trial for it. Statistics have shown that they even recive less money for doing the same job as a white person.

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Wow mock trials...statistics...that proof is so convincing it has to be correct! Actually, statistics can bite my arse because they aren't any as accurate as me guessing. And mock trials? ...

Anyways, who is bitching? Every race is being prejudiced against, every religion, creed, sect, etc. Times in America have changed where I live, black or white or in between shades are judged only by how they individually act. They aren't by their skin, just by their idiocy in their actions. Or lack thereof. You can't judge America as a whole, it's too friggin big - the thousands of areas in the US are different.

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I don't think that North American white people have anything to bitch about.

Glad you don't think so. Personally my parents and I have lived in this duplex we own for twenty years. Well I've only lived here sixteen since that's how long i've been alive.

Anyhow, a huge flood hit our city the year before my birth, and we rented the downstairs to one of my mother's friends. She is an African American, she and her husband were the best tennants anyone could ask for. They weren't loud, they weren't rude, they didn't drink much or do any narcotics, and they always payed rent on time. Finally they saved enough money to get their own house, and bought the one next door, and I still mow their lawn for free. We now use the bottom part of the duplex for storage for our relatives.

A few weeks ago an African American man of about twenty five years of age came to our house. He wanted to rent out the downstairs, but since we were using it for storage we told him no. Well he sued us for being racists who were descriminating against him by not renting the downstairs to him.

In court later, everything was settled by the judge when my mom's friend and her husband testified before the court (with the evidence of all that paperwork and such)the court that they had rented the downstairs for years and never had a problem with us.

So you see, I have no problem with African Americans. I only have a problem with anyone of any color who screams "racist" and sues. I mean if you think back, and research well enough I can almost certainly guarentee that you will find one of your ancestors has been enslaved at one point or another.

Now you are probably going to say that "You're white! You don't have any other blood in you and you can't be discriminated against." Right?

Well let's see, I have German and British in my recent ancestory, as well as a Cherokee great-grandmother.

When the KKK came to town I stayed in my house and never poked a nose out. I didn't want to be beat up by the mobs in downtown. $126,000 to protect 6 Clansmen from the riots that broke out over their two hour visit. Police in riot gear, dog teams, barb wired fences, stores shut down so nothing could be sold to be thrown.

Can I be considered a minority? Nationally no I can't.

Locally I can. I am on of less than ten percent of my town who does not have Italian blood in my veins, for this I am constantly taunted. So yes, I know how it feels to be called racist and be the victim of racism.

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Boys, did you really expect me to not comment on this, me being the only girl who POSTS on Fed2k?

I agree that some women over do it. A lot. I think that we do have rights and that we should be thankful for it. But I don't think that women should pretend to be stupid sex objects if they're not. I don't think we should hide intelligence like some males want us to.

I think that males are perfectly fine. In fact, I like males normally. But how would you guys feel if you were all considered macho, narcissistic males?

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Ordos45, that story was a joke compared to what the REAL minorities have to face on a daily basis. No offense, but I don't think anyone really cares about your 3/8 british and 1/16 cherokee with 1/2 german or whatever it is...when they look at you, they see white. So you may not be Italian, but can anyone tell the difference? Maybe if they're some kind of expert in european history or something, but the average person can't tell worth [expletive]

Your situation was settled quickly and easily in court. It wasn't racial repression, it was a minor inconvineince compared to what some peoples STILL get in this day and age. How would you feel if taxis never stopped for you, and if you always seemed to make less than your co-workers?

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I would respect your opinion and then stick up for my gender. I don't form organizations against sexist females and then argue on every detail that might be inferred as sexist. And some girls flaunt themselves - what can I guy do, ignore her? We look at the flaunting and we might look again, but does that really demean the girls to sexual objects? In fact, most females at my school want the guys to look at them and want to be wanted. And then they get all pissy when a guy stares at her half-showing breasts . A lot bring it upon themselves.

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Hmmm .. :-

Who are more dependant upon the other gender ?

The man, who can't do anything else then to stare at any girl that walks by it that elegant way. Getting soft when see want's our help. a woman can easaly stand in a group of 3 other man. But when a man is placed in a group of 3 woman, the situation feels different.

Go to the police as a woman to tell you where toutched by a guy in a wrong way. Or do the same as a man. They laugh at you, tell you you should be happy she did it.

Not to mention the fact man have to pay for por*****. Woman get it for free.

If a woman walks up to you for even a simple question, ignoring or not willing to talk to here is an insult. But when a guy has a question. Just directions, or to change paper money to coins a woman can refuse to talk to a guy when he is just a little offencieve in her eyes or looks like a weird guy to here.

Some way's we depend on them.

Makes you wonder which of us is the weaker gender ?

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Hey ordos man, I meant no offense. The point I was trying to make is that you can go almost anywhere in the US (I'm assuming that's where you live) and be in the minority. Sure you have different European backgrounds, but so do all the white people in NA. So unless your home town was the inspiration for the Sopranos, then it can't be that bad. I know I guessed a lot but you didn't really give me much to go on. Why don't you tell me about it, I'd like to hear it. I thought the only places in the world where whites were being repressed were some countries in Africa, but if you've got something that can top being driven out of your home, then by all means share it.

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"I *think* he means that males are allowing more of women than of men, in an attempt to appear 'Politically correct'. But he's saying it in "spiritual" terms."

Yes, Fakei, I've ment that. Men are losing their sense of leadership. But I think it's a paradox, because they just want to have support of women in elections too.

Word "spiritually" I've chosen, because whole western culture is on this feminizing wave. Maybe it wasn't best word, but I don't know all english words. Men allowed women to control their lives and taken much from their characteristics. Much of today's men are more sensitive, more caring for outer look etc. Upper castes are less philosophical, lower less physically powerful. With this, much men became frustrated from new feministic woman behavior.

God made man as carrier of mind and strenght to protect other humans: women and also children. Women had main purpose in upbringing and education. Now, when education is same for boys and girls, they are getting more and more equal. This is source of feminism on female and sensitivity on male side. Don't replace it with gentlemanity, I think this is a positive thing of this problem.

And others, please, stay on topic. Why you're getting these ugly nationalistic problems here?

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For my A level English Literature class I'm the only boy in the class, and we have to discuss feministic issues all the time. Any of you read the hand maid's tail? Well that's what it's about. How uncomfortable can you get? They're all talking about males being over dominant in mordern day relationships, and I'm sitting there not knowing quite what to say. What do i do? Condemn my gender and identity, and conform to the feministic principles that every student in my class takes (including my teacher!!!)? Or do I stick up for my own gender and try to say things like marital rape never happen?

Usually I just sit quiet :-

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ok first of all i think this calling them "african americans" is completely retarded, im not a german-irish-english-dutch american. no, im white!! just as they are black. what about a white guy from south africa, hes an "african american. and also, there are more blacks in jail per capita than whites, so it is good to do racial profiling, if it is true. its really getting ridiculous, in san fransisco they are only hiring asian women for firefighters, they even waive the physical requirements to allow these sub-par fire fighteres to work in an effort to further diversify the force. people who can find these ideas plausible really need to be shot.

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"Stop telling them afroamericans."

We have much words for them in slovak language: cernoch, murin, neger, temny...Also, aox0m0xoa, isn't this about feminism plague? Our culture is spread by it. But look for, for example Arabs. Convert to islam, go to Iran and you can have 4 slave-wives.

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