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Niab Tank something to debate about


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LoL you're even stupider than Anna!! First off Leeches cost 800 solaris dumshit!! Guild cannot teleport when they are leeched and it takes FOREVER for a leech to kill the Niab. But it wouldn't because i would have gotten rid of the leech by either force firing on it,an engineer or a repair vehicle. Leeches are too easy to get rid of.

Makers are very effective against infantry IF IT LIVES. Makers have weak armor so its hard for them to get off a shot.Anyways a Niab tank is way better than the maker and the leech.


Anna man u r stupid you gotta figure out that YOU DONT WARP YOUR NIABS IN A DEFENDED BASE!! if you cant get your niabs in safely then dont try it at all.you gotta weaken their defense first!! Surely if they spend so much on base defense their attack army will be smaller than yours.THere are other things Niabs are good for like killing harvesters and taking out large armored vehicles. You have to warp somewhere safe thats only common fucking sense, they gotta have foldspace or else they would be invincible.

Btw it only takes about 4 seconds delay time after warp on an averaged speed game. Try to mix them in with your army!! if their army is supported with minos attack them and micromanage the niabs in the battle to take out the minos/devastators/missle tanks yadayada.

Both of you anna and barron must suck and be complete n00bs. Do not make your opinion to a forum of mostly expierienced emperor ONLINE players and tell us it is right. You are just ignorant n00bs and have never gotten your ass whooped by an elite player, you're still trying to figure out how to break a computer AI defense :-[

You god*mn shut, i love anna, but im not anna you dum cunt.

And even you weaken their defence, there is still Kindjals atleast?

If you could manage to weaken your opponents defence and also have such a force of NIABs, then you've won already. But if your used the money to make NIABs to create an engineer drop or a group of mino instead, i'll say you'll win even more easily.

And you shut, I've been beaten by good players, but they don't use Guilds. And the ones who use Guilds is the one's i beat.

Why don't you quit arguing with a wall anna. Fact is that you suck so you cannot give a good opinion. I have been in top 5 of qm for the last 4-5 months now and a 1st place clan. I know what im fucking talking about alright!!If you knew more than me about this game, which is impossible, than i wouldnt argue against your point.


You're flat out fucking wrong ok?

Here is a scenario to help you out:


player A is on the defensive playing as Atreides with sardaukar and guild as subhouses. Player B is the attacker who is ordos with guild and fremen.he has 10 Niab tanks and both players have a nice steady economy.

Player A has a nice defense set up consisting of rocket and machine gun turrets,kindjal and Sard elites. Also a few drones.

Player B is thinking... He decides to launch an attack on player A. Player A sees the attack coming and gets prepared. Since he spent a whole bunch on base defense he had no room for a palace or the money. Not the money for a huge army either. Player B has invested everything he has on guild and a huge attack army. Player A sees this and brings out some of his base defense consisting of sard elites.


Player A has now moved all his army to the front, leaving a enterance unguarded. You sneak in some warriors and have them wait. You use aa mines to take out his drones,then drop a kobra or rwo by air and some Eits. you also have fedaykin in his base snuck in thrugh the side now and you take out the big rocket turrets using fedaykin because they are weak against infantry.(Be creative and think about other methods) snipe out any sard elites with fremen snipers and take out kindjal with them or fedaykin. Any vehicles coming will be handled by fedaykin,any infantry by the snipers and there main army is being occupied by mine.Now Guild can be transported in and kill all building fast.

now say this didnt work and they killed the feds,kobras and snipers. You both have decent economys, and you are using lasers to try and kill harvs. They get the job done but slow and he comes with mongeese and bikes and mino.use your duscouts and lasers for bikes and mongeese and take out those powerful minos with guild. Sard elites come so you nail them with your dustscouts and then keep on doing you job with niabs.take out his harvs.When hes running low on sards and when he moves some kindjal out to protect warp them in on a weak point he left in his base.

Man just dont be stupid, we know what we're talking about obviously you dont.

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elite, i love you ::) ::) ::) :O ::) ::)


That's funny ken, but I do agree that what elite says is good advice. I'm glad that he says things how they actually are, instead of making up some crap that he hasn't tested. ;)

Thanks, I'm glad someone here atleast thinks i know what im talking about.

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Dev_Mech, did you really change your name to that, or was it punishment?

anyway, Niab tanks are awesome. but, as with everything, they can be countered against. BUT, they are very fast, have self-repair, can foldspace, AND pack awesome firepower. even against inf they are alright...as they selfrepair.

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Dev_Mech, did you really change your name to that, or was it punishment?

anyway, Niab tanks are awesome. but, as with everything, they can be countered against. BUT, they are very fast, have self-repair, can foldspace, AND pack awesome firepower. even against inf they are alright...as they selfrepair.

I changed my name.

And although they do pack quite a punch, could self-repair, have tough armour, and can fold-space. But the requirements needed to build is just too much and also its ability doesn't match its high price tag.

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anna is dev_mech. well that explains a lot.

Anna if you understood about the pathfinding bugs in Emperor and the sluggishness of Atreides movements you would realize that the Guild can exploit the Hell out of both of those things. Guild is very much worth the price. I bet you think they are not worth the price because you are stupid enough at Emperor to get the Guild early on while your enemy makes good army and obliterates your Guild. They are very much worth the price if you know how to use them; if you think they aren't worth the price then you are doing something wrong.

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Well everythings has its own use and ability, same with people. Everyone has their own explanation, according to my experience, if you've done enough preparations, the NIAB's won't harm your base much.

But honestly, they do do a far better job as anti-tank unit than any other units (besides devastators and Sonics)

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Ok anyone who's bashing guild and saying they're worse than thelaxu...Play me or mendelbop and we will totally whoop you with guild!

I think it's absolutely unreal that anyone would pick the tilaxu over guild. That is a joke. Firstly, an NIAB kills a leech in 1 hit. Secondly, the NIAB's range is larger than the leech. Thirdly, the leech's shot can be dodged (while moving) and the NIAB's can't.

Me and mendelbop pretty much invented guild rushing (in qm anyway). It's not effective against unit rushers. It is very effective as a support unit in the late game, and against campers (which includes atreides by their very nature).

Most players go for a balance of units and defense. I build a fremen camp before a guild palace and make sure I sneak a few warriors in 'cause I know I might need them later. NIABs get in, take out all the targets they can, enemy retreats all his units to stop the NIABs, leaving everything else wide open. NIABs teleport into enemy spice field and destroy all harvesters. Of course, they are backed up by warriors so no sards, feds or other infantry can come close to stopping them.

Another scenario; the player expects guild and spends all his money ond D. Scouted ramps, turrets at every entrance and scattered around base, the works. NIABs go to spice field;D. I bleed his economy dry until he's bankrupt, which is when I move in with some regular units. Or I can rush him with normal units or worm him...the options are endless.

Seriously, though, anyone who things NAIBs are worthless, play me. I dare ya! My WOL is cnadntank.

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Well everythings has its own use and ability, same with people. Everyone has their own explanation, according to my experience, if you've done enough preparations, the NIAB's won't harm your base much.

But honestly, they do do a far better job as anti-tank unit than any other units (besides devastators and Sonics)

sonics suck big ass, if they are on they're own. same with devs, if someone uses their units right.

----------- >:( Timenn

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Well everythings has its own use and ability, same with people. Everyone has their own explanation, according to my experience, if you've done enough preparations, the NIAB's won't harm your base much.

But honestly, they do do a far better job as anti-tank unit than any other units (besides devastators and Sonics)

sonics suck big ass, if they are on they're own. same with devs, if someone uses their units right.

you're a dumbass

Well both is only a support unit, so that could be expected.

When it comes to the ultimate anti-tank unit, Sonics, Devastators, and Missiles rocks !! (they're in-order) Although both the Missile and Devastator could finish a Sonic of in one shot, but a Sonic has a similar fire power but a much better ROF, thats why i prefer Sonics more. (note: A Sonic could finish a Devastator in two shots, no other unit in the game could do so besides another devastator)

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5 ways to take out naibs that i use:

#1 first and foremost is to make an outpost (required necessity) and use advanced caryalls. I simply pick up the naibs, suiciding the carryall if i have to. good naib players will deploy, preventing pickup, but the problem is that i pick them up anywhere on the map, and no one can watch their naibs 100% of the time. If the naibs teleport in my base or around my spice, they are immobile, and i always have some adv carryalls around to grab them.

#2. sard elites. a sard elite owns naib. plain and simple. whenever i play an opponent making naib, i begin making my sard army very early.

#3. Fremen. they are farily decent, but naibs are still able to kill fremen much easier than a sard elite. 10 naibs could kill a group of 3-4 fremen easy with 1 shot. 10 naibs couldn't even kill 1 sard elite in a shot.

#4. Leeches. Ooo i love these things vs. naibs. put a couple in your base and leave them there. if naib teleport in, they will be "paused" for 3-4 seconds. This is enough time for 2 leeches to infect an entire squad of naibs. When infected, naibs cannot teleport. It is also very hard for naibs to kill these things. attack naibs with a bunch of sandbikes mixed in with some leeches or rush a few leeches at a naib group, if you are good, you will probably get some naibs infected.

#5. Laser tanks, trooper infantry, kindjal, harkonnen defense platforms- all good vs. naib.

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yes, projections are good too. i just dont use them. the methods above are the ones I use. I saw a lot of people slamming leeches. Problem is that few people have actually seen leeches being used skillfully. If you have 5 naib at 5 x 2000 = 10,000, and i have 10 leeches at 10 x 750 = 7500, I guarantee i will make your life much more painful than you will make my life.

if anyone wants to test this first hand, just page me, and I'll be happy to show you.

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ACLethal, about what you said that you can't dodge a NIAB fire. You can, since it the tank has to stop before it can shoots. And sometimes the NIAB Tank doesn't realize that the unit has already travelled a bit further, and shoots. I must say then, that dodging a leech larve is MUCH easier :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Timenn I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that. What I meant by dodging is that the NIAB's shot is instantaneous, whereas the leech spit thingie is a projectile that doesn't even home. Tlelaxu are support units, and lousy ones at that. NIABs are power-houses. If you think differenlty, anna_lover, you have my nickname.

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He wants too prove it on WOL then.

Ok, you're right it is impossible for a unit, which has to stop if it wants to fire and a range =< then the Niab Tank's, to dodge the 'thingy' if the NIAB hunts you.

But I think it can when you have 2 leeches, or another unit what can distract the NIAB

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