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1. I'm beginning to think you work for Blizzard.

2. So your saying it's NOT Ok for WestWood to do so, though? And again: the timing was just a coincidence?

4. That is the stupidest purpose in existence. To fit the icons in the box?! And it does not just prevent massing, it prevents building more than 12 of one unit. That is way below "massing".

5. Major, pointless annoyance, and bug, there's a difference?

6. RIIIIIGHT, all WestWood fans are n00bs. Just shut up.

7. Hmm, notice that crane on the conyard? What you possibly use a crane for? ::)

1.) Because I know the basics of how businesses work, and can actually see this issue from blizzard's perspective, and am not totally self-centered, it means I work for them??? Ok then...

2.) OMG, are you an idiot or what? YES it is ok for westwood to do that too. It is ok for any company to do that. It is when westwood abandons it's games two months after they are released when it starts to become a huge problem.

4.) Every heard of using group hot-keys? Or is that too complicated for you. It really isn't that hard...unless you are a total n00b and don't use unit groupings, which apparently you don't ::)

5.) It is NOT major, it is NOT POINTLESS. Why don't you listen for once damn it! It's like you just rewrite your original post without even THINKING about what I've said. Your such a selfish, ignorant fool, duke. And I'm fed up with it. Either you start actually LISTENING to what other people have to say, or you stfu, and admit that I'm right.

6.) I didn't say that. Here you go assuming things again ::). That seams to be the only way you can win an argument. Either exaggerate, pull a fact of your ass, missinterpret a post, or completely disregard what the other person has posted, and just copy and paste your original post ::). I SAID that WC3 has a higher learning curve than emperor. What in the world does that have to do with westwood fans being n00bs? Geez listen for once in your life, damn it!

7.) Yah, does the crane somehow throw the building across the map, right into it's foundation, or does the crane teleport to the building site. Maybe it has supersonic jet packs on it, and it moves so fast that you can't even see it. Grow up. ::)

I've got $10 that says duke can't respond to this post without...

A) saying anything about unit caps

B) missinterpreting an obvious statement I made

C) exaggerating the extremety of a problem

D) pulling a fact out of his ass

e) being completely oblivious to what I have just posted.

Start sendin' in the money boys.... ;D

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Leto, your not thinking corperately. Ok, they are holding off SCII until they get NEW technology for it, new graphics and new features. I'd rather wait 2-3 yrs for ScII and get an amazing game with all sorts of new technology, then have a sci-fi look-a-like of Wc3. Secondly, Blizzard has put millions of dollars into WoW and they cant just go cancelling it. And also, the reason they are doing this is to bring in a new wave of customers - the MMORPG players. This will ultimately lead to the greatly awaited ScII. Now, you say WW listens to their customers, i can go half way on that, thats for sure. But dont go saying Blizzard doesnt listen to theirs, cuz i have spoken to Blizzard employees, via chat, and they listened to me and my ideas. Also, as my last point, dont speak for the general public. Nobody think 'just-likeyou' so dont speak for someone else. Just think of it like this, every time you post a reply, replace "we" with "me" and "us" with "I" ::)

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1. I'm beginning to think you work for Blizzard.

2. So your saying it's NOT Ok for WestWood to do so, though? And again: the timing was just a coincidence?

4. That is the stupidest purpose in existence. To fit the icons in the box?! And it does not just prevent massing, it prevents building more than 12 of one unit. That is way below "massing".

5. Major, pointless annoyance, and bug, there's a difference?

6. RIIIIIGHT, all WestWood fans are n00bs. Just shut up.

7. Hmm, notice that crane on the conyard? What you possibly use a crane for? ::)

1.) Because I know the basics of how businesses work, and can actually see this issue from blizzard's perspective, and am not totally self-centered, it means I work for them??? Ok then...

2.) OMG, are you an idiot or what? YES it is ok for westwood to do that too. It is ok for any company to do that. It is when westwood abandons it's games two months after they are released when it starts to become a huge problem.

4.) Every heard of using group hot-keys? Or is that too complicated for you. It really isn't that hard...unless you are a total n00b and don't use unit groupings, which apparently you don't ::)

5.) It is NOT major, it is NOT POINTLESS. Why don't you listen for once damn it! It's like you just rewrite your original post without even THINKING about what I've said. Your such a selfish, ignorant fool, duke. And I'm fed up with it. Either you start actually LISTENING to what other people have to say, or you stfu, and admit that I'm right.

6.) I didn't say that. Here you go assuming things again ::). That seams to be the only way you can win an argument. Either exaggerate, pull a fact of my ass, missinterpret a post, or completely disregard what the other person has posted, and just copy and paste your original post ::). I SAID that WC3 has a higher learning curve than emperor. What in the world does that have to do with westwood fans being n00bs? Geez listen for once in your life, damn it!

7.) Yah, does the crane somehow throw the building across the map, right into it's foundation, or does the crane teleport to the building site. Maybe it has supersonic jet packs on it, and it moves so fast that you can't even see it. Grow up. ::)

I've got $10 that says duke can't respond to this post without...

A) saying anything about unit caps

B) missinterpreting an obvious statement I made

C) exaggerating the extremety of a problem

D) pulling a fact out of his ass

e) being completely oblivious to what I have just posted.

Start sendin' in the money boys.... ;D

Can i have your autograph? ;D

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OK, bite this.

1. You both work for Blizzard don't you? Why would producing a game 75+% of fans want cause them to lose money? Why would producing a game no one will want make money? Explain that to me. The consumers are the ones that matter, not the company vision. Reminds me of the book I'm reading, only instead of the "Erik Fisher Football Dream" it's the "Blizzard Entertainment WarCraft Dream". Nothing can get in the way of more WarCraft. Not the customers, not common sense, not polls, nothing.

2. You two are soooo concieted.

3. Graphics are not everything. A game can have the best graphics ever, but if the gameplay lacks, it will suck. Look at Force Commander.

4. "blizzforums.com" is not officail.

5. Akriku made a good point but you couldn't listen, could you Desert?

And Razorox, dis I complain about unit caps in there? No.

Did I distort what you said? No.

Did I exagerate the problem? No.

Whateveer you think "pulling a fact out of my *ss" is, a fact is a fact.

I paid close attentioon to what you posted. It was just all coporate nonsense.

Fork over my $10.

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Blizzard has put millions of dollars into WoW and they cant just go cancelling it.

Ummm, just to let you know, Blizzard DID cancel WoW, or so i heard

Yes they did. Once before. But they are going to stupidly forge ahead with it again.

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Nobody is going to buy Wow. I definatly ain't. I would rather have SC2 now rather than later when my computer won't run it and i'll have to pay $1000 for a new comp along with 50-60$ for SC2. What is going to happen is people are going to be so fed up waiting for SC2, that when it finnaly comes out, it is going to be like Black and White. It may be good, but nobody buys it because they Hate the company that made it for waiting so long.

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OK, bite this.

1. You both work for Blizzard don't you? Why would producing a game 75+% of fans want cause them to lose money? Why would producing a game no one will want make money? Explain that to me. The consumers are the ones that matter, not the company vision. Reminds me of the book I'm reading, only instead of the "Erik Fisher Football Dream" it's the "Blizzard Entertainment WarCraft Dream". Nothing can get in the way of more WarCraft. Not the customers, not common sense, not polls, nothing.

2. You two are soooo concieted.

3. Graphics are not everything. A game can have the best graphics ever, but if the gameplay lacks, it will suck. Look at Force Commander.

4. "blizzforums.com" is not officail.

5. Akriku made a good point but you couldn't listen, could you Desert?

And Razorox, dis I complain about unit caps in there? No.

Did I distort what you said? No.

Did I exagerate the problem? No.

Whateveer you think "pulling a fact out of my *ss" is, a fact is a fact.

I paid close attentioon to what you posted. It was just all coporate nonsense.

Fork over my $10.

OMG. You are such a blatant idiot. YOU DIDN'T EVEN RESPOND TO WHAT I WAS SAYING (that is obviously why you didn't quote it - trying to be a sneaky bastard >:(.) Where does graphics come into this ffs! I'm not even gonna respond to your gay comments (of which every single one is wrong - except about the forum, but I already gave you an official forum, or did you just set that aside cuz you didn't wanna hear it? ::)), since your the one who knows you were spewing bs out of your mouth, so he has to change the subject. OMG, try responding on topic next time fool. Or are you just scared of admitting you lost.

...And no doubt you will again bring up group caps, and bs like that again - completely ignoring everything i have posted. ::). Duke, grow up, and think outside the "me me me" circle ffs. Why don't you go and read nema's sig. You might learn something.

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OK, bite this.

1. You both work for Blizzard don't you? Why would producing a game 75+% of fans want cause them to lose money? Why would producing a game no one will want make money? Explain that to me. The consumers are the ones that matter, not the company vision. Reminds me of the book I'm reading, only instead of the "Erik Fisher Football Dream" it's the "Blizzard Entertainment WarCraft Dream". Nothing can get in the way of more WarCraft. Not the customers, not common sense, not polls, nothing.

2. You two are soooo concieted.

3. Graphics are not everything. A game can have the best graphics ever, but if the gameplay lacks, it will suck. Look at Force Commander.

4. "blizzforums.com" is not officail.

5. Akriku made a good point but you couldn't listen, could you Desert?

And Razorox, dis I complain about unit caps in there? No.

Did I distort what you said? No.

Did I exagerate the problem? No.

Whateveer you think "pulling a fact out of my *ss" is, a fact is a fact.

I paid close attentioon to what you posted. It was just all coporate nonsense.

Fork over my $10.

OMG. You are such a blatant idiot. YOU DIDN'T EVEN RESPOND TO WHAT I WAS SAYING. Where does graphics come into this ffs! I'm not even gonna respond to your gay comments (of which every single one is wrong - except about the forum, but I already gave you an official forum, or did you just set that aside cuz you didn't wanna hear it? ::)), since your the one who knows you were spewing bs out of your mouth, so he has to change the subject. OMG, try responding on topic next time fool. Or are you just scared of admitting you lost.

...And no doubt you will again bring up group caps, and bs like that again - completely ignoring everything i have posted. ::). Duke, grow up, and think outside the "me me me" circle ffs.

How can a comment be wrong when a comment is an opinion. And how is dukeleto thinking just about himself? It is true that over 75% of the fans would rather have a SC2 now rather than a SC 2 later and WoW now. And, how is a forum considered "official"? If it has the word Official in it?

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1. Razorox, that "gay" comment almost assures the dungening of this thread. I am NOT gay, but it's none of your business anyways, and discrimination of any type is not permitted at the Gobalopper FED2k Forums.

2. Forums are "Official" if they are either pointed to by the company, or hosted on the company website. For instance, WestWood has declared this the Official Emporer:BFD forum, another reason all this "anti-WestWood" cr*p is treading on thin ice.

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1. Razorox, that "gay" comment almost assures the dungening of this thread. I am NOT gay, but it's none of your business anyways, and discrimination of any type is not permitted at the Gobalopper FED2k Forums.

2. Forums are "Official" if they are either pointed to by the company, or hosted on the company website. For instance, WestWood has declared this the Official Emporer:BFD forum, another reason all this "anti-WestWood" cr*p is treading on thin ice.

It doesn't really matter anymore if this thread goes to Go'bs dungeon or is locked. You don't seam to know how to have an intelligent discussion anyway. And yes, I did point you to an OFFICIAL forum, why don't you wake up and small the coffee son. I like how you still havn't replied to the prior discussion cuz you know you are so wrong, yet you're so immature you could never admit it. When it all comes down to it...you're just an immature little boy, who cares about nothing and nobody but himself, and has his head so far up in the clouds, it'll get taken off by a 747 at any moment (Hey, I can hope ::))

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When it all comes down to it...you're just an immature little boy, who cares about nothing and nobody but himself, and has his head so far up in the clouds, it'll get taken off by a 747 at any moment (Hey, I can hope ::))

Says the whiny, hyperactive, Blizzard employee.

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When it all comes down to it...you're just an immature little boy, who cares about nothing and nobody but himself, and has his head so far up in the clouds, it'll get taken off by a 747 at any moment (Hey, I can hope ::))

Says the whiny, hyperactive, Blizzard employee.

Oh look...

duke calls me whiny - everyone in this forum knows that is HYPOCRITICAL, which is a very good describing word for you, considering just months ago you were totally anti-westwood, and pro-blizzaard.. About you pulling facts of your ass - you just called me a blizzard employee, which i certainly am not. About you distorting the truth, EVEN GOB JUST SAID YOU DID IT. WAKE UP DUKE. If after gob posted that, you can't see where I'm coming from when I say you're a deceiptful, exaggerating, truth-distorter, you seriously need to wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe once everyone in the world tells you, you might actually CONSIDER that you are the one that may be wrong...I've said it 3 times and I'll say it again...Duke, GROW UP.

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People call others immature yet the accusers keep the childish argument going and doesn't seem to want to stop. Hmm... ::)

Why would I want to stop an interesting discussion? I just want leto to get some maturity, and admit when he's wrong. And admit when he's being an ass. You have no place here acriku. I thought we'd settled this dispute long ago, but apparently you want to keep it going. Sounds a little hypocritical of what you are saying...

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No, I KNOW duke. He was NEVER EVER Anti-westwood. He always was anti-blizzard.

anti-blizzard? That's why one of his favourite games is starcraft eh? ::) Maybe you've known duke for the last couple months, but I've known him for over a year...(sadly enough)

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