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damn it i want an original version of RA 2 just so i can blow up the WTC and White House. since it is no longer on the market thanks to the Westwood/EA "Thought Police", who can get me a link to the copy? it's not warez because WW/EA don't sell it any more

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[off-topic, I know]

You win every damn war you're in because you never pick on someone your own size.

And let me make one thing clear: I hate the US. I hate my own country too. I hate ALL countries. They are nothing but pathetic reminders of our tribal past. We are ONE species. ONE people. DEATH TO THE NATION-STATE!

Yes! Our pro-imperial lodge in Bucharest works!



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We will never reach perfection. We can get closer and closer to it, but perfection is like the speed of light. Unattainable.

Of course this society will fall eventually. All societies do that in the end, and I think ours is long overdue for a fall.

Edit: And I meant what I said:

One species, one people. Death to the nation-state!

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A YEAR!!!! THEY ALL DIED IN 2 DAYS MAX! And maybe smart one, since we win any dam war we're in ( Except Vietnam, whicth was a bad mistake all together ) THATS why they pick us. Ever think about that? THOUGHT NOT. Dont go around dissing other peoples countrys, ESPICALY WHEN YOU DONT KNOW WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT!

That is one of the most stupid things I've heard. America only wins wars when they have allies. They may have the biggest army with expensive equipment but without European support they lose, I wonder why? Could it be because the US milatry is poorly trained especialy it's SEAL teams in comparason to other nations special forces. Anyway America was targeted because:

1) Centre of capitalism thefore making a tempiting target

2) Would get more support worldwide than attacking Europe

3) Lax security aboard planes

4) Any economic attack on America would affect the worlds economy

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Ok, me being a US citizen, I am greatly offended by all of your remarks. NO COUNTRY IS PERFECT.

Usul, our military is highly trained, and I bet even you couldn't get through Navy Seal Team bootcamp. Our academies laugh at you when you say they are poorly trained compared to European military, because frankly it's funny as hell. What do you base your allegations on? Emotion? Ignorance? Do tell. Also, America is brand new compared to Europeans, so why would you compare their military as if they had equal time and experience?

Also Usul, US isn't a humongous extremely powerful country, it needs allies, as every other country does. You think the UN would break off it's allies because it's soooo powerful? No, because the more allies the better.

Edric, I understand you are in a bad country, but that doesn't give you the right to insult every citizen in America because you are pissed off. Some people in America have it worse than you, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and break out of that anger shell.

I'll probably say more, but I got to go to work.


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How ironic, seeing as this is now the OFFICIAL WestWood Board for Emporer. Yes, they do watch it. Some people watch it for them. *Hint, Hint*

Well seeing how I get paid nothing to "watch" I could care less what people say about Westwood. As long as they aren't breaking any rules I haven't got a problem with it.

And Westwood rarely visits the site let alone the forums.

I wasn't saying YOU were their informant. They could be anyone...and perhaps they do it for free? If your not getting what I'm saying here...

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I may think Bush is a Bona-fide idiot: he is.

I may think Gore should be president: truthfully, he should be.

I may think all this "War on Iraq" thing is a bunch of sabre-rattling: Bush IS on an ego-trip.

And I may think this entire country is overreacting to September 11: NOT THAT many people died. Other countries are getting bombed into the ground on a daily basis. Take Isreal.

But I do NOT think our government is dysfunctional, let alone dictorial! Is that what the Commies really tell you people?! If you had BEEN to America, you would know what I mean. I just spent a month's vacation in Europe, and, excepting some places in Germany and Switzerland, it's a h*llhole compared to America. The crime rates in these countries are through the roof, there are beggers everywhere, and they are the most unsanitary places I have ever seen. And the train stations even charged to go to the bathroom! ::)

Overall, I think America is a great country, and I hope whatever backwards, third-world, communist country you people live in straigtens up some day. >:(


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Edric, I understand you are in a bad country, but that doesn't give you the right to insult every citizen in America because you are pissed off.

So we were saying about American arrogance... ::)

Acriku, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm lucky enough as it is. Those poor people in Africa are doing much worse than anyone here, or in America. I feel sorry for them, for the world!

Can't you see how evil countries are? WHY do we need to be divided? WHY do we need to be set against each other? WHY can't we be one global nation? Countries are the cause of wars, the cause of racism, the cause of intolerance. They must be dissolved.

Let there be One World Government!

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I just spent a month's vacation in Europe, and, excepting some places in Germany and Switzerland, it's a h*llhole compared to America. The crime rates in these countries are through the roof, there are beggers everywhere, and they are the most unsanitary places I have ever seen.

Look, have you been in every single country of Europe? And have you been in every town and city of those countries? The crime rate in America is WAY above that of most European countries, and as for sanitary, we just rip off the tourists that come to our countries ;) ;D.

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You see Leto, that's your problem: You keep thinking of different countries as if this division between them was a natural thing. It's not. I agree that some things are better in America, some are better in Europe, etc. So why don't we take the best points of everyone and create the global nation?

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Edric, I understand you are in a bad country, but that doesn't give you the right to insult every citizen in America because you are pissed off.

So we were saying about American arrogance... ::)

Acriku, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm lucky enough as it is. Those poor people in Africa are doing much worse than anyone here, or in America. I feel sorry for them, for the world!

Can't you see how evil countries are? WHY do we need to be divided? WHY do we need to be set against each other? WHY can't we be one global nation? Countries are the cause of wars, the cause of racism, the cause of intolerance. They must be dissolved.

Let there be One World Government!

Of what? Your precious terrorists? THAT's what we all need. ::)

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