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Ask Frank Klepacki


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Frank Klepacki has worked on games as early as 1990 and as recently as 2002. Has been credited with Music, Acting / Voiceovers, Sound and Playtesting. Has worked with the following game development companies: Westwood Studios, Intelligent Games, Ltd., Looking Glass Studios, Gremlin Interactive, Mind's Eye and Majesco Sales Inc..

Straight from http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,1950/

He did some of the stuff you do, make music for games, and also did other stuff.

I have a question:

Were any of the music you have made for TS or any game made before the game or were they purposely made for the game?

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Frank ,

I really enjoy listening the tracks. Good work.

Do you have any other productions that we can download ?

Do you have other dune music that was not released, that we can download ?

Thank you for the info.

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Ask him why there is only ONE song per House available during multiplayer games of Emperor and the Atreides music and Ordos music in multiplayer are both utterly horrendous!

Harkonennen have a huge inherent advantage in any multiplayer game of Emperor because they get to listen to cool music while everyone else is stuck with mind-numbing elevator music or in the case of the Ordos song, the most-detestable series of badly synthesized noise pollution I've ever had the misfortune of hearing in a game.

PLEASE ask him this.

There ARE  *several* GOOD tracks for all the Houses in Emperor, so why were the most horrible and unbearable music tracks selected as the exclusive music for multiplayer games?  If there had to be only ONE track per House, why not make it the BEST track in the game, or even a track that is tolerable to hear????

The Hark track is excellent in multiplayer, the rest are rage-inducing noise pollution despite the fact that there are many other tracks in the singleplayer Atreides and Ordos campaigns that could have been selected instead.

Please *do * send this this to Frank all these questions are 100% serious and after having played several thousand games of Emperor, I really would appreciate  knowing why I must be subjected to noise pollution or no music at all every time I play.

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