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I been on this mission for ages now I I can't get ne where. I've got a mass of gun turrets up and I can keep the attacks at bay but now my harvesers are coming under fire, I'm running outta mone, my starting units are all but dead and ne attack I do get wiped out before they even get near an enemy base.  >:( >:( >:( HELP!!!!!


why dont you set up a huge task force and send em slowly towards the enemy. Kill anything that comes to you while you move inch by inch to them. While your doing that, constantly construct new units to add to your force. Then when you are strong enough, seperate the force into 2 teams and attack the enemy from both of its entrances.


The problem is getting that giant task force in the beginning. I try to take the mercenaries heavy factory so they allie with me byt my units keep dying. ITS NOT FAIR!!!  >:( >:( >:(


Tried that. JUst as my engineers get close to the merc base. They get a shipment of units from their starport with combat and seige tanks that mutilate the engineers.


Just massacre the gun turret in the merc base, get the engineer nearby and if you see frigate approaching get engineer to safe distance and masscacre the merc units then get engi in factory.

For killing a base, build lot's of tanks and trikes and about 15 rocket troopers. Escort the troopers to base and have them kill the turrets then move in tanks and trikes.


I have to say all these are just aggresive strategys.

I would

Build your base slowly, buildings units at the start.

Don't build heaps of Rocket Turrets until you have heaps of money and units.

Slowly build up your units and bide your time.

When you have plenty of units. Leave some to defend your base, and split the rest into two groups.

Send the first group first. Make them a team. And get them all to target one unit at a time. Turrets first.

When you start losing units, send your second team in to help. The mass of new units will wipe out your enemy while they are occupied with the old ones.

Destroy them, and win.


But with no or next to no money coing in, i' being worn at by attrition. I'm not getting ne stronger. I've been this mission for over an hr now. Prob more like 2 (not including pauses).


Yes. And when you see enemies approaching, retreat your harvesters to your base until the attack is over. In the early beginning, you should rely on troopers to defend your base and maybe a couple of trikes do destroy siege tanks before they kill your troopers.


You have to start slowly. One harvester in the beginning and some troopers and light infantry. Build additional refineries later (it would cost to much to build a factory and build new harvesters that way).


I'm alright with one harvester but eventually one is not enough. Get two harvesters fine but still with two harvesters, any attempt to xpand gets pushed back. These tips are helping though.


Advice: try to capture at least one enemy structure when you destroy a base. Then you can build a refinery in it. (this will become handy as the spice near your original base will run out later in the game).


Easier said than done.

Unforntunately, due to hard disk limitations and dune 2000 taking up a tenth of it  :( , I have been forced to remove it  :'(. I've still got the saves so i'll complete it l8er.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This tactic has ALWAYS worked for me. I see no reason why it shouldn't work for you:

You see the left entrance with the infantry rock? Also the small left entrance down below it? Wall them off up to the top corner of the rock formation as soon as possible and position some siege tanks a few spaces behind the walls. Now with the spice that is in the bottom right corner, keep getting money and get high enough up the tech tree so you can produce carryalls, siege tanks, and rocket turrets. Place rocket turrets in groups of 3 at the top of the rock formation BEHIND the infantry rock, and position a siege tank behind the turrets. A repair pad would be in order now, and you should have some carryalls handy. Once the spice in the corner runs out, you'll have to mine outside of the base, which puts your harvesters in danger, but by now you should have a fairly solid defence. Watch your economy and your defence force, and you should be just fine.

Another thing to note: There is an Atreides base in the top left corner of the map. You can drop a deathhand in the corner and hopefully wipe out the high-tech factory to delay the airstrike, if you can get a palace, but by then you should already have an adequate air defence. Once your defence is solid, bring the battle to the enemy base. Self destructing Devastators next to turrets and walls really shatters the enemy defence. ;D


You should use the build order that I wrote in the "OMG you're all such newbies!!!" thread. With that build order you cannot fail if you build fast enough. Oh and you might want to get a barracks early cos the computer send their units in right at the start. Rocket troopers are very effective against their shitty little attacks.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I agree. But sometimes the AI sends two attacks at the same entrance simultaneously. So when your units try and attack the first group, the second group sneaks in. Thats why my defence only consists of a row of r-turrets with seige tnaks behind them.

  • 4 weeks later...

It seems that if you have a lot of harvesters, say 3 or more, the AI tends to attack them. So just stick to 2 harvester in the beginning. Should you use more than 2 harvesters, send troopers to defend them. They make a very good defense since only infantry, trikes ,siege tanks and sonics are a real threat to them and all of them, except the sonic, are not effective vs. harvesters, so you have enough time to retreat your harvesters.

  • 2 months later...

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