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President Obama

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So I guess your bank didn't get any of that bailout cash, eh? Maybe an executive bonus would change your perspective. ;)

Not every bank required TARP funds.  Some of the banks were actually forced to take it just so that the other banks could save face.  But in most of those cases, the banks quickly returned the funds.

And what's so totally cool is, you'll still be able to say that even if you lost your fancy home!

(Not that something like that is likely to happen to a CPA/corporate banker holy, I mean, high roller.)


Yes, even in that unlikely event, I

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Was gonna put this in the business tab, but thought trolling Obama would be funner.

Another Record Month of Red Ink: Government Racked Up Record Monthly Deficit Of $220 Billion in February

To put in perspective, Canada had record deficit of $55 billion in an entire year. $220 billion in a month for USA. You're screwed.

Good chart to show where budget money is being spent

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To put in perspective, Canada had record deficit of $55 billion in an entire year. $220 billion in a month for USA. You're screwed.

Despite this bleak reality, investors are still flocking to US treasuries in search of a

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Tea Baggers mock person with Parkinsons disease

Insightful video. Makes Americans look real bad. Throwing $ bills on a poor looking guy with parkinsons?

Last comment in video woman says health care bill will put small businesses out of work.

Can someone explain how that is possible? Don't small businesses go out of work attempting to pay for employees insurance? Or do small businesses offer no insurance to workers, and if health care bill passed, it increases taxes for small businesses (so worse off)? Although as far as I can tell the last woman is just restating what Republicans have been saying.

This whole Obama becoming president and Health care has brought out the crazies.

Anti Bush crazies had a good reason (wars/wiretaps/torture). Health care for everyone is a bad thing, as shown in Canada and Europe? As far as I know isn't the US government just offering affordable insurance? Private insurance is still available...

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OMG THE HEALTH BILL PASSED!! Socialism has arrived!

Historic U.S. health-care bill passes - CBC

I go to cnn website to see what they have to say and up front the main story is "baby killer shouted at democrat for passing health bill" video. Bunch of retards. How is the government offering insurance that the industry won't insure and those that can't afford insurance going to kill babies!? Oh wait the possibility of federal funded abortions... THAT'S Americas top priority? Ignore the 2 wars, bad economy. Won't someone think of the aborted babies funded by the feds?

How do these people get into office? shouting baby killer? LOL.

Welcome to the 20th century America.

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'Cause Baby Buh-Jebus gettem all angry when a fetus is aborted, dammit.

Of course, where are all those good "Christian" peoples when it comes time to raise and support all those babies that no one wanted? ::)

So ... can I move to Canada when I get tired of Japan? :P

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Wasn't asking you. When I want to hear you bark, I'll rattle your chain.

Too harsh and unneeded.

Rush Limbaugh said he'd leave USA if it passed. I'm sure all those people threatening to leave won't. and where would they go? Canada? Europe? They'd have a heart attack once they saw our socialized healthcare. And then they'd get treated for it at no cost other than paying taxes. :P

One part of this new bill is that effective immediately, insurance companies can not drop someone for getting sick. wtf? they could do that?

Imagine Microsoft clippy:

It appears you have gotten sick with an expensive illness. Would you like to cancel your insurance? Yes/No. You have selected No, thanks for cancelling your insurance.

Also good point about how this bill is bad: Insurance have been increasing rates by ~50% or more in recent years (so everyone says). And now in 2014 insurance will be mandatory. So 30 million people just got forced to be customers. So insurance industries will make more money.

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Heh, I find it amusing that 7 minutes after Obama signed the bill into law, 14 states filed lawsuits claiming that the law is unconstitutional.  Apparently, forcing someone to obtain healthcare insurance is considered infringing upon their rights.  Whereas it’s perfectly legal to allow people to go without expensive, on-going medical care when they can’t afford it.  With any luck, this bill will put an end to that moral dilemma.  At least it does in my humble opinion. :)

Good point. someone gets ill, they need expensive stuff or die. They can't afford it and so who gets stuck with bill?

If insurance mandatory and everyone gets it, then the illness covered (presumably). No worries for anyone.

But if it's mandatory and people use their constitutional law to not get insurance. And then they get sick and need $$$ treatment but can't afford it, should the hospitals/state refuse service knowing they can't pay it because they waived their right (being forced to get insurance), thus they get no treatment?

Would the person then argue it is their constitutional right to get treated even they they refused insurance and not have to pay for it?

I'm a bit wordy but understand what I'm getting at? Sounds like a mess.


now I'm thinking crazy. What if government secretly gave this person insurance, and then when he gets sick and can't pay for it the doctor says, no worries gov paid for your insurance already. Then the patient is like nooooooo I've been socialized!

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