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One of my all time favourites in the field of novels, movies or games "Dune" comes on the top list :). Dune has been an original idea of his coolness "Frank-Hrbert", never would he have thaught of his novels coming to life never would he have even dreamed of his work going so sucessful! His work isstill alive in the hearts of millions his hardwork shows his sucess and he deserves a lot of respect for what he has done. After reading his novels you feel you are living on arrakis but after seeing the movie based on the novel it becomes even better you feel you are one of them! Since being first released(Dune1) it has sold in millions of copies world-wide and loved by all those who play it, then came along Dune2, which has changed the entire image of dune because of the ordos being introduced and now there is more activity going on then just spice and wars! This has again been a mojor hit but as per gamespot or some other(dont remeber) its rating fell down...

Right after that began the work on Dune2000 the most awaited game in the history of dune! As soon as it was released people bought it like freaks the game play was also good including the graphics so dune2000 managed to take place in our hearts and for those of you who have not played it yet I recomend you to... Then came along the dune miniseries something very interesting indeed and something I liked the most execpt for "Children of dune" which I dont personally liked as it was a litle boring though the acting was good... Dune miniseries sure put up a lot of effort!

But then one thing really put be back from playing dune anymore that wa "FrankHerberts dune", something strange about that was that dune2000 had better graphics then that so it really made me demotivated to play it... But I dont care after all it is dune ;).

All this time many dune books have been released and each has been a hit an I have almost all the dune novels released upto now! But there is another problem or lets just say a compromise...that is Brainherbert was in my opinion not been able to keep the dune essence alive like Frank herbert his ideas were totally different from that of his father only a few elemants are comon..

Upto now dune has been maintaning its strong place in gaming or in movies but could it really keep up with the world could it really maintain the originality it has always displayed as I feel that we are slowly loosing the original idea that the novel had to give! The movies go more into love stories and the games go more into fighting rarely has there been a balace between the two of them!

Do you think dune would be able to survive or it would vanish like dust vanishes in the wind......



Well, first off, Frank's original hexalogy is an example of fine fiction prose, it can't just simply "vanish" (unless all copies get destroyed somehow). Talking about the movies and TV series, I think it's too early to judge if they will be preserved as fine examples of cinematography or will be committed to oblivion. Same for the games, although I think that Dune II will be remembered as the first RTS, whereas Dune 2000 is little more than a Red Alert clone.

  • 4 weeks later...

The saga of Dune will remain. As for the Lynch movie, it is saved by its cult status. The film itself was a horrid rape of the original novel and people would be outraged if it would come out now.

Dune 2 was the first RTS, and it has retained its status as such. However, just like Dune 2000, it's just not replayable enough to stay popular. I can see Emperor still turning some heads from time to time, but that's it.

The novels will live on. The rest will not.

Edit: Also, caps lock is cruise control for cool.


I'm still trying to figure out the time orientation....

The Mordern Era...that was before Frodo (well, actually, Gollum) threw the ring into the fire, right?


Once the Berg movie comes out, the Lynch will look like a classic.

The ORIGINAL books will live on. The ones written to pull the teats off ole Bessie MooMoo won't.


So far we don't know how the Berg movie will turn out. All we can do is wait to find out.

But the Lynch movie was 24 years ago. That's a whole generation that's gone by, without ever having seen this movie in a theatre, experiencing it as it was meant to be experienced. I consider myself fortunate to have seen it more than once in the theatre, as there were many things Lynch got absolutely spot on.

Of course there were a few things he got horribly wrong, but the main thing is that the movie got made.


Right after that began the work on Dune2000 the most awaited game in the history of dune! As soon as it was released people bought it like freaks the game play was also good including the graphics so dune2000 managed to take place in our hearts and for those of you who have not played it yet I recomend you to...

But then one thing really put be back from playing dune anymore that wa "FrankHerberts dune", something strange about that was that dune2000 had better graphics then that so it really made me demotivated to play it... But I dont care after all it is dune ;).

not only frank herbert's dune failed

dune2000 did too (for the big public atleast, like me), for the fans it was probably an enjoyable game.



OH, la la la! Let's prance about and spread rose petals of PC patience! Oh, let's WAIT AND SEE!

Let's not rush to conclusions! Surely it won't rain (on Arrakis, again?!) today; just wait, those dark clouds over there will blow away!


Yeah, right. While new information trickles in, you keep them rose-coloured glasses securely fastened to your head and wait for this "much more muscular time" Berg is promising. :D

The real question here should be how long the "Dune" brand name will survive this kind of crap:



I didn't know the Dune merchandise could be so numerous, bright and colourful!

I seriously hope the candies aren't really a real product in the market...


Merchandising - it's completely inappropriate for Dune! Anybody can see that! Leave that stuff to Star Wars and other mainstream SF!

(I mean, sweets in the shape of sandworms! ::))


Well, that's the whole secret of New Dune, no?

Kevin doesn't actually WRITE anything. He DICTATES and lets a secretary or assistant transcribe it, then he just checks and edits it. You ahve to wonder what kind a feel he really has for the written word, on the page. (Brian, naturally, still prefers pencil and long legal pads of paper. ::) )

  • 3 months later...

In my opinion the DUNE franchise is a very strong one.

I have no doubt it will survive the modern area, it will pass trends, it will resist the futility and utilitarian inclinations.

The Lynch movie was great.

Some DUNE games were really great too.

Now i can understand how the Lynch movie seems old and tired for the young people.

Miniseries have been a welcomed addition.

No DUNE adaptation will ever do justice to Frank Herbert.

Thus i can foresee each generation reappropriating and rediscovering DUNE trough the fresh look of new adaptations that will bring the DUNE tension and intervowen universe to the modernity.

So, until i have seen it, any DUNE adaptation is good.

Then, of course, once i have paid for it, i will discuss to death how bad it is ;)

But i suppose that's another story, the story of "good old days".

And, coincidently, "good old days" is actually a really DUNEsque theme.


I'm still trying to figure out the time orientation....

The Mordern Era...that was before Frodo (well, actually, Gollum) threw the ring into the fire, right?


Once the Berg movie comes out, the Lynch will look like a classic.

The ORIGINAL books will live on. The ones written to pull the teats off ole Bessie MooMoo won't.

LOL! And I thought I was he only one who actually went out of their way to find things like that to jest about! KUDO's!

(And you're right about the books... They, like truth and fact, can never vanish. They can be denied, ignored, hidden and even altered slightly, but the fact remains, as you state:


The ORIGINAL books will live on.

'Nuff said, huh?



My gawd, Stilgar, quick!

Lifesign in a non-gamer, non-Communist-Manifesto thread?! Hurry now, call out the sietch!


Yep...gotta find something to amuse myself with when I drop by, while I'm waiting for 'Newt to come back or e. e. cummings to bedazzle with further rummy-nations.

(You know, I just realized that the title of this thread isn't even a question...it's an exclamation.  ??? How green was my valley! How long the winter rains of yesteryear! How silly of me! Puts a WHO'E new twisty on it, don't it? ;) )

  • 2 months later...

Have to say i agree with the above, the original books are to SF what Lord 'o the Rings is to Fantasy , not going anywhere. i haven't read the Brian & Kevin books, and have to admit i am not really tempted, especially after reading all the praise directed their way. The games will live on forever in the odd person's cupboard. being brought out occassionally like a SNES with Duck Hunt; and the original Lynch film will be shown to younger generations by the previous, as i was introduced to it, then from me to my younger bro who loves it!

  • 1 month later...

Dune has many problems to survive because if you see the surface you will find:

-There is a lot of genetic--->link with the Third Reich

-Fremen--->Al Quaeda

And I must add that Dune is not politically correct!For these reasons Dune outside the book is famous for....the battles that in the book don't cover a lot of space!


Dune has many problems to survive because if you see the surface you will find:

-There is a lot of genetic--->link with the Third Reich

-Fremen--->Al Quaeda

And I must add that Dune is not politically correct!For these reasons Dune outside the book is famous for....the battles that in the book don't cover a lot of space!

You mean book/page space or outer space? ???


Yes, despite being a Jew himself (I read that in a discussion group over on Facebook), Franklin Patrick "Sig Heil!" Herbert, Jr was a longtime Nazi sympathizer who made repeated trips to Berlin to lay wreaths near the site of the bunker where Hilter died.

As for the Al Qa'ida connexion, this quote from his last Dune book shows that Herbert was a participant in the early planning stages of the terrorist group:

"I believe we have <b>our power BASE</b>, Logno."  Dama turned, noting that Logno had encroached at least two millimeters into the danger zone.  Logno saw it, too, and retreated.  <i>As close as you want in front where I can see you, Logno, but not behind my back.</i>

That contains a coded message; can you see it?

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