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a riddle


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I may set up a home in a cemetary, just to prove you wrong. I'll live in a building like a tomb and put a sign on the door saying "You don't have to be dead to live here, but it helps!" And I'll sit next to the gravestones and chat to the corpses that nobody visits anymore, and eat sandwiches under a big tree.

Seriously though, graveyards are nice places. Generally peaceful, quiet inhabitants, it's no wonder there are so many people there (note how I resisted the 'dying to get in' joke. It would have been painful).

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Ah, I was wondering if he was correct, it seemed so. I take it ten men could not lift it because it would pop?

Here's mine then:

"Who Am I?

God made Adam out of dust,

But thought it best to make me first;

So I was made before the man

According to the Lord's Holy Plan.

My whole body God made complete,

Without arms or hands or feet.

My ways and acts did the Lord control,

But in my body He placed no soul.

A living being I became,

And Adam gave to me a name.

Then from his presence I withdrew,

For this man Adam I never knew.

All my maker's laws I do obey,

And from these laws I never stray.

Thousands of miles I go in fear,

But seldom on the earth appear.

Later, for a purpose the Lord did see,

He placed a soul in me.

But that soul of mine the Lord did claim,

And from me took it back again.

And when this soul from me had fled,

I was the same as when first made;

Without arms,legs, feet, or soul,

I travel on from pole to pole.

My labors are from day to night,

And to fallen men I bring great light.

No right nor wrong can I conceive,

The bible and its teachings I can't believe.

The fear of death does not trouble me,

Pure happiness I will never see.

Up in Heaven I can never go,

Nor in the grave or Hell below.

So get your Bible and read with care,

You'll find my name recorded there.

The answer is one word, and appears only four times in the King James Version of the Bible. "

I changed it a bit to fit the answer more accurately (some of the people posting it online apparently add their own versions and make it more complex and inaccurate).

I will accept synonyms of the answer, as well.

Don't google it!  >:(  ;D

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"Made before the man," made before Adam in the biblical timeline. But then just about everything was so that's not much help. "Thousands of miles I go in fear, but seldom on the Earth appear," this implies that it is occasionally seen on earth, so things like sunlight wouldn't be an option. "From Pole to Pole" does this imply constant travel or linear journeys from North to South and back again? "My labours are from day to night, to fallen men I bring great light," so, this thing is only active (or perceptable) during the day, perhaps. Would fallen be meaning 'evil' or 'dying,' I wonder?

Obeys the laws of the maker without question, and was made by god, yet cannot concieve of right or wrong and cannot believe in the Bible (though this does not necessarily mean that it does not follow the rules therein). Will never see Hell, Heaven, Happiness or inside a grave. Which presumably indicates immortality. Or that the subject was never alive to begin with.

So, something constantly moving, loyal but not faithful, once had a soul but now without, devoid of arms, hands or feet, probably immortal, once known to Adam but then withdrew... Hmm. I suspect I might have a better idea if I knew more about religion. Perhaps one of the angels... No hands or feet does not indicate no head or wings. Fallen men... Hmm.

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