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I Think it`s best to go as sniper, cause you

make less noise.Any way it`s two hard badges to acheive(?).

Is there any one who can give a short tutorial about aiming ?

I can stand nearly so close I can smell the breath of my opponent, and fire at him but he kill me first. I thow my self down on ground reght click, and see his un shaven beard, and emptying my magasin (At his torso /head), but still he kill me ?

I look you up on Sunday then  ::)hottie.

and Gunny, I would like to apply for an appointment for TS? 8)


I might add that when you "unload" on a guy, you're increasing the spread of the rounds to the point of hitting everything but the guy. Sometimes you'll get him out of sheer probability, but I wouldn't count on that. What I do, and I can tell you how to practice this as well, is to tap the mouse, not hold it down to shoot. Tap it quickly and accurately in the higher portion of the guy. If you do this, you conserve your ammo, fire more accurate shots, and kill the guy quickly and before he can kill you. There's a caveat in this, though. Sometimes, when you're tapping it just takes too long. You can try tapping very quickly, but your accuracy might be affected. It's up to experience to teach you when to tap or when to unload. If you're close enough, unloading might be better because it's faster.

Note: take a look at your crosshairs. The more they widen, the bigger the hit circle is and less chance you are hitting the guy. If you can, go prone or crouch before you shoot, and the circle will stay close. If you do it after you shoot, then it's of no use. So do it first!

Being a sniper has its advantages, especially if you want to go silenced and camouflaged. But, it has little armor compared to assault or anti-tank. I would say the best kit to use is medic because you have decent armor, and you have the ability to heal yourself after every encounter. Otherwise, you're stuck relying on others to heal you.

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We've all asked that question at one point or another. Hit the number corresponding to your gun after it is equipped to change the firing rate (default: 3) and hit it again to go back. It's useful in going semi when you're sniping people with a carbine ;-)

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Just be careful of close quarters where spraying might be a better option (so many times have I died going into a building with semi auto on without knowing, and having to tap furiously while the other guy just sprays without effort [or accuracy]).

Is it just me, or have people been using GLs a little excessively lately? It's so annoying to see a guy come around a corner and wham! me with a GL every time I see him. I don't think he even used his rifle that round. If there was a GL medal I would understand  ::)

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I agree, I like the F2000 a lot better, but I'm usually auto-switched to INSURGENTS, so I'm used to the ak. I recently played a round with a medic, and damn I forgot how easy it was to rack points. The gun isn't that bad either (the L851 that is).

I use gun's server, but lately I've been forgetting to get on there first.

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I was thinking on how strike at Karkand could be improved earlier today. I came up with one way so far, if you could use the SF weapons like the zip-line and grappling hook on that map that would be awesome. Think of bieing able to scale all and any of those buildings on that map, and zip-line across in some areas that would rock.  ;D

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well here it is my question !!

I`m on wake and I am USA..(blue names), I found a warrior that were red and enemy, I shoot with my shotgun, kills him and get a TK for it. :O

I get shot my self and re spawnig at the same flag.

I run around the building and found a guy half way through the wall ::),lying.He was red too and I shoot him, and gets another TK.

How can that happend and how  the h... could he look through the wall.(he was shooting at someone).

I know the server can be a litle late updating during game ,

but here I did`nt kill any of my mates.


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Ah cybo, your behind on fashion. Been there, done that, that is so last year. 8)

I did that a while ago. Someone in red, on Karkand, hanging around our spawn point. A sniper he was. I was very quick, saved all my buddies from imminent death, the fools. Letting a sniper get in amongst, like, 6 of us !? WTF ? Well, I watched for a while, he didnt do nothing, so I thought...hmmm....and shot him dead.

Well I am not a big thinker, see ? And guess what ? I got a team kill. What a beach. Well, we both spawn there again. So I hesitate this time. I am a quick learner, if not a big thinker ;). To me, his name is in red, like enemy, to him, I am enemy. To everyone else on our side, we are both friendly.

This has happened maybe 4-5 times now. I figured it only happened to me, as no one else mentioned it. Now everytime it happens to me, I tell the other guy not to shoot. I explain whats going on, and we run from each other quickly. Maybe its server messing up somewhere, but no idea where. Maybe rejoining server would work (not always guaranteed to get back in) or maybe recreate sqaud...dunno.

Will investigate when chances are presented.

Good to know its not just me causing this.

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Yes your correct there is a little bug that causes a teamate when first spawned for a sec to be seen as the enemy, however, the new patch due out anyday now will have that fixed as well.  I too hae shot many teamates that way, but hey he was showing as red so, really not my fault.  ;)

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Well if it was meant to, it didnt.

Some day soon I WILL reinstall. Honest. I still suffer choppy sound.

i turned off Cool 'n' Quiet as my cpu was over heating and so was being slowed down to keep it in tolerance levels. That caused lag. No more taking off the side covers just to play BF2 ;)

Fry CPU, FRY !  :P

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I dont get it offline. Strange. I was amazed to see how quickly the radio guy says everything. Its like he speaks quick, but when its choppy, it takes twice as long to say. Real annoying when someone decides to "spot" and enemy unit 10 times to emphasize the danger or something. For a while, all I can hear is "En En em em y y  u u nits nits are are  on on  t he t he  mo ve  mo ve" (<== Thats one of them, then repeat within that 2 more !).


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Erjin's problem sounds far worse than mine. I occasionally get my problem on Mashtuur City. Heck, it's the map whereby it happens most often, and even then it's only noticeable when the battle has ended and they indicate which side had won. So if you hear the occasionally "We're losing this battle" message it drags on a bit, but it doesn't get as bad as twice as long.

Sound card problem?

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hehe, I will work harder on other peoples problems then my own ! I just can be bothered.  ::)

I use onboard sound, although it is a creative chip (live24 something) so I can tell it is not software offloading processing onto CPU.

I will lower graphics and see if that helps. But I never get graphics lag, all of my lag is from high ping (american servers).

I guess I am waiting to see if the new patch does anything.

Got a promo coming up !

Might get support weapon, been usuing support a lot lately, its nice if you prone.

Yesterday was Erjin Medal Day. I got like 4 medals I think, advanced medic, basic aerial and some others. Man, ever game I could hear drum rolls and "you you  ha ha ve ve bee bee n n rec rec omm omm end end ded ded  f-or f-or  a-a pro.." well you get the idea !  ;D

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Yeah, I got the same thing, a little strange but hey, I'm certainly not complaining. If you need suggestions for what to spend those unlocks on, I'd recommend the MP7 (half-life 2 gun) and the SAS support weapon, both of them make their respective classes actually useful in a firefight. The SAS support weapon combines accuracy with sustained firepower, you can shoot almost an entire hundred round clip before overheating and the MP7 is a powerful mid-range weapon for engineers, I like it because of its versatility, you don't need to switch to a pistol for ranged combat and it shoots fast enough for close range combat, although don

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