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Overrated games


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Truly overrated game could be Baldur's Gate, especially BG2 and all stuff based on its primitive engine.

Seize that man! He infiltrated our Fantasy Geek Bastion ;) Both Baldurs Gate games were brilliant IMHO. ;D To each his own though.
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overrated: dune2k  (i did not hear anyone about this!?)

overrated: Tiberian Sun (C&C)

overrated: HL Blue Shift

overrated: Unreal 2004, 2003

In general i find games overrated because most reviewers look at the looks of a game, instead of looking at it as a whole. Like i would say gameplay has at least 40% of a total in importance. Perhaps even 60%! I don't care when a game is not that polished on the gfx side, but when it plays good it is good. Personally i find HL a good game. I am eagerly waiting for HL2.

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Didn't Dune2k got all kinds of bad reviews?

Or was that after dozens of people had bought the game?

You know that reviewers can't be really accurate, since they can't test the game for playing hours (and that it still is fun) But anyway, most reviews are bad. Unofficial reviews are often better though, but can be extremely biased...

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Well, this forum might give you a false view indeed. The only people you see on the Dune 2000 board are the people who liked the game. Other people don't feel like coming there. And Dune 2000 is rarely discussed outside that forum (Emperor is more a issue) and when it is spoken of, it is often only for comparing it with other games.

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I dunno. Overall it was not overrated at all. Only on the boards here. But you can find that on any board ofcourse. Emperor boards too. The only game i know where the community is not overrating the game is warcraft 3. On the battle.net forums people constantly whine about why the game is so bad,  yet they keep playing.

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Me? Well... that's my business ;D. I was trying to make the point that people rave about Halo so much that it seems (and yes, some people have actually said this) that they do reach some massive orgasmic experience playing it. Cool. It's just not that good.

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Seize that man! He infiltrated our Fantasy Geek Bastion ;) Both Baldurs Gate games were brilliant IMHO. ;D To each his own though.

I totaly agree! The Baldurs were never ovverated, the games are cool. But with them it's kinda familiar to the Dune movies - it's superb for fantasy fans, but crap for, let's say, Diablo II style rpg players.

So prepare to feel the sting of Lolth, iblith!.

Well Halo isn't ovverated. It IS good, very good. I mean it's simplicity makes it cool. No orgasm though  :P

The only games ovverated now are Doom III and HL2  ;)

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Make no mistake when ever I joined these boards I had no intention of saying that Warcraft 3 is better than Emperor I just think they stand on equal ground in my oppinion, besides what kind of loser joins a community just so he can bash a game that the rest of the community loves? (not saying I was bashing Emperor just making an observation) Which I must also add in  I am real glad I found these boards ever since Westwood dropped the ones on their site, I get to reminesce about the fun I had playing the game, albeit in single player but if I ever get the chance to reinstall the game that might change, don't know if multiplayer would be worth it now though.

On to the topic at hand, though I may get steam for this, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge are overatted games in my oppinion, mainly because they killed the serious atmoshpere of the previous installation and it was simply a mad dash for lots of tanks to kill the enemy, though some strategy could be found.

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If I said that Warcraft III was better than Emperor, could I get away with it? ;)

Though, to justify myself, Starcraft, Warcraft III, Emperor: BFD, and Command & Conquer: Generals are the best strategy games of all time. Two Blizzard and two Westwood. See, I'm fair.

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Talking about what's strategic, I'd say I know but a couple of games: The Cossacks series and Total War series. Westwood or Blizzard RTS's are more action that strategic. A game that shows you the battlefield from above and allows to build units, doesn't mean it's very real and strategic.

Make tactical move with cavalry, time and position correctly your artilery, fight battles of 4k VS 4k. maintain the morale of troops, prevent desertion, use recource for gunpowder and pay money to the mercenaries. That's startegic  ;) Cossacks and Total War have it all.

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