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Dirty Chevron Tricks


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Before your atreides ally starts his attack on the enemy... break alliance with him and then send 25 cheap infantry to one of his minos to give him a level 3 mino...or spread them out so he gets five level 1 minos...  it will greatly enhance his army.  Then ally back fast with him.  if he puts a repair on that level 3 mino grouped with the other minos... the enemy is gonna have a hard time.

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Dawg posted this ages ago. Why is this cheap when, say, harvester dropping isn't?

well harvester dropping is a part of the game, its UR unit and u can do with it what ever u want, but  killing ur alies troops i find very cheap.

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Before your atreides ally starts his attack on the enemy... break alliance with him and then send 25 cheap infantry to one of his minos to give him a level 3 mino...or spread them out so he gets five level 1 minos...

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  • 3 weeks later...

how about a quick way to train vet units? send your ally a bunch of scouts and have his one sniper  kill them all till he is lvl 3 then send him in to train.

thats dirty too.... just another reason why I don't like to play with or against Atr. ;D

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