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The Dogs of War


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General Shin was inspecting the new ships at the shipyard. Suddendly a messenger from the lord came running towards him.

"Orders from the Lord!" announced the messenger.

General Shin and his guards knelt to receive the message.

"General Shin, you shall take 5 of our fastest destoryers and head towards Helsinki at full speed. Your orders are to scout on the situation there, and provide any help to the KYA Empire if necessary."

The 5 destoryers would arrive at 2 posts time.

Fleet rebuilding 25%, 20% per post.

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The skys flashed and the craft shook as it began the decent down from hyperspace.

"Ok, and we are coming out of hyperspace in 3...2...1...mark." On the last word of the captains, the crafts shook violently as they slowed down from flying at reletavistic speeds, to flying at a very fast sub-light speed.

Both Numenorian scout craft slowed down at the same time, and as both captains muttered: "Holy Shit!"

The scouts had accidentally dropped right into the middle of a battle! While their sensors told them that they were indeed near KYA, they had stopped right on the outset of a great asteroid field. In front of them, many craft bearing laser weapons were streaming out from behind the asteroids, while behind them, an even larger fleet blasted back towards the asteroids with high powered weapons.

"Turn around, get oukt of here!!" Scout one shouted, "I'll cover your escape!"

At this command, Scout 2 exucuted a quick spin, and punched in the hyperspace engines, rocketing him away from the battle.

"Good, he is gone, now I can make my escape." Scout one said, but as he dropped into his spin, he was hit with a stray laser bolt.

"SHIT!" He exclaimed, while looking around. After a min of searching, he determined that he still had a little bit of power, but not enough to power his engines. As he sat pondering what to do, his craft started leaking. After checking his insturments again, he noted that his life support system was leaking, and he would be out of air in about 30 min, 60 if he was lucky.

Realizing he had no other choice, he got on his radio:

"Mayday mayday, this is Numenorian scout number 214. I have been hit by crossfire, requesting assistance."

Realising that this message might not be enough, and needing added incentive to get rescued, he decided to take a risk:

Repeat, this is Numenorian Scout 214, piloted by the High Prince of Numenor, Aromon, requesting assistance."

He knew that many people would just as soon kill a prince as save one, or that if he was saved there was a chance that he would be held hostage, as royal blood so often is, but it was a chance he was willing to take....

(Prince Aroman dies from asphyxiation in the center of the KYA battle in 2 posts, if no one saves, kills, or captures him before then)

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...The microprojector clicked on.It showed several planets revolving around a large sun.

"Well?" Larsen demanded,not seeing anything of interest.The aide zoomed closer to a planet which Larsen hadn't noticed.Probably because it was changing colors every five seconds.First it was a deep blood red.Then,and almost black purple.Then a deep navy.Larsen's eyes opened wide,and he enquired to the aide,"What does this mean?"

"The Pegasus landed on this.They thought it was a gas planet,but they detected solid rock underneath the gas.And when they landed, they found...THIS,"the aide pressed a button and the screen turned to the planets surface.Hulks of rusting metal stuck up out of the ground.Giant craters littered the surface.Skeletons lay dead on the red ground.

"Dear God...Its Mars..."Larsen muttered.

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The Scandinavia were still heading towards the KYA, and now the Vikings had begun readying their mother ship for battle, as well as enlarging their fleet

Armed forces

10 million men.

The Scandinavia (25% battle ready, rising at 25% each post)

25 Longship cruisers (5 more underway, one will be ready each post)

40 Raider destroyers (10 more underway, 2 will be ready each post)

100 Axe fighters (50 more under way, 10 will be ready each post)

The entire Viking faction will be in the Helsinki system in 4 posts, to fight for the sheer joy and beauty of the fighting

Message to the KYA

[hide]Hail, lord of the KYA, I am Ragnar lord of the Vikings and the Scandinavia, we have heard of your war, and we will come to your aid, to fight and die alongside you, all the for the glory of mankind.[/hide]

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The 5 Arbalest Class Destoryers warps out of the hyperspace.

"How long until the warp-drives are recharged?" asked the General.

"An hour, then we would reach Helsinki."

"Contact Helsinki. All ships, maintain Condition D, warp scout drones to asteroid belt."

Small warp gates, at the size of a truck, opened in front of the destoryers. The scout drones moves through these white swirls...a millisecond later, they appeared at the battlefield.

"Are there anything of intrest?"

"No sir. We only know that KYA had engaged the unknown fleet, and the situation is not favouring either side." report one of the officers, "Incoming signal from probe 2, it's a distress signal."

"Play it."


"Launch all Gladius fighters. Arbalest 2, Arbalest 4, open warp gate, and warp them to that Numenorian scout." order the General, after hearing the distress.

"But commander, that would halt us for another half an hour! Also, the Lord only ordered us to help the KYA Empire..."

"But he also said to open trade route by all means. Transmit the command to all ships."

Thorin Task Force:

5 Arbalest destoryers

10 Gladius fighters, 2 on each destoryer

The 10 fighters would arrive at the scout in the next post.

The 5 destoryers would arrive at 2 posts later

Fleet rebuilding 55%, 20% per post.

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The Persphone fired its constant sheet of fire towards the enemy carrier. Thrusting out of its hiding spot withen in a massive asteroid. Two Destoyer class ships the Hegonomi and the Gamma apeared beside it firing at the massive yellow carrier.

It returned fire spitting out purple sheets towards the Battle ship. XLX rockets raced from the Destoyers hull. Impacting like a stone droped on calm water it sent rippels through the crafts shields. The Battleship Persphone fired its main cannon about the size of a house it slammed through the Carriers shields. A massive explosion filled the space around the impact. The Carrier itself begain to spin. Photon torpedos begain impacting the Carrier in its engines. Its shields flickerd back to life. But it was to late. The Carrier begain to lurch explosions blossemed from its hull outward it caotic displays of light and destruction. The world was coming to and end for the massive ballon like carrier.

"This is this is Numenorian Scout 214, piloted by the High Prince of Numenor, Aromon, requesting assis-" The call came across Sharpies Fighter comm system full of static and distortion but still audible.

He banked his fighter and locked out the source of the transmissions into his computer. Switched his lasers to full power.

But stoped short of firing the ships confiruation was different then the Tolneps. He pulled his fighter infront of the Numeroioun scouts cockpit.

"Who are you?" He radiod the scout ship.

"Princh Numenor, of Armon. We heard your cry of distress and sent two scout ships to investigate. My other ship managed to get away. But i was hit by a stray bolt. I only have 34 minutes of air left."

"Who do you work for the Tolneps?"

"No we never heard of them before the Teri sector is far away."

"Eject your cockpit from the scout and i will tow you back to base."

A moment later the cockpit of the scout ejected and drifted upwards. Sharpie caught it under the cockpit of his fighter and locked the clamps.

He turned and put it to full burn. Trying to reach the Gemini the Valkery Carrier.

He made use of the rocks for cover. Dodging enemy lasers and missels alike.

He pulled from the asteriod belt only to witness a massive battle being played out. 5 KYA destoyers and 3 crusiers were slugging it out with 4 Tolnep Battleships. Missels and torpedos raced out at a near blinding rate.

"Valk one to all valks. Suport the birds in sector 114." He clicked the comm out. two sqaudrons of Enemy fighters were harrasing the KYA ships. Only a half depleated sqaudron of KYA fighters were holding them off the Minatars.

Sharpie dove the fighter towards the battle. The battle was soundless but very demanidng in its voice. Sharpie couldnt leave his fellow ships to get smashed by two sqaurdons of Tolnep fighters. Screw the prince.

He targeted one of the fighter bomber combo ships that the Tolneps were useing and opened fire. A constant stream of red lasers flashed across the fighter bombers hull before engulfing it in flames.

His ship shook with force and he rolled to the left and enemy fighter racing through the spot he was a moment before.

He switched to Concussion missels and fired his last remaining missel. The fighter swirved and danced to avoid the missel but couldnt out juke the primitive infered system that the concussion missels used. The fighter went up in flames.

One of the Destoyers was taking a heavy beating. Fire was beginning to burn across its hull. Its engines had failed. But it contineud to fire.

Another massive hit on the destryer throwing nearly a qourter of it into space. You could watch the boddies being ripped out of the ship in the vacume.

Escape pods begain launching from the Destoyer. And the firing stopped.

"Dear godd." Sharpie breathed in disbelive.

The Destoyer resumed firing. But in the wrong dirrection. Every wepaon that would work was firing behind the destoyer. And slowly, verly slowly the destoyer begain moving fowards towards one of the battle ships.

More hits impacted the destoyer. Explosions filled the destoyer. Its reactor was surely going critical but it kept going relying on resever power and battiers to fire its weapons.

The Battleship tried to move out of the way. but the Y shiapped ship couldnt move fast enough. The ships met tip to tip. Explosions raced through the destoyer as it begain to explode. The impact had nocked the Battleships engines off line. The ships continued to push through each other exlposions blowing off whole decks with seeming ease.

A white light filled the sky. The reacotr on the Destoyer had been detonated. Radition leaked at a incredible rate thorugh the battleship.

Both ships or what looked now like a incredible deformed ship begain drifting. Attracted by the gravity wells that the asteriod field presented. The 4 remaining ships in the Valkery sqaudron apeared on his scanners.

"Surport our big ships get the flys off our backs. I gotta deliver the egg to the nest" With that he pushed it to full throtle and raced towards the Gemini.

The battle was going well for KYA, they had lost 8 destoyers, and 3 crusiers and 1/5 of their fighters.

The Tolneps had lost 14 destoyers 9 crusiers, a battleshipo and a carrier.

They begain withrdawing there fleet to the gas giant behind the asteroid field for regrouping. They still outnumberdd the KYA 2 to one

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The Gladius fighters warped into the battlefield, only finding the wreckage of the scout.

"Arrow 5 to arrow leader, the cockpit's missing."

"Arrow Leader to arrows, search for the target. Arrow 6-10, head for the unknown fleet. You're to search for the target and identify the enemy. Do not engage unless fired upon, or the target is in their hands. Arrow 2-4, follow me."

Soon transmittion came from Arrow 5-10.

"Arrow 6 to Arrow Leader, the unknown enemy is confirmed to be the Tolnep Fleet. We still haven't see the target, but we're now engaging with their fighters."

"Arrow 5-10, return to squadron after splashing the fighters. Abandon the search."

"Arrow 2 to arrow leader, target sighted! It's currently being tugged by a KYA fighter."

"Arrow leader to all arrows, get to the tail of the target in formation, but do not engage."

Message to KYA pilot:

[hide]This is arrow leader of the arrow squadorn of House Thorin. We are ordered to retrive the scout and assist KYA in the battle. Please detach the cockpit, we would take care of it.[/hide]

Message to KYA:

[hide]This is General Shin of House Thorin. I'm ordered by my Lord to assist KYA in this battle. We're about to warp to combat sector, please assign coordinates so that we could be put to full use in the battle.[/hide]

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"What do you mean you dont know where my son is!!??" Bellowed King Aramir, at the stricken pilot who had just arrived from his scout mission.

"I..I dont know sire. We dropped out of hyperspace and engaged our scanners, and found ourselves in the middle of a quite a large battle. We observed for a few seconds, and discerned what was happening, and then he ordered me to get away from the battle and come back here with our report. I turned my ship around, and on my screens, I saw him doing the same thing, but then I lost sight of him as I powered up my hyperspace drive. I dropped out of hyperspace right outside of the Agmar belt, like we agreed, but he was not with me. I tried to turn around to go back and look for him, but my hyperspace engines overheated right after my jump, so I came back to report."

"You dont know. You were the last person to have seen my son, and the best thing you can tell me is that you DONT KNOW!"

"Y..Yes sire, I am sorry." Said the scout, as he bent to his knees in a bow to the King.

"Get up." Scolded the King. "How are you to lead the rescue forces if you are sitting on your knees?"

The Scout looked up with tears in his eyes, and saw the a kindly old face leaning above him, with a hand reached out to help him up.

"Now," The King said, "Just how big of a battle was this?"

"Huge, sire, there were hundreds of ships involved, and more coming in as we left. There were ships of all sizes there, including a very large ship that our scanners picked up. It had not reached the fray yet, but it was incoming. It seemed to be the size of an entire world."

"Well, it seems as if our military stockpiling may prove useful. Hundreds of ships in battle is never a good thing, luckily, our combined fleets number over 14,000 total ships now."

"14,000!" The Scout said in awe, "But I only knew of about 3,000 in our fleet.!"

"Yes, I know. My ancestors and I have been stockpiling military forces for ages. BUt we did not want out military to grow to large to the point that it would fall apart from internal pressure, so therfore, we split the fleets up. we now have 3 total fleets, with a grand total of 14,736 ships, and an Army and Marine force of 42 million men. If our reports are to be believed, we are the largest standing military force in the galaxy right now. But only certain people know of the true might of our forces. This is coded Top Secret. Revealing this information is punishable by death. I have trusted you with information vital to the survival of the Numenor Empire, I will be assured that my trust has not been misplaced.."

The King arched his eyebrows and gave a withering look towards the scout.

"Yes Sire, er, I mean No Sire, er. You can count on me Sire!" Said the scout, beaming with pride.

"Good," said the King. "Now, as you were being brought to me, I ordered the mobilization of a rescue group. This group also has the capability to be used as a strike group, and if you see that someone has killed, or will cause my son harm, I want you to elliminate them. You have control of 100 vessels, and 200 marines, use them well, Captain." With the emphisis on the word "captain" the King turned and walked away, back towards his throne room.

The new captain ran down the Halls to the main hangers, where he found major parts of his force ready to leave.

Task Group Royal Fire arrives at the KYA battle in 3 posts.

Royal Fire consists of:

10 Lance Frigettes

30 Dagger class corvettes

40 Heavy Fighters

20 Heavy Gunships

(OOC I know that 14,000 is a huge number of ships, but while I have lots of good ships, I dont have many large ships. I have a few destroyers and cruisers, but not even one battleship class ship. Almost all of my ships are small, so dont worry, I dont have that much of an uber fleet, yet ;) )

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"Sir,our sensors are picking up a battle...A-" The navigations officer said in a nervous voice to Captain Kenzi,but was cut short.

"So?We've seen many battles.This one'll be like all then others."The Captain retorted.

"Well...Its...The battle spans 12 miles,sir!"The officer blurted out.

"12 miles?Get us there!"


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The Crosis fleet jumped out of hyperspace and arrived in the Thi Rith system- 3 cruisers and 14 destroyers.

The system was heavily populated, but only by smallish insignificant factions, not able to withstand such a force by a long shot. The ships the resistance could muster were obsolete and poorly maintained, whereas Crosis warships are the envy of the universe!

Aboard the flagship, the Carolingian general Weiss commanded the strike group. Destroyers charged forward and opened fire on orbital weapon platforms and military ships, within minutes the defenses of the main planet were decimated.

Suddenly numerous flashes at the rim of the system lightened the dark skies like a bad omen- flashes caused by ships jumping out of hyperspace.

"Science officer, report" general Weiss said

"Sir, they are Kamarian vessels."

Mercenaries- damn! Weiss thought. Kamarians are fierce soldiers, well trained and equiped. They make difficult adversaries, Weiss knows. He fought and defeated them before during the Corona war, and their faction was largely eliminated. Apparently this hadn't lessened their lust for money or their foolishness.

"Turn the ship to face the enemy and tell groups A and D to form up on our flanks. Notify High command of our situation. Weapon stations, fire at will."

A pack of Kamarian fighters approached the cruiser for a firing run. Their missiles hammered against it's shields doing little damage. Laser turrets placed on the back and sides of the Carolingian opened fire on the enemy, cutting down dozens of them. Fearless as they were, they kept coming.

"Sir the Kamarian carriers are bombarding us with long range projectiles- impact in 4...3...2...1..."

An anti matter torpedo impacted the Carolingian and took out it's dorsal shields as well as several laser turrets. The entire ship was shaking.

"Tell groups B and C to provide cover the other 2 cruisers. Helm, head to the nearest carrier. Arm two plasma torpedoes."

"Torpedoes are armed. Closing in...we're in firing range sir."

"Fire one!"

A torpedo left the launching tubes of the Carolingian and detonated beneath one of the carriers, making its shields almost collapse but doing little structural damage. A second torpedo followed and hit the ship straight on it's forward arc. There were some secondary explosions and the ship blew up in one huge firball.

"Sir, group A is being hit hard."

"Then we'll offer some diversion for those little bastards. Arm another 2 plasma torpedoes and set in an intercept course for the nearest enemy carrier- go!"

The plan worked. The fighter pilots knew the carriers were their only ride home and set in a persuit of the Carolingian, the Crosis destroyers firing in their backs.

Sofar the Crosis fleet has suffered the loss of 3 destroyers, all cruisers remain largely intact sofar.

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The ship shook a little as a laser impacted on the primary shields,but the teeny fighter must've shook more as it exploded.

As Captain Kenzi walked onto the bridge,his weapons officer handed him a report.

"Shields are at 90%,sir,and no structural damage has been detected.Drifters and Stingers armed and ready."

The weapons officer finished,looking quizzicaly(Sp?)at the Captain.Kenzi,however,was thinking of the words,'Drifter' and 'Stinger'.They were terms he used often himself.The 'Drifter',was a very slow moving plasma bomb capable of decimating even large fleets.Its official name was the EM199708,but who in the whole Enderian Space Navy could pronounce that?The 'Stinger'was a horribly small,horribly fast missile,only 4 feet long but capable of reaching up to 300 kph.Those were good weapons in a fight like this...

"Captain?"The weapons officer asked,snapping Kenzi out of his thoughts.

"Yes,right.Launch 2 Drifters and 200 Stingers.Inform me of any problems should they occur,"Kenzi ordered and walked off...

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"Two planets in our own system ahave been landed on." The advisor reported, "The first has now successfully set up a working base and begun teraforming. Civilians have started moving in and soon the foundations for an interstellar fleet will be laid."

"A promising start." The Head Councilor sighed. "And yet it is so slow..."

"There is no way to speed it up, head councilor..." The aide said nervously.

"I know... I know." Lillian sighed again. "It's too little too late..."

"We have recieved requests for aide from a distant community." The aide said, "They-"

"The KYA, I know." Lillian said, "We can do nothing to help them. We have no ships. No military ones at any rate." She sighed again. "Too little and it's so very late..."

In ten posts the Dragazhar military fleet (such as it is) will be formed. It will also be tiny. :)

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The fighters continued to swarm the Carolingian, attempting to protect their motherships. The Carolingians laser turrets shot down one fighter after another, but they kept charging with no regard for their own life. A plasma torpedo detonated between the fighters, the blast took out several, still they kept attacking to protect the carriers. The carriers turned out less brave however, as soon as the second one was destroyed fear overcame them.

"Sir, the carriers are turning. They're fleeing!"

The fighters finally stopped their attacks and hastily went back to the remaining carriers, afraid to be left behind.

Weiss wiped the sweat of his forehead. Succes! Soon the troop carriers were scheduled to arrive as well as mining convoys- with the recources in this system the Crosis could rebuild it's strenght wich it had largely lost over the years as a result of bad leadership and the many wars they had been involved in.

Surely nobody would dare to attack them at this point. But what about the Kamarian mercenaries? Weiss knew that after such a humiliating defeat they would be more then willing to assist anyone fighting against the Crosis union for lower then normal prices.

It may become necessary to eradicate those bandits soon... he thought. But not now- the chancelor had other plans for the fleet.

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The 2 Drifters drifted eerily undisturbed through the heat of the battle.Floating...floating...Soon they were in the "Line",the strip of space that almost no ships except fighters entered.

Noone took notice of the 2 large titanium-alloy bombs.That is,noone took notice until they exloded.

When they did,the blast reached 4 miles around,and the shockwaves 7.Several of the crew aboard the Alligatorthought they were temporarily blinded when they saw only orange for a minute.Several broke their arms or legs when the shockwaves reached the ship.1 died by crashing head first into the steel wall.

Up on the bridge, Kenzi said grimly,"Mission accomplished,"and turned away.

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Royal Fire drops out of hyperspace on the edge of battle

10 Lance Frigettes

30 Dagger class corvettes

40 Heavy Fighters

20 Heavy Gunships

The starfield snapped into perfect position as the Numenorian fleet exited hyperspace right outside of the KYA battle.

Sir!" The primary fleet radar operator called out. "The battle is still raging. It seems more ships have come in. Most are unidentified sir."

"Put me on the comm system. I want an open message, non coded, to all ships in the vicinity." Said newly appointed Captain Galadhir

"Done sir."

"This is Numenorian Task Force Royal Fire. The High Prince of Numenor, Prince Armon, heir to the Numenorian throne, is reported missing. We wish no part in this battle, but would any ships that have news of the prince please contact me. I have a large task force here, and if anyone is willing to help me find my prince, I will provide cover for your ship, and assist you in this battle."

Turning aside to his first mate, Galadhir added "Deploy for defencive operations, I don't think that many people will appriciate us making a social call in the middle of their war."

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 “M’lord, several battles are being waged throughout the universe currently, one of massive proportions, and several other small ones, we could easily join one side and shift the tides of battle for any one of the smaller ones, perhaps even get something in return.” Terroneous spoke, gazing around at the personnel in the Command deck; the fleet had taken off a few days ago.

 “What is the closest one?” Asked the Duke, gazing up slightly from his Command chair.

 “Looks to be two warring factions, one call themselves the KYA and the other are known as the Tolneps.” There was a fraction-of-a-second-delay before the Duke slammed his fist down onto his chair, startling the men around him.

 “The bastard Tolneps, the ones responsible for destroying some of our trade ships?” Asked the Duke, furiously.

 Gazing down at the projections Terroneous gazed up, responding with a slight crescendo, “supposedly, yes.”

 There was only a second wait before the Duke muttered, “then we help the KYA, set upon for their planet, I think our fleet will be more then helpful to them in their task.” A slight grin came across his face.

 “Yes, m’lord”, Terroneous bowed and set upon to do his duties.

Time until arrival: 3 posts.


One Imperial Flagship

Two Imperial Dreadnaughts

10 Imperial Battle Cruisers

Five Imperial Carriers

100 Destroyers

220 Cruisers

1,400 Supporting Ships

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The Viking worldcraft continued its journey through space, towards the KYA and planet Helsinki.

Meanwhile onboard the King were holding a speech,on the internal comm network, about the coming conflict

“My fellow Vikings” he began “We stand now on the brink of what we were born to, war and destruction, I have decided that we will go the KYA empire and lend them support against the Tolneps, we will purge them, We will never fall, we shall fight and stand forever”

Armed forces

10 million men.

The Scandinavia (75% battle ready, rising at 25% each post)

28 Longship cruisers (3 more underway, one will be ready each post)

42 Raider destroyers (8 more underway, 2 will be ready each post)

120 Axe fighters (30 more under way, 10 will be ready each post)

(the worldcraft will reach Helsinki in 2 posts)

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Military dropships had arrived in the Thi Rith systems and deployed shocktroopers to capture that wich they had came for- key mining facilities and some key infrastructure points. The prognosis was that the last of the resistance in the system would fall in 2 weeks, after wich puppet governments would be installed. Ultimately the goald was to turn the 2 inhabited planets in the system in de facto slave colonies to provide the recources for future conflicts.

Thi Rith Prime: 25% captured, rising 15% each post

Thi Rith Beta: 30% captured, rising 10% each post

Meanwhile the news of the invasion of the Thi Rith system had spread quickly and it wasn't long before the rivals of the Crosis union condemned the invasion and declared war upon them- the peace treaty between the factions from the Corona war was now at an end. The old Corona League, wich ceased to exist after the war, was reinstated and many old adversaries joined in. They lacked significant strenght however so a counter offensive was not to be expected.

The newly aquired solar system hadn't fully satisfied the chancellors hunger for recources- the ressurected Corona League was also to be subverted. However, the Corona League lay right between the Crosis Union and House Endor space- it is important that the Ender not be provoked to join the Corona factions against the Union. Chancellor Schwarz of the Crosis Union sends their best diplomat to negotiate a non agression treaty.

Message to AK-47

[hide]As you know the Crosis Union is currently at war with the smallish nations that hold up between the borders of both our factions. Between you and us, we are planning an offensive to take a large part of this patheticly weak Corona League, but would of course never take any action that would offend you or let you have less then you deserve- we propose a non agression pact. You will take no action against us, and in return we let you take half the territory of our common enemy. Sounds fair, doesn't it? We await your response.[/hide]

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Okay, here it is, hope this settles some of the confusion.

Anathema (Earthnuker): Fighting Corona League (Non-player faction).

ExAtreides: Fighing Tolneps (Non-player faction).

Sir Sard: Fighting Tolneps along side Exatreides.

Scrinlord: Fighting no one, looking for Prince and willing to aid whoever finds him in the battle.

Ghosthunter: Fleet is being deployed towards Exatreides in a assistance mission. ETA – TWO POSTS.

The fleet continues towards the KYA Empire.

Ships being built at home: (Sir Sard, you may want to look at this – a ship a post is kind of absurd).

One Imperial Flagship: 6 Posts

Four Imperial Battle Cruisers: 14 posts

Two Imperial Cruisers: 7 Posts

Ten Imperial Cruisers: 10 posts

3,000 Fighters: 8 posts.

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Message Delivered to Crosis Diplomat:



Agreed.We would not join those unorganized pigs anyway.If your leaders shall lets us,we can organize a militia to go and assist you shocktroopers,as shocktroopers may get slowed by bogs and the like.We have alot of those on our homeworld,so we can assist there.Send reply soon.



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Back on home planet of Haldir:

"Thank you for being prompt, ladies and gentlemen of the counsil."The King began.  "We have some important matters to discuss."

"What is there to discuss, my liege?  Numenor is doing great. Production is up .3%, and most people seem to be happy.

Our only downside is the fact that unemployment and poverty has grown to 21%, with the closing of some of our Eol Factories.  But as soon as the new mills open up in a few months, those numbers will go down again."

"No." The King said. "We have something else to discuss.  War."

The immidiate, and predictable protests came from around the table:


"We Can't!"

"But why, my leige?!"

"Silence!" He bellowed as he held out his hand over the table, calling for a chance to speak.

The galaxy has grown apart for to long.  Now, they are colliding again.  I fear that this time, it will not be in the interests of the Numenorian Empire to sit it out.  We have to start preparing now!"

"Sire, if I may?" A large man in an admirals uniform stood at his seat.  The King waved his hand, allowing the man to speak..

"Sire, as you know, we have a very mighty force, over 14,000 space faring vessels, as well as many millions of people in our military.  From sorces that our spies have brought back, the equipment that we have is the equel to anything that any possible opponent has in the same class.  But we have 2 problems."

The King just looked at the Admiral, and arched his eyebrows.

"Yes Sire.  The first problem is training.  We train as best we can, but we have sat out for so long that no one knows what real battle is like anymore.  We have many many troops, but we dont know how effective they are."

"Well, I have 2 solutions for you." The King replied.  "First, most of our military forces are presently on Eol.  I want half of our major bases, and ALL of our training facilites moved to Haldir.  Haldir is a much harsher planet, and living and training on Haldir will make our troops much more hardy and dangerous.  Also, I will be sending out diplomats to various empires, requesting that they send military advisors to teach our troops how to fight.

What is our second problem?"

"Ship classes, sire." The Admiral continued.  "We have thousands of combat ships, but nothing larger than a cruiser, and very few of those.  Out of all of our combat ships, 95% are frigettes and smaller.  Only 5% is destroyers and cruisers, and we dont even have any battleship or carrier class vessels.  Most other Houses have several such ships, which could prove to be a great help for them in the coming war."

"Well, this now fits in with the rest of my plan, Admiral.  You see, about a 2 days flight away from hear, is another system much like our own.  It has 2 VERY large planets, that are absolutly bristling with resorces.  They are a double planet, 2 seperate planets, orbiting each other, so they are fairly stable in space.  I want you to take 3 million people, and 2 million Army engeneers, and start colonizing those planets.

Now, these colonists will start creating factories, and even cities to live in.  Within the next months, I will be sending ever more people their.  No one knows of our planets hidden in our asteroid field, so these two planets will be our public face, hopefully with no one ever realizing that These planets in this asteroid field even exist.

In addition to the engineers, I want you to take 5 million combat troops.  Make 2 large bases.  They will be used to protect the colonists, and when I get in touch with forign empires, if anyone is willing to train our army, they will be trained there, so those 5 million can begin the rest of teh army training.  The Duel nature of the planets will also be a perfect place to hide a shipyard, so we can begin production of large class ships.

War is upon us, we must be ready."

With that, the King started giving off tasks to people to beging preparing.  First, he is instituting a recruitment program.  He is then starting colonization procedures, and beginning new military buildup programs.

Recrutment program: Military is increased from 42 million to 75 million in 20 posts time.

Military buildup: More combat ships being build, going from about 14,000 to 16,072 combat ships.  Will not be done for quite some time, but all new ships are frigettes or less, nothing big.

Military and colonization forces depart:  Arrive at new planets (Named Retsaoc and Xulud) in 2 posts, colony running in 10, ready for production in 20.

Military training bases on Xulud and Retsaoc will be ready in 5 posts.

Message to Ghosthunter:

[hide]This is a message from the King of the Numenorian Empire, King Aramir.  We are concerned about the state of affairs in the galaxy right now, and we wish to ready our military for the coming tides.  Unfortunatly, we do not have much experiance with outside warfare recently, and we would be greatly appriciative if you would be willing to send some representitives to train our land and naval forces.  We will offer you trade concessions, as that is all that we have to offer right now, plus we will ally ourselves with you in the coming war, as we have a great force already, we just need it trained.  If these terms are acceptable, or if you wish to discuss it more, please give a message to this diplomat.  Thank you for your time.[/hide]

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