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Earth 2075: The New Cold War

Edric O

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The year is 2075, and mankind has entered the second global Cold War in its history. Unlike the First Cold War (1948-1989), this one is far more chaotic and unpredictable. There are 4 major ideological blocs instead of 2, and they have their member nations scattered all over the world instead of being concentrated in clear geographical areas. After all, in this day and age, geography doesn't matter as much as it used to.

The 4 political/economic/military blocs are as follows:


headquarters: London (capital of the People's Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

The IASR was formed soon after the historical victory of the wave of communist revolutions that swept across Western Europe in the 2050's. The European Union was preserved, but it's western half organized itself into a federal socialist republic. Naturally, the Brits wouldn't have any of that "federation crap" and they fiercely stuck to their independence, even though Britain was the cradle of the european revolution (which came in the wake of an unprecendented capitalist economic depression).

In the late 2050's and early 2060's, a number of other countries (most notably the countries of Northern Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand) experienced a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism. At about the same time, the IASR was officially created.

Finally, in the late 2060's, revolutions flared up in South America and Africa, while India had a peaceful transition to socialism. The third world was in turmoil, as the world's poor regarded Europe's new model of socialism as their salvation.


headquarters: Washington DC (capital of the United States of America)

The rising tide of socialism horrified the ruling classes of capitalist nations, and for the first time in memory, corporate overlords were worried about their future. In order to counter the threat to the status quo, the USA and Russia (now the world's most rabidly capitalist countries) formed the FTO in the early 2060's. Within 10 years, many other capitalist nations (some of them independent, others ruled by puppet governments) had joined them. The declared purpose of the FTO is to eliminate all its ideological opponents and re-establish the global capitalist order.


headquarters: Cairo (capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt)

Bound together by religion and culture rather than by any political or economic ideology, the countries of the Islamic League are a force to be reckoned with. They are sworn enemies of both of IASR and the FTO, whom they see as the biggest threats Islam has ever faced. The IL is a very old alliance, dating back to the 2030's. However, the events of the recent decades have turned them into islamic radicals, and most IL member states have adopted some form of theocracy as their political system. They present goal is to "liberate" all Muslim lands from outside invaders and/or non-islamic influences.


headquarters: Beijing (capital of the Imperial Republic of China)

Nicknamed "the Chinese Hegemony" by political commentators worldwide, the EAP is practically a Chinese empire. China has been a de facto capitalist country since the 1980's, but it kept its socialist mask until 2014. That was when Chinese rulers decided it was about time to stop pretending they were communists, before their hypocrisy caused anyone to die of laughter. They did not give up on being hypocrites, however: now they pretend to be great champions of capitalist democracy, and their people loves them so much that it keeps re-electing them over and over and over again...

In reality, China has been an authoritarian capitalist dictatorship for the past 90 years, even though it wore several different masks in a rather pathetic attempt to hide this. The East Asian Pact is an organization made up of China and the various puppet governments of Chinese sattelite states in East Asia. It's not attached to any particular set of principles or ideals, and it has no declared purpose other than "to ensure peace and prosperity in East Asia". What the leaders of the EAP really want is anybody's guess.


The rules of the game are simple:

1. Each player has to be on one of the 4 sides. Since each side is a loose alliance of countries, we can have several different players on the same side (each of them playing different member states of that alliance). Obviously, players who are on the same side have to work together as allies.

2. Since each of the 4 military blocs is armed with nuclear weapons, open war between them is impossible. That is why full-scale war is restricted to the territory of non-aligned nations (white on the world map), whom you can invade and conquer at your leisure. When you invade a non-aligned nation, you will only encounter serious resistance if another player decides to sponsor that country's government. Essentially, non-aligned nations act like Vietnam or Korea in the real Cold War.

3. You conquer non-aligned nations by invading them, or by helping their government to repel an invasion from another player. If you want to conquer a member state of an enemy alliance, you'll have to use covert means (guerrila warfare, military coups, assasinations, etc.) That's where the real fun is. :)

4. You cannot openly use weapons of mass destruction. You can only use them if you ensure that they can't be traced back to you.

I will update the map as the situation changes. Also, there are several areas of high political tension that you should pay attention to:

- Eastern Europe is torn between the socialist message of hope coming from its more advanced western neighbors and its own irrational fear of socialism, caused by the memory of 50 years of stalinism. That's why most of Eastern Europe is currently non-aligned, and could swing in any direction.

- Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iraq are enclaves of the FTO in the middle of IL territory. The populations of Saudi Arabia and Iraq hate their pro-western governments and could revolt at any time.

- South America and Africa are full of non-aligned nations up for grabs.

Let the New Cold War begin!!

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I will be:

The Federal Socialist Republic of Europe

(click here to see the flag)

At the European Parliament, a heated debate was underway:

"...and I say again, we cannot allow the people of Eastern Europe to fall under the dominion of the FTO. Russia is already showing signs of a military build-up, and right-wing parties from Bulgaria to Estonia are receiving massive funding from American corporations. It is clear that the FTO intends to take over the region, and use it as a springboard for an all-out invasion of..."

"Comrade Poitier, please, this is not the time for conspiracy theories. It is clear that the FTO intends to take over Eastern Europe, but a military attack on us is out of the question. They would not risk nuclear war."

"Wouldn't they? The Americans and the Russians put together have an arsenal of apocalyptic proportions. We may have more advanced missile technology, but what good will it do us when they have 10 nuclear missles for every one of ours?"

"This is nothing but idle speculation and paranoia. We will not support a military intervention in Eastern Europe unless you can show us hard evidence that a FTO invasion is imminent, comrade Poitier. Now, if there is nothing else, I believe we should move on to the next order of business..."

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Viva Le IL!

(Thought it would be cool being an Arab state for once; you know, brown cloaks, scmitars, desert stealth operations....Sounded appealing to me)

Tell me what you think of my flag!

EDIT: I shall be Egypt in this conflict.[attachment deleted by Gobalopper]

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I'll be the Russian federation

Mother Russia was heading for a major catastrophe, but that information was privileged only to certain members of the Kremlin. An urgen meeting had been called for.

A recent classified report indicates that the current uranium mines will run out in approximately 15 years. Energy through nuclear fission was the drive behind the Russian economy and they could not hope to develop a suitable alternative like fusion power anytime soon. The nation was heading for a crisis similar to the oil crisis 40 years ago when they had to switch to nuclear power completely, but now they lacked an alternative.

"There is but one solution" the minister of recource management said. "We must conquer the rogue nations west of us and utilise their uranium deposits to keep our economy going."

The minister of national security objected.

"We can't do that, we'll risk a confrontation with communist Europe. If necessary we could conquer Ukraine or Mongolia. The Chinese will object, but I don't think they'll go to war. But Europe, that's another story."

"Neither Ukraine or Mongolia has any meaningful uranium supplies. Our only hopes lie in the west. If we don't secure those uranium deposits our economy will cripple and we'll be easy prey for the Europeans or the Chinese."

Premier Chukov had heard enough.

"Your objections have been noted minister, but I must agree with our collegue that eastern Europe must be taken one way or the other."

"We should open dialogue with the Europeans and propose we split eastern Europe in a part for us and a part for them."

"They'll never agree" Chukov sighed. "The Europeans will learn sooner or later about our problems and they will insist we abide by current treaties that garantue the independance of those countries. Therefore they must be taken, by force if necessary." Chukov looked at the chief of the Intelligence and Security Agency and the minister of national security.

"I want both of you to work together to devise an adequate strategy to achieve this goal. I expect to see an initial plan no later then friday. That's all, I believe we all have work to do."

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EAP. --> We shall arise.

China, the country with the highest population in the whole wide world has been a major power in the past, and has once again become an incredible power, both economically and militarily. And I "Hiwon Lee" have been elected president for at least the coming 5 years.

- Hiwon Lee

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Good! We have at least one player for each military bloc! Let the fun begin! 8)

After rejecting all proposals for military intervention in Eastern Europe, the European Parliament has nevertheless approved a massive boost in funding to communist and socialist parties in several Eastern European countries, most notably Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Currently the popularity of those parties is at 20%, and rising with 10% per post.

In the mean time, a considerable number of troops were gathering in southern France, near the Swiss border. Switzerland wasn't officially part of any international alliance, but unoficially it was a hotbed of FTO activity and a staging area for FTO spies. Europe was determined to end this once and for all, and shatter the vaunted Swiss neutrality. But first, an excuse was needed...

During a dark and cold Russian night, 3 shadowy figures stood in Putin Square (formerly known as Red Square) in Moscow, next to an empty space where the Lenin Mausoleum had once been. A fourth figure approached them, and said with a distinct German accent: "Privyet, tovarish!" After a few quick glances, the four figures dissapeared into the night.

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Mudeeb Albahd looked upon quaint,little Cairo from his presidential palace balcony...And sighed. Such times of turmoil.Spies everywhere...assasinations, death, secret missile launches...It was totally meaningless. But...If others did it,he would have to also. He already had several spies in FTO and IASR. But he didn't have to worry about that now. NOW, he had a meeting to get to...

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A vintage 2003 Aston Martin pulled up outside a house in the London suburb of Wembley, it was the night of the FA Cup Final (thats the biggest football match in Britain BTW) between Leeds United and Manchester United. Out stepped what seemed to be your average Leeds supporter, yet there was something different about him, a certain old english elegance arrogance, which had not been destroyed despite the many years of dismal socialism. This man was Charlie Croker, founder of the London Underground partisan group and overall leader of all British resistance. He was here to install some patriotism...

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(OOC: Hope no one minds I join. I'll be the Chosen Democratic Republic, which is former North Korea)

It was 5 years since the coup that overthrown the old socialist government. A year after the coup, Marshall Lee Shun Hyun resigned and returned the power to the people, but everyone knows that who's got the power in hands.

The nation had joined the EAP in 2072, and had prospered. Relations were kept well with the neighbouring countries, but things will change now...

"Gentlemen, I'm sure that everyone sitting here knows what we're going to do and is dedicated in it. Those who hesitates and want to back off may leave now."

Sitting along the confernece table are generals and the ministers from various departments. They all kept their eyes on the Marshall and didn't moved an inch.

"We shall begin." said Marshall Lee. "How is the situation with our two companies?"

"Gravity Corps, registered in Russia, is now hiring 5.5% of the total no. of workers in S.Korea. Chosen Steelwork, which is registered in S. Korea, hires another 8% of the workers."

"Any news from S.Korea?"

"Nothing except for a few small demonstrations in Seoul."

"Order the two corps to proceed with the plan."[attachment deleted by Gobalopper]

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Premier Chukov nodded in agreement.

"That sounds like a workable plan gentlemen. When can you get started."

Beria, head of the ISA (intelligence and security agency), handed over a sheet of paper to the premier.

"We can broadcast this over the news channels this very night. The terrorist attack that almost hit the Kremlin two months ago is a perfect opportunity."

Zakarov, the minister of national security and thus chief of all armed forces, cut in.

"The key to Europes largest uranium supplies are the baltic states. The uranium supplies there will be usefull and we'll be able to launch an attack on Poland."

"Premier, we must proceed quickly. The IASR are spending a lot of money on communist propaganda in the rogue European states. If they get exceedingly popular it will be more difficult for us to take or keep any territory there."

"Very well. Proceed."

That night

Extra news broadcast

Russian State Network 3

Recent reports from the ISA indicate that the terrorist attempt on the Kremlin 3 months ago was staged by communist elements in the baltic states. This was announced by a Kremlin official an hour ago.

"The eastern European nations have always been hostile to us. Last century it was because the Soviet union imposed socialist dictatures on them but now that we bring them offers of friendship and trade relations they still consider us their enemies. The government under premier Chukov does not take this act of communist terrorism lightly and gives an ultimatum to the baltic states: you will either cooperate, let us establish a militairy presense in your countries so we can put down those terrorists or we will invade in force and claim the sovernty over your citizens and territory. You have been warned."

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The increasingly aggressive stance taken by Moscow made the supporters of direct military intervention more and more popular in the European Parliament and among the European people.

Soon after Russian television made public the Kremlin's threats to the Baltic states, popular demonstrations and mass rallies started to appear in all major European cities. The people demanded a more firm and aggressive policy to save Eastern Europe from Russian imperialism. Recent polls show that the Anarcho-Communist Party of Europe (the current ruling party, which won the last elections by a landslide and is commited to pacifism and diplomacy) has lost about 5% of its voters in favour of the European Leninist Party (the third largest party in Europe and the most vehement critic of the government, famous for its authoritarian policies and its commitment to the World Revolution). As such, the government was pressured into allocating more money to the military sector, and positioning troops along the eastern border.

In the event of Russian aggression against the Baltic states, the Europeans have planned to launch a massive invasion of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, under the excuse of sending troops to reinforce the defences of Belarus and the Ukraine (which are member states of the Federal Socialist Republic of Europe).

The popularity of the communist parties of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia is now at 30%.

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Mudeeb Albahd sat at one end of the long,rectangular table. His Vice President, Matek Seteeb,sat at the other end.All of Mudeeb's CINCs sat on either side of the table.

"Gentlemen...and ladies," He added quickly,eyeing the CINC of Environment.Why we really need her;Egypt is just a wasteland of dunes...He cleared his throat, taking his eyes off of the CINC of Environment."Well, as you know,Russia is getting increasingly hostile to the IASR. That may be a good thing...But it also may not.It could have been us being accused...So. What do we do?"

The CINC of Propaganda spoke up. And after Mudeeb heard his plan,he assured the man he would receive MUCH higher pay...


Several hours later, 3 hangars in a military base opened up, 16 B-52 bombers with the American american flag on them took off,destined to bomb Niger...

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Message to the Russian Federation:

[hide]We are the British Resistance and we urgently request your assistance in overthrowing our goverment. We realise there isn't much you can do without provoking open war but we ask that you send us some weapons, hand held and explosives to assist us.


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The British parliment was in emergency session.

Parlimentarian Richard McCart: "Terrorist groups have been instigating riotas at public events. We have killed over 60 inncoent civillians subduing them. That's not good for publicity."

Parlimantarian Paul North: "We think that they are being supplied by the Russian Federation in a vain attempt to overthrow our government."

McCart: "If the problem isn't dealt with soon, the attempt won't be so vain."

Parlimenatarian Edgar Grant: "The obvious solution is an invasion of Russia..."

Prime Minister Leto Churchill II: "An all-out invasion of a military powerhouse such as the Russian Federation would result in the loss of millions of live. Unnacceptable."

North: "Perhaps...if we made our presence felt in a subtler way."

Churchill: "An idea, Parlimentarian?"


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--- World Progress Report ---

It was about time we saw some changes on the world map, so I decided to cause a few events in areas that no one seems to be interested in at the moment:

- After one last bloody battle with government forces, communist rebels have taken over Nicaragua and established a socialist democracy.

- The communists won the elections in Senegal, and changed its Constitution to a socialist one. As such, Senegal has re-opened relations with Europe (and France in particular).

- Using various excuses, the South African army invaded Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland, and overthrew their governments. The new governments of those countries (backed by South Africa) have decided to join the FTO.

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The fans poured into Wembley, however since the Socialists had taken over it had lost a lot of its old atmosphere. All the old chants including the national anthem had been banned...yet some people had come to put this right. At the Leeds United end, and at a few various, scattered locations around the rest of the ground the crown similtaneously started singing the national anthem much to the amazement of the Police who in vain tried to subdue the crowd but with little success. The desperate police fired rubber bullets into the fans but this further inflammed the tension as the crowd invaded the pitch and beat back the police taking their weapons from them.

The revolution had been sparked and this incident was not alone as rebel cells had launched their assault against the Goverment all around the country.

They were keen to get the public on their side and they were going to help Britain become a patriotic nation once again.

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