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Everything posted by lowzeewee

  1. What a disappointing month. I am outta here. So long!
  2. No, I log straight into the forums and don't read the news
  3. I am legend.
  4. Sawker.
  5. ooooooooooooookay.
  6. 355 posts in 3 days. At this rate, I have 27 days left on this forum. ;D
  7. lowzeewee


    Dune fans : Star Wars phobia KGA : Homophobia
  8. lowzeewee

    Earth Hour

    Let's all kill ourselves then. Suicide pact, anyone?
  9. Alright, I'll raise the bar. 5000 posts this month or I am out!
  10. lowzeewee

    Earth Hour

    I don't see the point of it all. During the one hour, they might as well have done their urination outside, drank only rainwater, turned off all cell phones, and cook directly with fire wood.
  11. April's Fool Joke?
  12. lowzeewee


    Captain Diego Montoya Garcia, of the spanish Armada flagship "Quando" was on the deck one day when his first mate ran up to him and cried "Captain! There's an enemy ship on the horizon!" Captain Diego turned a calm eye to his mate and said "Bring me my red shirt." The first mate ran and got the captains red shirt, which he put on. A fierce battle raged and the Quando was victorious. After the battle, the first mate asked the captain "Sir, why do you don a red shirt before battle?" The captain yawned bravely and said "If I am wounded in battle, the men will not see me bleeding, and they will be inspired." The mate was in awe of his wise captain. Just then, another crewman ran up to the captain and cried "Captain! There are twenty enemy ships on the horizon!" The captain turned to his first mate and ordered "Bring me my brown pants."
  13. First post of April 2008!
  14. Damn it, the post count is going over 4000. :(
  15. Singapore is fine, thanks for asking. How are you?
  16. Why exactly are you so desperate to raise the activity level in this forum?
  17. I find simple irresponsibility annoying. The prime example I experience all the time is dog-owners not picking up after their dog shits all over public walkways. Damn.
  18. I prefer Chemistry to Physics, though I generally dislike both.
  19. Come on, 315 more posts or I am out.
  20. 4000 posts ain't a difficult target to reach. Just about 600 more to go in the next 5 days.
  21. Wow, everyone so desperately wants me to stay that they posted more. In that case, I'll revise my original cut-off mark to 4000 posts.
  22. lowzeewee


    A young boy had just gotten his driver's permit and inquired of his father if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he'd make a deal with his son. 'You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, get your hair cut and we'll talk about the car.'' The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, 'Son, I've been real prroud of you. You brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm real disappointed you haven't gotten your hair cut.' The young man paused a moment then said, 'You know Dad, I've been thinking about that and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair and there's even a strong argument that Jesus had long hair.' To this his father replied, 'Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?'
  23. lowzeewee


    From Gob's Dungeon.
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