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Everything posted by Scrinlord

  1. I will look over the posts and see how things are going and try to join in a little while.
  2. Damnit, why is it that every time my friggen computer goes spazy on me and wont let me online, This place gets another good House Battle going? Does Fed2k just not want me in House battles or something!?
  3. Azid sit in the deep cavern meditating, as he had been doing almost constantly for the past several years. He had come up to the mountains after slaying a group of knights that had fallen upon his clan years ago. Azid did not like to hurt people, and he did not want to fight anymore, but he knew in his heart that he would have to fight again soon. As he sat in silence, contemplating the meaning of life, he heard a noise beside him. He turned to look, and he saw his sword seem to lift up on its own accord, and it flew across the cavern to hover right in fron of his face. As he watched, the sword burt into flame, and grew longer, becoming Silvrenaur, the Fireblade, sword of the Red Dragoon Knight. A voice seemed to eminate from the center of the blade, and spoke directly into Azids head. "The time of unification is nigh. It is time for the Dragoons to ride again, to the aid of justice and righteousness. Go now west to Mount Ispul, and prepare yourself for the coming trials..." As the voice died away, a small jet of flame shot itself away from the pommel of the sword, and flew west towards Mount Ispul. The flame surrounding the sword died away, and Azids normal sword clattered to the ground unremarkably. His old tattered cloths had seemingly been replaiced by a new, firey red gi and sash. Azid felt remarkably calm, and ready for the coming events as he got up and headed into the west...
  4. Ok, honostly, im to tired to care right now. I will take the fire spirit. My story is remaining exactly the same, I will just substitute colors and words where appropriate. I just do not have the energy to argue at this tieme in the morning today, and I have to much other shit going on to make myself care enough to argue, so i'll just have fire.
  5. I IMed my stuff to dragoon knight like a day or two ago, he has not been on yet to reply, so I just posted it. It has been in his IM inbox thingie for a day or two already now though
  6. No way, its mine, teeheeheehee ::)
  7. Yes, I know, darkness is taken, by me, bwahahahahahaha :D
  8. Scrinlord


    agreed, I love the Demo, I will be getting this game for sure when It comes out. It is so much fun, I cant wait to play through the whole game. I cant tell for sure, but it seems like the game would have pretty decent modding capabilites, and Im sure that some really cool mods could come of it as well.
  9. Idont have a lot of programin experiance, but can I help be an Ideas man? ;D
  10. Ok, I IM'ed this to Dragoon Knight yesterday, and I will post it now.
  11. I will give it a try, but I dont know how it works, I have just never been able to have fun playing Final Fantasy...
  12. I really dont know how much I would be interested. I would probably sit out for a while before jumping in. From what I can tell, most Final Fantasy games have awesome stories, but I have always hated the gameplay, and so I quit before getting into the game to far because the gameplay just sucks. I was with my friend when he beat FFX, and it seemed ok, but other than that I just dont know.
  13. Yes Yes, buy the entire series, GREAT books all. MUCH MUCH better than the movies. (I still want to be Ginaz if possible :D )
  14. I am working on a back story. I am going to see if I can have either the fire or the darkness spirit
  15. It is a cool concept. How would you be writing the story? Would it follow a main character, or more profile the destruction of the human race as a whole?
  16. sure, although most of the relevent events wont take place until the battle of Corrin
  17. But what happens when a Cold war heats up? Then EVERYBODY dies
  18. oh come on, I cant be the only person interested.
  19. lol, no not really. It would be illigal for him to be a knight in the "real" sense of the word ,because then he would have duel loyalties, which is not allowed, but he can accept an honary title, I believe.
  20. No, its not against American law. It is an honorary title, but that is all it is, a title. No one HAS to call him a knight, and he does not have to swear fealty to the queen. THAT would be against the law, but as it is, it is just an honor.(And a cool one at that. I wish I could be knighted :D )
  21. Exactly. Difference is not the same as inferiority, and treating it as such is completely horrible. I know that it has been done many times before, but that still does not change the fact that it is wrong.
  22. That is abhorant. Completely wrong in every sense of the word. That is totally like something from 1984 or something like that. That completely pisses me off. Destroyin innocent children just because they have some "defects" is about as immoral as you can get. On the other hand, killing that asshole because he has proven himself incapable of human decency sounds like the right thing to do.
  23. Im interested, and as long as it doesnt start within the next week or 2, Im good to participate. I will be one of the Houses. Can I be a reminant of the Ginaz swordmasters?
  24. Thanks for puttin my name up there, but I am in the middle of classes that are going to be kicking my ass here soon, and I cannot honostly say that I will have the time to devote to it that I should. Maybe someday, but right now it wouldnt be fair to the people of this board if I was a mod.
  25. OCC: AHH, crap, i take 2 days off because I need to pack and get ready to move again and the thread has exploded!!! I'll write mine as soon as I can catch up.
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