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Everything posted by bryorama
Just doing a small check in. Started posting here as a child in the year 2002 - was roughly 8 years old. Played E:BFD mostly. 27 years old now and a high school teacher. Still love playing video games as well. Glad to still see lots of familiar names around. Think the last time I postd in this thread was the year 2012 or something.
Greetings Dune2k! I highly doubt most of you would remember me; I was not an active member of this forum for a prolonged amount of time. I was one of those people that came in for a few years and accumulated about 2k posts then went on my way. I joined this forum when I was ten years old in 2002 - I am now 19 years old and a sophomore at university. I'm glad to see that this place is still getting some occasional posts :) I'll never forget about this place as my first internet hangout. I hope you all (some I may know, most I may not) are doing well and keep doing well. Best regards, Bryan
I don't post here anymore but stumbled on the site in my favorites. Thought I would share a couple facts with you guys. I played E:BFD online in 2001 when I was approximately 8 years old. I joined this forum a year later in 2002. It is now 2009 and I just turned 16 on July 9th. Time flies.
This is the first post here in a LONG time but.. Easiest: Any boss that just takes a systematic approach. Hardest: I'd say one of the hardest bosses I can remember was learning and stratting against C'Thun in AQ40 (WoW). There are others up there though. Most annoying award: Any boss with any kind of "random" attribute.
I did turn 15 (hehe) on July 9th but I haven't been here until now to post. I'm on vacation in the western US as well and got to go to a rodeo for my birthday.
There hasn't been a post in this thread in a long time. I guess I'll be the first to restart it. I currently play: Call of Duty 2 I currently can play: BF 2142 Guild Wars (all expansions as well) Many, many other games. Ask me. I'll play one of these and restart my account if someone starts something big: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes WoW (and TBC) EQ2
I doubt anyone remembers me, but good for you if you do. I've been getting on with life. This is probably the first time I looked here for a few months. Brings back the memories of good old Emp. :) T'was the game that got me into gaming and the internet. Anywho: Hello new people, hello to the old people as well. Until next time, Bryo =]
Arrrg. Happy pirate day.
I lol'd. Having played the real WoW for about 2 years, then playing on a private server and getting to level 200 in about a day, then playing a 'blizzard-like' private server, its safe to say private servers lack what majorly makes up WoW: community, population, and ..people. Even though alot of WoW is chalk-full of immature people, that immature person is the one you just killed while roaming around Searing Gorge.
Who is in your opinion the best emperor player ever? Sardcore, Doom,, Brennq, Harkdawg The coolest player u've ever met? Darkdeth, Darkruler, Mst9999 Your best teammate?? Mst9999, Doom, Slaphapy, Sycplayer the biggest noob? Don't remember. And the best players of the last few months/years? Haven't played. the best person that you won from (while he was playing serious) ? omg 2v2'd doom once. rofl. the stupiest emperor player ?? Nav biggest cheater/whiner.. ? Nav *Please note most of these are from 6ish years ago, when I actually played.
Hey, I know I've talked to you about this before Guns and Company, but I have Battlefield 2 (no special forces), and I'd be extremely interested in having a squad with you guys. (If thats what you guys do in-game while on TS.) I played about 2 weeks, had about rank 3 or 4. I liked medic. I haven't played in a long time, though.
LOL. Yeah, I liked mobbing bosses spamming sinister strike, too.* /yawn *For the record, I played a 6/8 BF, 2/5 DD combat swords rogue.
Correct. Different servers with different rulesets.
It's still quite the funny thing, though.
You got me wrong, man. I meant that there is supposed to be PvP, and very good PvP, its mechanics and rulesets aren't implemented yet.
I'd also like to add that the graphics are FRICKING AMAZING if you have a good computer.
8. Leveling The cap is 50 right now. Rumor has it it will be increased at some point. I can say leveling is 10x more fun than in WoW or any other MMORPG. Not sure if its easier or harder, but its more fun. I guess that makes it easier. People are obviously better when they are max level than players of lower level, and they are obviously better when they commit the time to a guild to down hard bosses, ect. 9. Diplomacy The new diplomacy system is quite interesting. You get cards (skills), and you play a 'card game' against an opponent, kind of like an argument. It can be used for bribes, reputation, ect. Cards are called things like "Strong Retort" but I really have no idea, I haven't messed around with it too much. 10. Balance of Class There will obviously be classes that can beat other classes, outlast other classes, outheal other classes, classes that will dominate in PVP with burst damage, classes that dominate classes in end-game at steady DPS, and classes that level faster than others. Not much more I can say than that. 11. Grouping With Others I grouped with my 2 other friends in beta the whole time, so I can say the exp is really fair and its extremely fun to group. There you go guns.
3. Magic System in General I've only made two characters so far (a rogue to 10, and a cleric to 2 (8 blacksmithing)), but as far as I know, the magic system is better than any game I've seen so far. (See: WoW) You can move while casting (realistic), your casting bar can be lowered from being hit, but there are some kinks involving alot of spells in general, such as some spells being completely useless, besides cooldown fillers. 4. Trading System There are no such things as auction houses as of yet. (thank god, more immersion.) There are chat channels for every area called the auction channel though. Its hard to say how the game will do economically, as I really have no idea how much things generally cost and how easily it is to make money in the big picture. Overall, I like how money is earned and how you have to be economically smart. 5. Crafting System Yesss. One of my favorite parts of the game. The crafting system is fun, AND you can gain levels in it so you feel like you are getting somewhere. This is 10x better than clicking "Create All" in WoW and going AFK for 20 minutes to craft. It actually ivolves you being there and problem solving, while using crafting skill points effectively. I'll explain: You can increase the grade of your item with certain crafting skills, but they cost craft points. (You have 2000/2000 at the start of every craft.) Each skill costs skill points, including the skills to make the item. But there are skills on the side that increase the items grade from D to A. You have to conserve and use your points wisely. Its quite fun. 6. PvP Mechanics This is not implemented in the game as far as I know so: No comment. 7. PvE Mechanics The PvE Mechanics still have quite a few kinks that need to be worked out, that they will obviously not be allowed in release. Some of these include mobs running away from you infinitely and never de-aggroing that require a death or it to be killed. Kind of hard when a mob runs into a million mobs but doesn't aggro them, but you will. Overall, the PvE mechanics are clean and there are no major bugs or problems.
Hey Gunwounds. I'll give you the rundown here. I'd like to first start by saying that I've played World of Warcraft for 2 years, and this game definitely puts WoW to shame. I've also played Eve Online, and found it fun. Other MMORPG experience includes: EQ2, EQ:OA, Guild Wars, and City of Heroes. Some RPG experience includes: Neverwinter Nights (all expansions), Oblivion, and quite a few more games. I'm an avid RPG/MMORPGer but I love my FPS's (such as BF2 and COD2). Here are my reponses to your list: (Keep in mind everything is still in testing stages and is subject to change.) 1. Melee Attack System in General The Melee system is the typical melee system in most games. You have auto-attack, but there are obviously melee skills. I find the melee system fair as it is realistic. I don't really know how much more there is to the melee system that what I have explained. Its just your typical melee system as there is in WoW, EQ2, ect. For classes that can use a bow, it works where you shoot one shot then the mob comes at you and you melee, unless you kite the mob. I'm not sure how rangers go as far as having a pet goes and I'm not sure how pets hold aggro if they do at all. 2. Aggro Management I have no idea about this as I haven't created an aggro-holding class yet. Its my best bet as far as I've seen that there are aggro increasing and reducing abilities that allow classes to hold aggro better than others, for example Warriors holding aggro better than sorcerers. =) But this is quite obvious. The aggro system seems pretty typical as well, but I don't have a vast experience of the game as far as bosses go, ect. 3. Magic System in General I've only made two characters so far (a rogue to 10, and a cleric to 2 (8 blacksmithing)), but as far as I know, the magic system is better than any game I've seen so far. (See: WoW) You can move while casting (realistic), your casting bar can be lowered from being hit, but there are some kinks involving alot of spells in general, such as some spells being completely useless, besides cooldown fillers.
Yes. Noone is really supposed to know, but yeah.
Hah, its Doom. Remember Bryorama? Yeah.
Has anyone looked into this game? I am currently really, really anxious to get my hands on this game when its released. Right now I am currently beta, er yeah. Shh. If you haven't heard of VG, check out this site: www.vanguardsoh.com. The graphics are really amazing, and the gameplay so far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in an MMORPG/RPG.
I just quit WoW, after having played it for almost 2 years. And I've been paying $15.00 every month, and loving it. I'm probably not getting the expansion as my sights are set on the beast they call: VG: SoH.
Starcraft is still one of the most fun games ever created.