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Everything posted by ExSPlug

  1. Arrrrrrrrrrr, too late t' fin' out, it be two more hours only :-
  2. Yup~ I'm curious about how they translate the names of the "wu gongs" though...
  3. What!? This got outside of HK :O Anime wise, finished, and there is no news of continuing the series. If you talk about the whole story/novel, it's only about the 2nd book out of the 5...
  4. The Crow Tears of the Sun For the full metal jacket thing, just a wild guess after seeing the bullet at the lower left corner...
  5. Goldeneye 21 grams Full metal jacket(not too sure about this one though...)
  6. ExSPlug


    Not bad, assuming it's a intro only. But you will need more tension after this IMO. I actually like the use of slangs, somehow adds more depth to characters. And spellcheck, quite a bit of words are mispelled :)
  7. ExSPlug

    rpg's !!!

    1)Valkyrie Profile. It's based on the norse myths. Great story, great graphics. 2)FF series, I suggest those before FF8 though. 3)Fallout 1 & 2 is always good...
  8. "Rising to communication depth...extending antenna..." reported the sailor tonelessly. The screen of the vidcom of the captain soon comes to life. "Good day, captain." greeted the operator from the other side. "Good day. Had we managed to pinpoint the source of the broadcast?" asked captain Ivanov. "Not so. The stormy weather around here the past few days messes up quite a bit of the whole attempt. However we've managed to reduce the possible areas to a smaller coverage. Captain, do you wish that to be sent to the shipnav?" replied the operator as she did some tunings to keep the channel stable. "Yes please, and..." as Ivanov replied to the communicator, another voice interrupted the conversation, "Ivanov, we've got something on the radar." "Well...? You've heard that, operator. I'm afraid we'll have to cut the transmittion now. Cyclops, out. "Ivanov cut the link with Rigs then switched to the interrupting message, "What is it Phil? Another mutated shark or whale?" "Doesn't seem so from the sonar. Must be something like us to be in such size and speed, but we'll need to get closer for visual." replied Phil from the other side. "Descend and resuce speed, Phil. Wait until Cyclops get back down there, then we will check what's that thing..."
  9. "......the reactor had been dormant for more than 400 years, we can't guarantee that it will work like the old days." announced a voice from one of the men sitting in the debriefing room. "I'll assign you a whole sector to do the job then." said Korner calmly. "It's not a matter of a sector, Admiral," the man shaked his head and continued after pressing a few buttons to change what's showing on the screen, "Any one problem will exterminate the whole colony, meltdown, radiation leakage..." "It's up to you techies to deal with that, what I need is the product, and I will give you what you need. Men, raw materials..." Korner tapped his fingers casully as he replied to the men, as if hadn't heard of the potential problems. "Engineers, Admiral." corrected the man, seeming a bit annoyed, "We'll try out best to put the reactor back to work if you insist, but why do you need us to do so? We have the three shafts for power, and oil storage long enough to last out the repair even if they all three fail." "It's not yet the time to release the news, not all can accept it like your kind who think and asks before doing stuff." Korner then readied to stand up and end the meeting, when the screen of his vidcom flashed on. "Admiral, we're...we're not alone! We've just received a radio transmittion from near Greece. Shall I broadcast it out to you?" reported the soldier, obviously excited by the news. "Umm." Korner gave a short and prompt reply and chewed on the pipe again, always so when he is dealing with something big or unexpected. The broadcast about various new food source echoed through the room. Korner was excited not only by the fact that they can change from kelp, bean sprouts, fishes and occasional salvaged MRE and canned food treated in the dehydration chamber, but the fact that there might finally be a solution to the overpopulation problem. "Where did the broadcast came from? Did they identify themselves?" Korner asked the soldier as he opens another channel on his vidcom. "I afraid not Admiral. The radio message only consist of the discovery, and was only recived very faintly." the soldier replied with an obvious sign of disappointment. "Nevermind...send out reply messages 24/7 telling them that we want contact ASAP." ordered Korner, then switched to another channel, "Stock up two subs. One with oil and whatever chunk of copy of our knowledge database. Another one, arm it." "Aye, sir." The following message was broadcasted through the atmoshpere 24/7: We're Rigs. Wish to contact. Please reply. ====== Reactivating nuclear generator 10% complete, 10% PP. Subs will reach Greece in 3 posts.
  10. "Sir, Sector 52 of the D Area had collapsed!" reported an officer through the vid-phone. "Second one in the month, and...the eighth one in the year..." mumbled Korner as he let out a heavy sigh, "Casualities?" "Estimated to be around 500, rioters plus civilians in that sector." replied the officer. "Strengthen the patrol around the surrounding sectors, and tell the Debries team to forward to 52 after they are done with 11." ordered Korner as he grinded his teeth on the old pipe that had been passed down from his grand...whatever. Who have the leisure to deal with such minor things from the long past, when he have a much larger burden from that past? Rigs. This damned colony! 30,000 men are just far too much, something must be done soon or all 30,000 of us will become fish bait... ===OOC=== Rigs, as the name suggests, started with three oil rigs hijacked by renegade an admiral and his fleet around the 2050s. Along with other ships ranging from recharch ships, tankers, cargo ships, and even some other navy ships that were "peacefully rallied", the rigs were towed to the oil fields near Baghdad, which was long underwater. The rigs were drilled deeply into the rock bed for both oil and support. The colony managed to survive, and expanded by stripping ships for metal to build floating metal platforms attached to the three rigs through underwater cable (entangled up in a big mess through the 500 years of unplanned building). At that time the colony was powered through the nuclear reactor from the carrier of the admiral. When the remaining oil was totally sucked up, the shafts were drilled even deeper and were converted into geothermal power plants. By then, even the carrier was dismantled, only the reactor remained and was sealed up, along with a reserve for each type of plane. Subs and fishing ships are the only functioning and produced crafts in the colony.
  11. *Raise hand* I've been waiting for Underwater War 4 and Warlords 2 for quite some time... ;D
  12. ExSPlug

    The PSP

    Who needs the thumb attachment? Get yourself those protective anti-scratch flims and use your nails ;D (BTW, did you get one for your PSP? Really not worth the risk to scratch the screen in order to save ~$5US...) Emm...most of the games in Linky 2 only have their release date out, even I count those that their JP version are out still doesn't fill up half of the list. Personally only Coded Arms, PSE 5, Lumies and Ape Acadmey sounds promising. Maybe RR too, but I don't really like racing games unless in arcade. Talking about FPS games, NDS have better potentials for better controls, as the touch screen can be converted into more buttons or other better ways of control...
  13. Same experience here currently since I'm off from school for already 3 months+, espically for the spelling part. Luckily for me it's not something that's permenant, about 2~3 formal letters/essays and I got the "feel " back. Having reading as a habit does help also, it somehow reduce the frequency and time required for me to edit/paraphrase.
  14. ExSPlug

    The PSP

    Current;y it's still NDS > PSP IMO. PSP just have too less games that are worth it, either it's good, but lack replaying value, or it just didn't come to par with it's home console parent (Dynasty Warrior is one good typical example...) The most fatal point though is that PSP games lose out in the multiplayer issue, NDS can deal with up to 4 players, while for PSP it's only 2 (or more players can be supported? Didn't see any PSP games currently that does so though) MP3/Movie player function? Ahh forget it, converting the format to allow movies to be played on PSP is a painful process, and UMD/Memory stick hurts a hell lot more to the walle then other storage devices, might as well get a PPC which have longer battery life and in addition, internet ascess. Keeping my hands off from buying the PSP before the white ver 2.0 comes out, and before more games like Winning Eleven which is good and have high replay value comes out ;D
  15. This seems really attractive... Still one old boring question though, must all warbands be only land-based, unless some researchs were done?
  16. ExSPlug

    Desktop Pics

    Damn can't see any of the pics in this thread hosted by imageshack, anyonw got the same problem?
  17. I'm signing up fot the FFA~
  18. Water-based cooling system for a console, 3 * 3.2G CPU, must have widescreen and 5.1 sound system as basic, and may not be able to play XBox games...Now I wonder how many can afford to buy such a beast? Somehow I think this XBox 360 thing would follow the path of all colour portable consoles before GBC appeared...
  19. Just awakened from her slumber, Fiona is now streching herself out on the rooftop of the abandoned school, with Noa aside, reporting what had happened during her sleep. "Too bad that the grunts got that family that roam by first." said Fiona as she cracked the neck of an underling which she uses as a dummy. Suddendly she notices an exceptionally bright light source in distance, one that is much brighter than the fullmoon tonight. Who would have done that? thought Fiona as she ordered Noa to handle her some visual aids. Soon Noa returned and handed his master a broken sniper rifle. Finoa smacked him with the butt of the rifle then detached the scope and observed through it. No corpses, no guards, and in such a position...this would be a beacon then. "Noa, get along five of the best grunts and strap them on with gear. Get five more into the truck. We'll go check that out, and perhaps harvest what we will be needing." said Fiona as she pocketed the scope and leaped down the roof. ======Later====== Fiona positioned herself and her grunts at a six storey high building about 200m from the building where the fire had been set-up. She left Noa and the underlings hiding at the ground floor, with herself observing at the rooftop. From here she can't see the fire, but can clearly observe the entrance of the building and the street across it. "Mi'lady, something's wrong..." muttered Noa over the radio. "Didn't I say that keep radio silence unless someone is coming into the building?" "Yes mi'lady! But the underlings...something's wrong with them. They're twitching randomly, and even the best ones crashes into one another!" "You disobey my orders only at such measly troubles!" Fiona replied as she concentrate her mind onto the control of the underlings, and at the same time, thinking of how to deal with Noa later. As she concentrated, however, she sense that something was interfering with her control, and that the number of underlings had increased. All this strange feeling sourced from an office building nearby. "I'm going over to that office building on the right. Seems like we have a guest over there..or maybe it's the host even. Just keep hiding." said Fiona over the radio as she strengenthened her control on her underlings, then leaped through an open window of the office building from the roof.
  20. Always ready...
  21. For SNES... Romancing Saga(2 and 3, I haven't played 1, so I'm not sure) Live A Live Chrono Trigger Not sure do you count SRPG and ARPG also, if so, Sword of Mana 2, 3 Tactic Ogre Ogre Battle Tales of Phantasia PS1...not too sure, but add Valkyrie Profile to Dragoon Knight's list. If you're not too sure, try to look for games made by Enix, Atlus, and Square. ~90% of good RPGS are made by them.
  22. "So energetic and rash...how much better would it be if there are more of his kind. I must get him into working for the great cause..." mumbled Fiona as she remove her pair of boots. "Noa!" "Yes, mi' lady?" replied Noa as he popped out from inside a wooden box. "Bedtime." Fiona lifted Noa by the collar and leaped onto a building. "But we haven't got any test subjects? How can I test the new drugs?" asked Noa as he feel the wind cutting through him. "We'll go shopping tomorrow." Fiona pointed towards an abandoned shopping mall, "I'm sure that I can get myself a new pair of overlord skin boots, and some test subjects for you."
  23. Another one that can't take the stress and suicide again? Fiona kept her eyes on the man as she prepares to see him turn into a smashed tomato. To her surprise, the man leaped from wall to wall, and wrecked havoc from the middle of the small squad of underlings. Vampire? Not so I guess, no way with that kind of skin tone... "Amazing." praised Fiona as she see the battle ending with the truck blowing up. "Eek! Mi...mi' lady! A man..." Noa radios his master for help. "I saw it with my own eyes, keep hiding and stay slient." replied Fiona coldly. The vampire leaped directly from the roof. Even though she was taking a longer distance then the man just did, her cursed body allowed her to cover that in one single leap, without all the fancy tumblings. The floor slightly cracked and dented as she lands infront of the man. Infront of the man is now a figure slightly taller then him, covered by a stiff heavy cape and a big pointed hat. He could only see a pair of black leather high-heel boots and a long narrow blade revealing. "That was impressive, young man." said Fiona calmly as she stares down onto the man, which is getting into combat stance, "I'm not intrested in sheding blood...or sucking blood if you like, at least not now. You prove worthy of my cause, so how about us setting a deal?" (OOC: Pressed edit and forgot to add. Noa is 100% human, at his thirties, bald, loosing his right eye but wear night-vision goggles...dresses in lab coat. Picture him like some mad scientist.)
  24. The searchlights all focus onto a speeding object. A truck with about 20 underlings chasing behind it, and a few hanging onto it. The truck moved in a zig-zag path towards the muesum, trying to shake off the underlings on it. In the process, something dropped from the back of the truck. It smashed open as it hit the floor, revealing cans and cans of canned food the rolled all over the road. Seeing what the truck carried, gunfire erupted as the gates of the muesum opened for the truck. Under the immense firepower, all the underlings are taken cared of long before the truck enter the gates. Or is it? The truck moved into the rear of the muesum through a torn down wall, which now serves as a drop-off area for cargos and vehicles. Two men, obviously guards, moved forward to greet the driver, and to unload the goods. As one of the guards stretches his hand forward for a handshake, and the other guard hops to the rear of the truck, the sound of gunfire erupted, followed by the sound of mastication. "Done, mi' lady. Me and the underlings are now inside..." spoke Noa through the radio as the underlings reveal themselves from the other cargos. "Catch as much as you can, kill those who return fire, and espically those who are ugly." ordered Fiona as she leaps to the rooftop of a building nearer to the museum.
  25. A screech broke the slience in the lightless room. Sound of thunds on stone and metal clashing followed...another screech, this one less hurting to the ears and much shorter. Finally, one loud slam ended it all. "It is now ready, mi' lady." "Now get out! Let no one..." the voice hesitated for a moment, "nothing to disturb us." The screeching sound again, following some short and swift footsteps. Total darkness. But not so in her eyes. The room is about the size of a typical classroom. Actually, it was one, but now it was bare inside except for two large stone caskets, linked by a bunch of transparent tubes with about half an inch in diameter, standing at where the blackboard used to be. She walked without a noise, like a phantom gliding through the air, towards one of the caskets. She opened it without any effort, and smiled as she sees the content. A blond woman in about her mid-twenties was there, with her mouth gagged and tied in chains. On her body are numerous needles pierceing deep into her flesh, and something is being drawn out of her body into those tubes attached to the other end of the needles. The woman was still twitching, and twitched more as she sees her. "Ahh. So lively, but so helpless...Beautiful, beautiful indeed!" the voice gave a short and sinister laugh, from which one could sense that is filled with desire. "But not as beautiful as you!" spoke the voice as she opend the other casket, revealing another girl in the same condition like the other, except that something is flowing in from the needles. Her mouth is wide open gasping, like in extreme pleasure. The skin of her is of dull grey golour. Just like the dead. "Feed...on...me, Fiona...", the body spurted these words out slowly. "Absolutely, my pretty sister!" ========== When will this curse, this bloodlust ends? thought Fiona as her eyes turned from greyish-white to red as she removes her fangs from the neck. "Noa!" "Mi' lady?" the voice came from where bright white light emitted. "Switch them off before I turn you into that!" commanded Fiona in rage as she turns her head aside and point at the body of the blond woman. "Apologies, mi' lady." the bright white light flickered off, and turned into two beams of milder, green light, night-vision goggles."What do you ask of me?" "The progress?" hissed Fiona. "Emm...that...well..." muttered Noa nervously, "No improvement, after five days the subject still turned into an underling, and in that five days, it even bit into itself for flesh and blood...He is...also the last of the stock." said Noa shivering. "Then it's the museum again."
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