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  • Location
    Barrington, Illinois
  1. "Inside peanut butter outside Jelly....7 days of the week 7 differnt chevys...uh" (Cadillac Don)
  2. Good Evening gentlemen...............been a long time 8)
  3. Game looks sweet! Worth it guys?
  4. Face Down- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  5. Lil Wyte- "Crash Da Club" (Remix) Check it out...that is all.
  6. Wow you guys are still alive in here.....nice :)
  7. Motorola V551 Its a great phone! All the normal features plus camera and video, bluetooth, internet access, AIM and much more. Its a tank too, like ive dropped it so many times and it still works. I actually just dropped it into a cup of coke and it was like totally submerged for a few minutes until I realized what I had done. Dried it out and let it sit and it started up. The display was a little messed up but thats because it burned up the connector that sends power to the display. So I got it fixed and its all good. :)
  8. I actually enjoyed Doom quite a bit. I think the action was awesome and I really liked the part when it turned into first person mode and it was just like the game. That was some cool stuff...... I would recomend seeing it, the storyline is weak but who in the right mind would go to see Doom and expect anything more than just loads and loads of hardcore violence. :)
  9. Welcome back, good to see you.
  10. Seal89999


    I think your taking it way to seriously.....lol
  11. Seal89999


    Yeah man Myspace is the shit......Accept my request! Heres a link to my page, http://www.myspace.com/6928289 C'mon now people we all know you have one, post it and lets see everybody. :)
  12. I wish I could play the game but I have a ghetto video card so im kinda stuck unless I wanna drop some bones to pick up a new card. :-
  13. I want some "retooling" dammit......... >:(
  14. You guys have got to check out this song! "Show me a Sign" By Breaking Point Its a dam good song! Kinda reminds me of Three Days Grace.
  15. Happy Birthday buddy! Hope its a good one! Lemme know how it goes.
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