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Andrew last won the day on April 27 2024

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  1. I allowed post. Translation: https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=Здравствуйте! Спасибо большое за возможность поиграть в Дюну на современном компьютере! Скажите%2C пожалуйста%2C а можно ли как-то установить кат-сцены с русским дубляжом%3F &op=translate
  2. Interesting
  3. It would most likely be CGI motion capture. They'd probably hire famous actor and then would need their face on the Emperor for marketing. Animatronic puppet for "human" faces, has that even been used much recently? I also doubt they'd want to build a 7 meter long puppet. But would be cool. Baby Yoda? Netflix The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance puppets? They've come a long way from the ScorpionKing in Mummy Returns where it looked terrible for CGI motion capture.
  4. Hello. Is it possible to attach all the maps in a single thread? Instead of a new thread for each map? Even if you had to make a new post for each file addon, I'm not sure how many files you can add to each post, could try as many as you can in single post. Probably just add them all to this thread.
  5. Looks great!
  6. Part 2 is real with some pics of new characters
  7. I approved all your posts. Thanks for the input. Bringing up old threads is frowned upon, but not much action happening in the forum, and it looks like you spent time typing up some thoughtful posts, so I'll allow it
  8. The 2020 link downloaded for me. Maybe you needed to be an approved message to be able to download it?
  9. I'm still around as well. A lot has changed since I joined in 2002 to this forum and the world.
  10. Good job I assume this is the language? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Slavonic
  11. Andrew


    Forums as empty as the Arrakis desert.
  12. I don't think they have done that simulator game yet. Goat simulator, mechanic simulator etc. There's a simulator for everything. MMO = pay monthly fee, or I assume nowadays its battlepass, hats, gambling machines. $44.99 USD for 1000 Solaris (or spice). Limited time only for this hat.
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