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Everything posted by gurneyman

  1. Merry Dur-sons Day!
  2. gurneyman


    word is born...
  3. it tastes of win and lord...
  4. I merely display a general garment and you claim it's cut to your fit? What a fascinating revelation!
  5. What's that called when someone posts with disdain, adding nothing to the discussion, while slandering people based on them not agreeing with what they consider to be good or bad?
  6. pg 146 Ace paperback at the beginning of the "Drunken Duncan" escapade...
  7. Jessica subtracts 21 minutes to determine Arrakis time.
  8. Fitting and quite like something an "Atreides" would do.
  9. Claro que si! Huevos es correctamundo!
  10. Here here! Couldn't have said it better...
  11. didn't Charles want to be Camilla's tampon at one point? Must run n the family...
  12. I have wondered if Goire wasn't a bastard child of Paulus, considering it hints at the fact the old Duke had many affairs and probably had illegitimate offspring. The facts that Leto and Swaine had looked so much alike and the closeness of age reveals much...
  13. Agreed. Besides that we all know what two types of people Texico produces and "dunelouse" doesn't have any horns....
  14. you inspire me! Now how far ahead of Caladan was time on Arrakis?
  15. new ?'s!!!!
  16. Correct! 10 million is the right answer and yes it was "I love you, Harah". Good job you know your stuff!
  17. 1.nope 2.close... 3.good job 4.you thought right 5.good job
  18. 1. How many Fremen did Thufir Hawat propose existed to the Baron Harkonnen as a rough estimate? 2. What were Alia's first words to her nurse? 3. What reason did Alia use to explain why she had allowed herself to be captured, during the meeting with the Baron H and the Emperor? 4. What gift of Jamis did Paul pull form the pile of ghanima? 5. How long did Paul's coma last when he had taken a single drop of the water of life? cont. 6. Where was Alia's fatal slash upon the Baron? 7. Paul's coffee service was made of what two materials? 8. According to Margot Fenring, when is it safe to count a human dead? 9. What color were the water basins removed by Leto? 10. Galacian girls do it for what?
  19. gurneyman


    Yes I suppose the "absence of the thing" would have alerted them to it.
  20. I see what you're saying yet the "precise gift" was visited on the Fremen in total. They were gifted with the sight although afraid of the implications of it.
  21. gurneyman


    Did the Guild ever give up the location of the renegade planet Tupile, where a home could be purchased for a handful of spice?
  22. I'm not sure if this has already been covered, and I've been dissuaded against digging past the 3rd page to reference things...So I ask you kindly people, did the Red Duke have the gift? I recall an intro in the original Dune which asks why a man who by all accounts was not easily fooled, could have knowingly walked into such a trap. It goes on to ask if perhaps he "knew" all was lost and was merely "buying" a continuation of his line through the Fremen of Arrakis. I've often wondered if a man such as Leto, being so close to the end result of the KH program, wouldn't have some latent ability. Not much to go on if you stick tot he canon, and excuse my paraphrasing but just something I've always wanted an intelligent discussion about.
  23. Yes it is the greatest series ever. It's all I've read for the last 6 years. Over and over and every time, I manage to see something new and different. Hands down a life changing cadre of work. I agree the latter day Dune isn't near as good, yet I will shamelessly read them. Hope not too much butthurt was caused by my previous statements. If so fill out the attached form....
  24. 5. ...close but nope~ pseudo shield pg 344 CoD Ace paperback. And to clear up things for the thicker brothers I AM referring to the book not the movie.
  25. Duncan and a crew of Tegs followed by their robot crew, partying thru space to Van Halen and crushing mad HM tuckus. Breeding out the enemy wink wink. Then once that was accomplished a trip to Rossak for a party in the jungle fully complimented with tripbees and miracle water. Boldy they will bristle with weapons and raise their chins in defiance. Then they will pimp out el caminos and throw on spinners so they can have wheels within wheels. The End.
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