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Everything posted by NeoLogiX

  1. But where should Judaism derived from ::)? -Judaism, Christian & later Islam originate from the Aebrahamic teaching ;). The Jews execute & curse Jesus the Savior while Christian & Islam teach to love him much. But Jews & Moslem recognized him as a God Messenger while Christian accepts Him as Lord :-X. Still a bit complicate when people have different way in portraying God like he or she want, but the vision is to obey the Mighty one ;).
  2. I'm disagree for suicide bombing, those using kids & teenager must be punished.
  3. [quote author=Avatar ''Who we are: I'm always to question all religion. I want to believe Torah (aka Testament), Zaboor, Injeel (aka Bible) & finally, Koran. One of them attract me to believe & believe the God is Truly ONE. God of Judaism, Christian & Islam is identically same. I always ask myself do I believe what I am believe ? do you? I cannot stand with blind faith so I'm made some endless research for myself. Indeed people may judge which is suits among them. I found myself suits with Islam. I choose moslem not because my Mohammed name, but my instinct to believe by understanding the book of God. For those state 'Who are we' believe neither Judaism, Christian & Islam such a fake religion because they are putting themselves 'lost atheism' ..sorry for my lame english
  4. Is there any book/ site/ site-clopedia relate with Dune glossary, jargon & wierd terms :-X? got any link ?
  5. It's all proxy war. Doing for someone. US gov doesn't to mess with Israel, Afg & Iraq. It's THIER problem.
  6. ::)kindof revenge ? howbout that Queen Isabell force moslem & jew civilian to convert christian or dead ? Those arabs not only occupied in mid of EU but also knowledge, science & technology while EU crawling in the age of Darkness. ::) revenge is unnecessary, if they can't conquering Mecca.
  7. hmm, I'm also realize US government hail to humiliate Saddam capture as well humiliating the Arab ::), but in the other hand Bush restrict global media expose 'accidental case' among US troops ::)
  8. Is'it Cabala is a God manisfestation in 9 pillars ? ???
  9. Nigeria & Turjey isn't Islamic state ::), they keep their hand & separate from religious into secular
  10. no wonder using Russian sattelite, at least they can have serious defence from 'the hatred', massive islam discrimination & some provoke to involve next world war IMHO: NUCKE IS NECESSARY FOR MOSLEM COUNTRY FOR FINAL COUNTDOWN
  11. ;) it's necessary at least they are not so called 'backwards race'
  12. LOL, is it we I came from ;D? ============================== 1. Orthodox Judaism (100%) 2. Islam (98%) 3. Sikhism (86%) 4. Reform Judaism (82%) 5. Bahá'í Faith (79%) 6. Jainism (77%) 7. Liberal Quakers (73%) 8. Orthodox Quaker (72%) 9. Unitarian Universalism (70%) 10. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (61%) 11. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (61%) 12. Mahayana Buddhism (58%) 13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (57%) 14. Jehovah's Witness (55%) 15. Neo-Pagan (51%) 16. Eastern Orthodox (50%) 17. Roman Catholic (50%) 18. New Age (50%) 19. Hinduism (50%) 20. Seventh Day Adventist (49%) 21. Theravada Buddhism (46%) 22. Secular Humanism (39%) 23. Scientology (37%) 24. New Thought (34%) 25. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (31%) 26. Nontheist (30%) 27. Taoism (28%) ==================== "O hear Israel our Lord is ONE" "There is no God but Allah"
  13. "..., he grew up learning strictly hebrew religious beliefs, focused around his gathered docterns of the 612 commandments and commentary of the torah" lol, Even God command 613 Miztvah, but still Zionist Jews prefer to separate it "also, why are you so anti israel? do you have a thing against jews?" I believe from Isaac to Yeshuah/ Jesus, Zaboor & Torah teaching, but not Zionist from Talmud.
  14. "Some of my favorites is from the "dark ages". Moses Maimonides was his name. He wrote in detailed manner from things like the sacred torah, to the understanding of the one true God, to angels. a very good writer" but he was influence from moslem scholar (from Karen Armstrong) "I am proud to call myself a zionist. Even though that name has taken on a largely racist term, I still am a strong supporter of a strong jewish nation state. As well as the temple being placed upon the temple mount. (that is controversial, as you know what sits on the temple mount now days)." ~ God forbid Jews nation (Rabbi Moshe- Neturei Kartou), as result Jews cannot livin peace in Israel. + Zionist is ANTIGENTILES lead you more Talmud than original Testament.
  15. whatever action to secure themselves is not to kill each other, :( it's too bad the stubborn Arabs have NO choice to living or dead, hence in order to secure themselves is to kill themselves by suicide bombing, :( As for the Jews, the foretold Testament & Koran said they are chosen to lead us. They should optimist to help others race, unlike Zionist Jews only care for being atheist.
  16. well, Happy Hanukkah for peace Jews
  17. perhaps, both should be called terrorist? So must IDF retaliate including innocent women & child ?
  18. Well, I should respect your opinion, But do critics onto Jews must be mean to be anti-Semitic?
  19. I’m not understood why US involved my country for ‘religious intolerance country’ few days ago. http://allmalaysia.info/msiaknow/festivals/christmas.asp Btw; Marry X’mas & happy holidays 8)
  20. sorry then :-X, btw, both side have problems. When I see there was AMONG of people who countering Israel carrying bombs for suicide, in other side they ALL always carry tanks & gun.
  21. muahahaha ;D ~u think me Neo-Nazis ;D? I'm Neo, I'am, I was
  22. bah Israel :P, who is start & who is start ? >:( is't shootings child & women necessary ? goddamn zionist >:(
  23. some reading material, ...'Hitler is a universal spirit. The multiplicity of his being cannot be communicated by 100 photographs selected from thousands. These pictures show only some aspects of this unique personality. It is almost unknown that Hitler does not drink alcohol or smoke, or that he is a vegetarian. Without insisting that anyone follow his example, even in his closest circle, he holds like iron to his self-established principles. He works amazingly hard. Not only does he head the enormous apparatus of the National Socialist movement, he makes strenuous speaking tours. Today he is in Königsberg, tomorrow in Berlin, the next day in Munich, all this with a minimum of sleep, since the Führer usually works into the early hours of the morning...' -------more here http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com/hitler/intropic.html
  24. Do we CARE? :'( ------------------------------------------------------- Excerpts: NPR Interview of Chris Hedges Posted on: 11/08/2001 7:40:36 AM Chis Hedges [Excerpts - interview with New York Times reporter Chris Hedges - NPR - Fresh Air - October 30, 2001] Barbata BOGAEV: This is FRESH AIR. I'm Barbara Bogaev in for Terry Gross. Let's continue our interview with New York Times reporter Chris Hedges. He's spent the past month in Spain, France and Belgium tracking Islamic terrorist networks in Europe. Hedges was The Times' Middle East bureau chief based in Cairo from 1991 to '95. During the Gulf War, he was one of the reporters captured and detained by Iraqi soldiers. This summer he traveled to Khan Yunis, one of eight Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza. He wrote the cover story for the October issue of Harper's magazine about his experiences there. I asked him why he went to the Occupied Territories. ---------------------------------------------------- Mr. HEDGES: I wanted to write a story that tried to explain why young--Palestinian young men are so willing to go into shopping malls in Israel and blow themselves up. And I also wanted to explain what it was like to be a Palestinian in one of these refugee camps in Gaza. I think that many Americans aren't aware of how horrendous life is for Palestinians and the kind of pressure that they're put under. So I didn't want to do it rhetorically. I spent seven days in the refugee camp and just wrote about what it was like on a day-to-day basis. I picked Khan Yunis because it's surrounded on three sides in a kind of horseshoe-shaped position by Israeli military, by settlements, by Jewish settlements. And the Israeli tanks will go up on the dunes and fire into the camp. There's shooting almost every day between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli soldiers. You know, on any given day there are, you know, four or five wounded. The kids are killed all the time. There's use of live ammunition. It's a particularly brutal and horrible place. And because the Israelis can cut Gaza in half, Khan Yunis is often cut off, completely isolated from Gaza City and from the rest of the strip. BOGAEV: Could you contrast for us life in the Jewish settlements and life in Khan Yunis? Mr. HEDGES: It's remarkably like the raj in India. You have within these settlements--of course, they control the aquifers. There's an unlimited supply of water. They have--I went up and looked through the fence. I mean, you can see it from the camp. And it's sort of emerald-green lawns, white-washed villas with terra-cotta roofs. They have little resort hotels on the beach and horseback riding trails and swimming pools. The camp, itself, in Khan Yunis--I mean, I did this on purpose as one of the worst, but within a stone's throw of the settlements--is one of the most crowded places on the planet. It has never been allowed to expand in size. That's not completely the Israelis' fault. When the Egyptians held Gaza, they didn't allow the camps to expand, either, but it now houses twice the number of registered refugees--almost 60,000--than it did five decades ago. And you have to remember that the Palestinian growth rate--or the population growth rate for the Palestinians is one of the highest in the world, 3.7 percent, compared with 1.7 percent in Israel. You know, the situation for Gazans--there are 1.1 million Palestinians who live in Gaza--is such that the disparity between control over the land means that 20 percent of the territory belongs to the 16 Jewish settlements, which have about 6,000 Jewish settlers. So, in other words, one-fifth of Gaza is in the hands of .5 percent of the people who live there. These people can't travel. Now, because of the closure, they can't work. The average Palestinian, I think, is living on, you know--two-thirds of Palestinians are now living below the poverty line. And the--there's no hope of marriage, no hope of employment, no hope of housing. And I found that the only way for these young men finally to affirm themselves is to, essentially, become a martyr. And the whole culture is a kind of horrible necrophilia that's taken over the society where this is the way you assert who you are, which is through death. BOGAEV: You describe daily encounters between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians there. And most of those killed are young Palestinian boys >:(. What did you see of this fighting while you were there? How did this shooting go down? Mr. HEDGES: Well, every afternoon--you know, you could almost time it--around 3 or 4, the Palestinian kids, who have nowhere to play, would play--would go out on the dunes and they'd have kites or rag balls and this kind of stuff. And I remember--I heard it the first day. And I speak Arabic, so I'm listening over the loudspeaker to the worst curse words in Arabic, and phrases like, you know, 'All the Palestinians who live in Khan Yunis are dogs,' >:( which is calling an Arab a dog is particularly insulting. And I couldn't--I just couldn't believe what I heard. And I walked out towards the dunes and they were--the--over the loudspeaker from an Israeli army Jeep on the other side of the electric fence they were taunting these kids. And these kids started to throw rocks. And most of these kids were 10, 11, 12 years old. And, first of all, the rocks were the size of a fist. They were being hurled towards a Jeep that was armor-plated. I doubt they could even hit the Jeep. And then I watched the soldiers open fire. And it was--I mean, I've seen kids shot in Sarajevo. I mean, snipers would shoot kids in Sarajevo. I've seen death squads kill families in Algeria or El Salvador. But I'd never seen soldiers bait or taunt kids like this and then shoot them for sport >:(. It was--I just--even now, I find it almost inconceivable. And I went back every day, and every day it was the same. And it became, of course, a subtext to my story where I just, one, you know, kept interviewing parents and imams as to why they let the kids go. The answer being that, in essence, they couldn't control them. There was no room in the houses. There are just too many kids. I found that imams were preaching in the mosques, asking the kids not to go, but the problem is that, you know, the funerals became political events. You know, they would carry the bodies of the newest Shaheed through the camp. Hundreds of people would go along behind. They would fire their guns in the air. On the news that's all they talk about are the new martyrs. On the radio it's the same. So the kids are almost indoctrinated into this sort of culture of martyrdom, culture of death. And it is something that many parents, who, despite, you know, the rhetoric that we often read about, 'I'm so proud my son died,' I mean, that is something totally handed out for consumption by Western--for Western reporters or outside reporters because sitting around the houses with these people with, you know, the puffy eyes and the 1,000-yard stare, it's clear that these parents are as devastated as any parents would be to lose their child. The militants take over these funerals. They put up their banners. They put up their signs. The bodies become props; a kind of political prop to make a political statement. The parents lose control of their children even in death. BOGAEV: You talked to many Palestinians about their conception or their hope or their vision of peace. What did they say? Mr. HEDGES: I think that, you know, my piece--I was very bleak. I don't see that--I think the Oslo agreement, the Oslo Accord signed in '93, there was a lot of hope after that. I think there was the possibility that the radical Islamic groups, such as Hamas, could have been vanquished or at least made marginal forces, if there was real economic improvement, real investment, if Arafat and the Palestinian Authority had granted real press freedom and some kind of democratic representation, which they have not. He rules the place just like the thugs who rule the rest of the Middle East. And there's such a terrible sense of betrayal and such a sense of disappointment. And life has become so much worse for Palestinians since the peace agreement was signed, since the Oslo agreement was signed, that there is now such a sort of rage and despair that I don't see that chasm being bridged. I walked away, you know, in deep despair. BOGAEV: What insights does your experience in Gaza and the West Bank give you into the rise of militant Islam in Europe or what parallels have you drawn between these two experiences? Mr. HEDGES: That all of this is primarily about self-destruction. That's what it's about. And when you have nothing left to live for and no hope; when you--you know, you can't even assert your own identity; when you can't be anything other than a sort of--you know, a walking bomb or a force for violence--that what this is ultimately about is, you know, 'I'm gonna go down and I'm gonna take everyone with me.' And I think that that is a common thread, both among the radical sort of Palestinians who carry out these kind of suicide attacks, and these deeply alienated, deeply dislocated, deeply frustrated young men who drove planes into the World Trade Center. BOGAEV: Chris Hedges, I want to thank you very much for talking with us today. Mr. HEDGES: Thank you. BOGAEV: New York Times reporter Chris Hedges. He served as The Times' Middle East bureau chief for four years in the early '90s. His article about his trip to Gaza is the cover story for the October issue of Harper's magazine.
  25. it's easy to eliminate whoever you want with 'racist' policy, such blame & blasphemy. You goverments spends too much 'caring' to protecting. On contrary they were also accusing the next target to achieve, oil & asset monopoly, proxy empowering ... :O US: 'It's okay for WE have WMD, but you will not, don't worry we're not dangerous, no harm will come, ::)
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