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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. Duncan

    I am back

    I am back Nice to see still many people in here =)
  2. thx mate ps now they put in classic
  3. where can i make a dll of dune II i haved the game along time and i lost the "tapes"
  4. hi ppl i am back can say that i was in desert exile but i return :) what is the news in where ppl??
  5. pro: gunships more armor and firepower con slow speed
  6. leeches are not to crushes units but to "convert" enemy armor units ::) ::) Dunca have returned 8)
  7. hmmmmm you are right all rulez ::) ::) ::)
  8. read the post harkonen defense not sut...... and i think you have more ideas of defesen and atack
  9. hummmmmmmmmm you are special lololol 8)
  10. feda rulez against many things
  11. that is true 8) 8)
  12. eyes like of a hawk-sniper 8)
  13. i dont like much eits :-[
  14. feda rulez gainst many things :O
  15. this hapeen to my 2 i conquer the land next turn that place are under atack now the folowing problem because of the last strike in that region is less spice now my question how much time that place regenerate spice again ????????????????
  16. lolololo ok several die and others stay in this way leave the drugs ppl and star to post some tactics
  17. i like las tanks they are cool one bad thing of ordos is air force :(
  18. do not understimated the mino power and never forget one type of unit is esely stoped but a mixed units strike force can do a lot fo damage minos are never alone they arealways in paks with moongoose and others units watch out of the sonic tanks u fedakin
  19. i prefere that way the enemy lose to expensive units and importants :P
  20. a way to stop a full scale atack of deva if you are atreides use the hawk strike in them when they are runing you hunt them down with ordos use lighting charge let them kill wich others 8) 8) 8)
  21. give the idea to alpha to he made that unit lol
  22. i still dont like the air mine is one time use i prefere adp u airdrone to air cover ::)
  23. cool ::) sonic to the worms
  24. that's right if a right wrong i ask sorry :-[
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