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Everything posted by Koen_van_de_Sande

  1. 164 downloads

    A visual mod maker that has a 30 day trail, after which you get a delay of about 10 seconds while the program loads. More details can be found at the TibEd website.
  2. 144 downloads

    This module/plugin for TibEd will allow you to edit Dune 2000 files.
  3. Aren't icons supposed to be 64x48?
  4. How big are these .dun files? Do you suspect they are some kind of zip-like (or rfd/rfh) like files, with files inside? Are there any files with the same name, but with a different extension (like rfd = file data & rfh = file header)? Or is it just the .dun file (dun = file data & header). Have a look at the .dun files with a hex editor, do you see any filenames? If there's a small .dun file, I'd be willing to have a look at it, perhaps I can decode the file format. I don't have the game (and don't plan on getting it since I don't have time to play it), so you'll have to send me a .dun file. If the .dun file is a file with only the models/script in hex format, then I don't think I can help.
  5. Or look at http://ds.dial.pipex.com/hearle/Games/Dune2.html
  6. Try looking on http://arrakis.dune2k.com/ there should be a link there, or perhaps in the FED2k download section?
  7. The download server was offline ago for a few hours last week (not offline but 503 Quota Exceeded ::)) The links should work now. I'm not sure what kind of problem you are having, are you getting an error message? Which? Perhaps it's already in the FAQ on the TibEd website: http://www.tibed.net . If you still have a problem, you can post it in the TibEd forum on the same site.
  8. How long is Dunesday? In what timezone :D ;) ;D ?
  9. I have only played FF8 & the SNES one's. FF8 has good graphics, but am a bit annoyed by the battle system. FF3 (is it?) is very good, the one with Terra & Locke.
  10. It's not my fault - I just posted on my news page. It doesn't attract *that* much attention ;) ;D
  11. Do you have a file called "rules.txt" in your EmperorDataModel directory? 2nd, did you load a saved game? Changes are designed for skirmish only.
  12. Could post on TibEd.net to attract some RA2/TS people (perhaps), but what exactly should I write? There are mods for Emperor?
  13. ... ... ... Observing and trying to increase post rank ::)
  14. That information has been classified. I've been at it for 2 years now, and it now covers the website bills :)
  15. I'm not making people pay - after 30 days you get a delay of 10s (actually a bit less;) and the editor continues to work. So people who can afford it can register if they want to. But you don't have to.
  16. Is that server really that slow :( Because it always was very fast. No matter, since it's going to run out of bandwidth in a few days anyway. Bandwidth is a real problem :( A good reason to be fast I guess :)
  17. Yes it is odd ::) That'll be beta 3 then since this version has been released :) If you look on the manual page you'll see a turret mentioned somewhere... that's the weapon. A bit stupid though ;)
  18. TibEd v1.52 is now ready. It hasn't been officially announced yet, because I want to spread the traffic as much as possible. The full version can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibed152.exe Please note that it has a bandwidth limit, it will do for now, but once I officially release it bandwidth is going to be a real problem... If you already have TibEd v1.5x installed, you can download the patch to v1.52: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibedpatch15_152.exe N ew in Emperor editor module beta 2 =========================== - not compatible with Alpha 1 savefiles. E-mail me for a converter if you really need it. - icons extracted from game -> now small enough to be in the standard distribution (which is a good thing, everyone downloading has it by default unless they unselect it) - actual normal unit names - minor building support, with names for common buildings - It's a work in progress. Planning to do regular updates. Note: this editor can have problems with the veterancy system; if you're having this then try moving keys around on the manual page.
  19. TibEd v1.52 is now ready. It hasn't been officially announced yet, because I want to spread the traffic as much as possible. The full version can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibed152.exe Please note that it has a bandwidth limit, it will do for now, but once I officially release it bandwidth is going to be a real problem... If you already have TibEd v1.5x installed, you can download the patch to v1.52: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibedpatch15_152.exe New in Emperor editor module beta 2 =========================== - not compatible with Alpha 1 savefiles. E-mail me for a converter if you really need it. - icons extracted from game -> now small enough to be in the standard distribution (which is a good thing, everyone downloading has it by default unless they unselect it) - actual normal unit names - minor building support, with names for common buildings - It's a work in progress. Planning to do regular updates. Note: this editor can have problems with the veterancy system; if you're having this then try moving keys around on the manual page.
  20. Or maybe today :D TibEd v1.52 is now ready. The full version can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibed152.exe Please note that it has a bandwidth limit, it will do for now, but once I officially release it bandwidth is going to be a real problem... If you already have TibEd v1.5x installed, you can download the patch to v1.52: http://www.vdsp.myweb.nl/files/tibedpatch15_152.exe New in Emperor editor module beta 2 =========================== - not compatible with Alpha 1 savefiles. E-mail me for a converter if you really need it. - icons extracted from game -> now small enough to be in the standard distribution (which is a good thing, everyone downloading has it by default unless they unselect it) - actual normal unit names - minor building support, with names for common buildings - It's a work in progress. Planning to do regular updates. Note: this editor can have problems with the veterancy system; if you're having this then try moving keys around on the manual page.
  21. I'm releasing an editor tomorrow :)
  22. Hoping this is your problem and not a problem with the game ... ::)
  23. Emperor module beta 2 is coming... after 5 months :)
  24. Speaking of reliable bombs: Anyone know Starship Titanic :D
  25. Complaining about Emperor... I mean the game looks good - but it misses 'it'. I had the same feeling with Tiberian Sun - this game is 'missing' something. C&C, RA and Dune 2000 all had this 'great feeling' when you played them, and RA2 was OK and Yuri's Revenge is OK too. Personally, I think it has something to do with the recognition of tank units (is there a 'standard' unit which the player can immediately identify as the bulk of his attack force, called tank in all games but TS & Emperor). Secondly, the base defense issue. When I play a game, I like to dig myself inside my base, build a lot of defenses (Tesla Coils, Obelisks, Prism Towers) and start building a huge attack force. But I can't do this in Emperor - the base defenses are very bad. I'm moving to crush the enemy base, and suddenly my Construction Yard is under attack, and everything goes wrong. I had the same thing in TS - I couldn't defend my base very well. You could say I'm a bad player, but these 2 tactics (defending and tankbuilding) are what most people do, and start developing better tactics from there. Finally: I HATE LEECHES. Thank you.
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