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Everything posted by kloball4100

  1. yep but i think lord of the rings will be better
  2. kloball4100


    lol i was just about to answer that
  3. yes i concur. maybe there will learn their lesson and fix the problems, and come out w/ emperor ii
  4. i am a sword master
  5. conservatives suck >:(
  6. kloball4100


    dune 2 is a classic
  7. no way. liberals and progressives rule. moderates are ok.
  8. this sure has lasted a long time tho. after college applications are done with i will probably make a return................................................................................................................ 8)
  9. we should still try to colonize mars or something. too much overpopulation on Earth. first world governments HAVE TO START ADVOCATING BIRTH CONTROL. ::)
  10. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O wohoa
  11. hey i just wanna see people's opinions on this. ex and i were talking about it. do you guys think killing bin laden would cause an overall positive effect or negative effect? i think it might be positive domestically, since most americans will be like "tight he is dead" but i thought it will only infuriate the extremist muslims even more, which will lead to even more attacks on the u.s., since they will think bin laden died a martyr. ex thinks if bin laden dies, all the islamic extremists will be disenchanted and go home. kinda like how all the nazis gave up after hitler shot himself. what do you thinK?
  12. i think this is the start of the trend of world destabilization...riots everywhere, destabilization of governments in the CIS (former soviet union republics) as well (the entire cabinet of Georgia, not the state Georgia, was forced to quit by the president), and i think the IRA will take the chance to restart their activities again. ??? ??? ??? i think the world's gonna be in a mess in the next 50 years. steve hawkings is right...we gotta start colonizing space soon.
  13. yep that was the real me. i was at school and forgot my password.
  14. awesome tactic with the "death hand", w/o knowing where the enemy is within the fog of war. u have to listen carefully... save before you launch a death hand missile...if you dont hear a building blow up, load and try again. (there is a difference between a sound of a death hand exploding and the sound of it exploding and taking out buildings at the same time.
  15. My partner and I was digging back at one of our caves. "WOAH! I think I found something." It seems Asfat, which was my friend's name, had discovered some sort of black gooey substance while trying to dig. "I think it is some sort of hydrocarbon - petroleum in essence!" I said.
  16. House Jones wasn't really a house. it was a cabal of pirates from all different races.
  17. first i wanna explain why im suddenly posting so much, particularly after my recent resignation from the war (not so recent now i think). but political commentary and political/historical analysis is my thing...) to ex: i think the only reason britain is helping out the u.s. is cuz they want the U.S. to crackdown on IRA resources in the U.S. (most of IRA finances comes from Boston, and whereever there is a concentration of Irish-Americans). its kinda like the gulf war deal, b/c Kuwait was a major supplier of oil to countries like Japan, the U.S. finished off Iraq to save Japan from an oil crisis, and therefore, Japan, to save face, reduced their tariffs on U.S. goods imported into their country. by the way, did you know the primary reason for the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait? b/c Kuwait operated a number of oil drills that operated diagonally downwards, crossed the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, and drilled into Iraqi underground oil stores? in addition, before the Gulf War, Iraq had one of the strongest military in the middle east, perhaps the strongest. and that came from the United States, which supported Iraq in the war against Iran, which became anti-U.S. after the Shah was overthrown. ----------------------------------------------------------- KKK was founded by Gen. Nathan Forrest and various other confederate leaders. Gen. Nathan Forrest soon regretted his action, as a bunch of rednecks and basically everyone in the South who lost everything in the civil war began taking out their anger on black people. the civil war was destined to happen since the founding of the colonies. while the northern and middle colonies formed manufacturing businesses, the south built its wealth on farm plantations that thrived on the toils of slaves. as u can see, these two economic systems are extremely different. after independence, it is obvious that the north and the middle (i.e. new york and pennsylvania), wanted high tariffs (tax on imports, in case you didnt know.), and the south wanted low tariffs on imports. this is because the two produced different things. the north & the middle produced manufactured goods, while the south produced raw material, cotton for one. here is how it goes: high tariffs was needed to protect the infant American industries against the already super-developed British industries. however, many textile mills of england used southern cotton. therefore, if the tariffs are high, these textile mills are less likely to buy southern cotton, due to the fact that the tariffs will discourage americans from british goods in the first place. because of the higher population concentration in the north and middle, the north and middle often got their way, and south carolina almost seceded in the 1830s (30 years before the civil war would begin). anyways...yes the KKK is a terrorist organization. look at it, parading around town saying "we will kill Blacks, Jews, Asians" is terrorizing do you all think? terror is terror.
  18. come to think of it, terrorism used on a daily basis. if you threaten to beat up someone b/c he was talking up some trash, that is terrorism. ur using terror to accomplish something. in addition, i think human lead lives that are often full w/ hypocrisies. if you think about it, during the american revolutionary war, the revolutionaries terrorized about 8,000 loyalists (probably more), burning their homes and such. it was even worse during the segment of the French Revolution that is often known as the "Reign Of Terror," where i think but im not sure but around 20,000 political prisoners were executed. obviously, as implied by "terror", the "Reign of Terror" were led by some radicals who wanted to instill revolutionary ideals, and did it through terror. ironically, it was contradictory.
  19. this speech is definitely mind-blazing. i actually read this before (a lot of my friends here in Cali are fans of noam)i actually have read open veins of latin america, and i think all of you should read it as well. howard zinn's people's history of the united states is tite as well. the people on this board who says the textbooks we use in school suck are correct. today's mainstream media/informative industry totally blocks our facts that are vital to know. ex. did you know Woodrow Wilson was a racist against blacks and actually re-segregated the federal government? In addition, he was strongly against women's suffrage, and only supported it when he realized women getting their right to vote was imminent and inevitable. bet you never read that in the textbook. note: did you know open veins of latin america is on the top 10 list of banned books in south america?
  20. [glow=green,2,300]so i guess this marks my retirement. note to ex: you should stop blowing things up that you could otherwise utilize. Sun Tzu would agree with me.[/glow]
  21. doh ex backstabbed :( . [glow=blue,2,300]but nevertheless, i think i have to stop keeping up with this board. college applications are gonna start becoming more and more time-consuming, and thus im probably gonna have to stop posting. its been fun guys.[/glow]
  22. [glow=blue,2,300]To mysterious yelling English-speaking man - We come in peace. We want to get in touch with the others that were banished. We will show you our homes in the caves, but first, please, we need food. Take us to your camp. :D :D :D[/glow]
  23. [glow=yellow,2,300]HERBS :O :O :O :O :O :O
  24. "Excellent. House Solicias will soon be destroyed, and whatever of their fleet shall have to seek asylum. Newman, send a facedancer-encoded message to the rest of our fleet: ... :) ;) ;) :) ;D :D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8) ??? ??? :-[ :-X :-X :-* ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :'( :-* :-/ :-[ :P ::) ??? 8) 8) :o :( ;D :D ;) :-[ :P :-X :-/ ??? :o >:( :D :) :D... "Ok, sire. I shall inform them of our next move." --------------------------------------------------------- [glow=red,2,300]EXCELLENT[/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]GOOD[/glow] [glow=yellow,2,300]CLEAN[/glow] [glow=green,2,300]FUN[/glow]
  25. kloball4100


    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :O 8) ;D :D
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