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Everything posted by Viq

  1. I take it anyone who doesn't look at these boards will miss out on the new land share.
  2. Which CD?
  3. Viq

    Gmail VS Hotmail

    Ahah, thanks a lot.
  4. Viq

    Gmail VS Hotmail

    My hotmail is 250MB, and i haven't paid a penny. This puzzles me somewhat.
  5. Mocks are the previous years final examinations which we have to take in January to give us a rough estimation of what out results will be in the final examinations in June. The system might work, but it sucks none the less. I wish they could just postpone christmas until after the mocks, other wise it's revision in a one horse open sleigh for me...
  6. I thought that eventually the TNC's would take over in the furure, or is that just misinformation?
  7. 1. Emperor: Battle for Dune 2. No Mocks 3. No Final Examinations You notice how i want Emperor more than nething else...
  8. Viq

    Halo 2 released!

    Forgiven or not, has neone got an answer to my query??
  9. Viq

    Halo 2 released!

    Ahhh! Sorry Didn't occur to me that some people might not have completed it yet.... Will you ever forgive me???
  10. Viq

    Halo 2 released!

    Yo, got a little problem. In the storyline, the first time you see Gravemind, he is on Halo 2, right? He then teleports the Chief to the mauseleum, in the big covanent mushroom ship, right? (How does he do that neway??) As I recall, the ship never lands on Halo 2, so how does Gravemind get to the ship in the last movie? What gigantic revelation have i missed??
  11. Are we all talking about Canada and the US as countries or the individual people in those countries. It's tight to say that evreyone in Canada ot the US is charitable/bush haters/or whatever else you want to say.
  12. well, to get back onto topic, what so wrong with the ordos, apart from the fact that they aren't in the book?
  13. Thx for that Erjin. So where would u bump the board to if u could, Shiroko?
  14. Can Bush play chess??
  15. "bumping"??
  16. ...3 cheers for Shikiro... No really, no joke Hip hip hurray
  17. Well lets get some truly contraversial things goin on... This is the part where i get stuck...
  18. i realize, ophirus, that you play nerthh, but to me that seems pointless. You have hardly any tactics lieft to employ, just make loads of combat tanks and missile tanks.deviators. That's it. What else can u do?
  19. Tnx 4 that
  20. OK, tnx 4 that, i'll give it a go.
  21. I'm not sure i understand what you're saying on number 4. Could you explain it please?
  22. What intriuges me is that we consider humility good, but also love and other feelings which give us pleasure...I think. Why then do we consider humility good, because that doesn't really bring us any pleasure.
  23. OK, if there was a button to wipe out only the human race, why would you press it? Who would benefit? Would we, becuase we would no longer suffer? Or would we not, because, obviously, we would be dead. And isn't there an argument that says humans are here for a reason? Oh, wait....that's practically this topic....
  24. Oh, thanks. And by the way....Happy Birthday Andrew, wlthough it's a bit late. ;D
  25. So what does the "S" stand for?
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