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  1. Know this one yet? http://www.yetisports.net/yetisports3/
  2. If you really want to punish someone, taking away their lives wil have no punishing effect on them. If you just kill them, they won't have the time to tegret their actions or even feel punished, because they're dead. But if you punish someone in a non-lethal way, they will have the rest of their lives to think about how they threw away their lives. That's just how I think about it...
  3. Well... the true story is far more sinister than you all think. And I could get assasinated just for mentioning it, but... I'll say it with one word... FACEDANCERS!!! :D
  4. Leandros

    Im 17!

    First of all: Happy Birthday. Second: Just in case if you'd want to know my age, I turn 20 in august. Third: Happy Birthday!!!
  5. Leandros


    I think it's a very good band, but I only really like their "Origin of symmetry"-album.
  6. I play Dune because I like RTS-games a lot and ofcouse because it's DUNE!!!!!!!! Dune rules bigtime!!!
  7. It all depends on how you want to play the game, I think. If you like to play with a lot of power and militairy might, join House Harkonnen. If you like to play with a balanced team, join House Artreides. And if you like to play really strategically,(is that a word?) join House Ordos, because you WILL NEED strategic insight for playing with this House.
  8. Leandros


    I don't know if someone said this already, (to lazy to read everything in this topic) but I think it would be a good idea to let the Sardaukar stand still for a little time. This way the Sardaukar's characteristics come into play: It will look like they will have to concentrate in order to resist the Hawk. Or something like that... (if what I said sounds a tad bit idiotic to you, remember that I had a very, very, very long day today)
  9. Life without the RADAR would be pretty stressfull for me, I'd just have to screen the map for enemy activity almost constantly.
  10. I like the Chaos0Lightning best, especially when you send in a few "Eye in the Sky"'s in for the kill afterwards...
  11. Amen to that
  12. My most hated tank on my team would be the APC,(any House) because I don't use them. My most hated tank on the enemy team would be the Inkvine Catapult,(Hark) they annoy me bigtime, especially when they fire at my Infantry Units
  13. Great Houses: I like House Artreides, why I don't know. But I also like House Ordos because of their lack of morality and high-tech units. Subhouses: I Like the Fremen and Ixians because they're cool, but if I want an easy win, I always use the Sardaukar and the Ixians. I just project a couple (10/20)of saurdaukar troops and attack, they're very useful against infantry.
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