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Everything posted by drahgoon

  1. came across my old dune2k disc, which of course is scratched to the point of being unusable, then thought of you guys and how long its been, came across this thread, and took me till around page 5 before i noticed they were posted in 2007, heh. its been a while since ive come here, and i think i liked the old forum aesthetics better. but on another note, how has everyone been?
  2. had a nostalgia moment, and was wondering if anyone is still alive around these parts
  3. i would want pure white ones lol i remember seeing someone with those, i looked at them and then looked back where i was walking then loked back and jumped like 2 feet in the air, and the hair on the back of my neck stood straight out it freaked me out lol i wanna do that to people
  4. lol tongue tied - faber drive
  5. lol@ lowzeewee didnt you get multiple bans? and after you got unbanned werent you pretty much banned again?
  6. wow lol
  7. what was the name just curious
  8. the golden 6 adn i think maybe a few others
  9. money honey - state of shock
  10. lol cant when was it started anyways?
  11. yeah but still i dunno i miss dune2k alot lol
  12. Dumb - Nirvana
  13. lol true but still 7 years? lol hehe
  14. lol i never noticed there was a wow thread lol i remember makign a comment about it a while ago, and in a bad way lol saying i would never pay $15 a month just to play a game after buying it, well here i am, with a lvl 68 dwarven pally, 39 draenei mage, and numerous other toons lol this game you need to play till lvl 30 b4 you really start seeing the content i think 1-10 is amost irritating and basic, but after that it starts to improve, you really learn this when you start a new character lol but anyways i reccomend just DLing the trial, and playing it for a while, 1-10 you should be able to do in an hour, and just keep going. believe me it gets even better lol Realm - Muradin Bubblemeplz 68 dwarven pally Esquared 39 draenei mage Staub 23 nightelf hunter exbubblebank 1 human lock (bank alt)
  15. lol youve been around long enough i think lol
  16. ... you remember just having to ask to be able to see the dungeon lol i still want to get that back lol
  17. well it seems that this thread has dissapeared lol well anyways i am back guys yet again lol life seems to go so quickly that you seem to leave behind thingsi honestly cant remember the last time that i was on here, but i am back and im glab to be back
  18. i really wish westwood was still around
  19. or send an eng to get the harkonen palace. so you dont nessesarily have to be harkonen
  20. well, its been another 4 years. d2k is now a decade old :D i wish i still had my old disc lol
  21. hehe that has worked in soo many games i cant even begin to think about it lol but i guess thats for d2k strat isnt it lol one thing i found to counter act it is to destroy concrete i wasnt using with a siege tank ctrl click i think it was
  22. lol that i remeber figuring out, i am wondering, do they work in vista? does dune even work? lol
  23. i think this topic could use a refresh lol cause alot of work was put into this to make sure it worked as well as it was updated
  24. >< i miss d2k soo much lol but i havnt had the $$ available in a way i can buy something online lol stupid need of credit cards so i kinda ended up getting addicted to WoW lol anyways guys im back !! yet again... lol
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