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Everything posted by djhenry

  1. WOW! man... i mean WOW! that's some hard work on the clone.... well, it must be demanding A LOT ! if there is anything we, in the community can do to help, plz post a messy `bout it that's really great... and in my opinion it looks better than any dune fan product (dune 2000, emperor etc.) i have ever seen !!!!! ;D
  2. Homeworld:Cataclysm Advantages: Beautiful graphix first RTS game where you can move your units in total 3d great music great storyline fantastic battles researching is a lot of fun Brilliant ship design Neutral: 2 sides, very different ! Disadvantages: none,what so ever
  3. 10x nyar, you r the greatest!
  4. hi, i am back! guess what nyar. i reinstalled everything, from hardware to software, formated the HD reinstalled windows when suddenly i realized i have not entered the password to windows setup. also it never asked for validation. i had to go to the shop and have my windows XP copy be replaced. i installed it again, and the 100 MB limit is still there. got any ideas ?
  5. well... since my other HD's are very very small, i can't install winXP on any of `em.i checked with dos, and now the computer allows me to copy large files in DOS mode ONLY!!! could it be a bad controller ? just replaced motherboard, it seems the the problem is still there.
  6. nyar! another problem solved! XP now founds new HD when i install it!!!! temp dir is empty. i have 25/40 gigas on my HD
  7. basicly from anywhere to drive C (including drive c to drice C copy). already checked the following: 1. in dos mode the computer won't crash 2. files smaller than 100MB won't make XP crash 3. when creating very big files on drive c (photoshop pictures, or using mathlab modeling) XP crashes . (in the process of creating the file)
  8. ok, got it... well, the computer still crashes when i copy large files the games` problem seem to have stopped
  9. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  10. well, did it.... the first two problems are still there. OS now detects new hard drives.
  11. GOOD FOR HIM! well, after he is there, it's only a matter of time until when maxis will stand. this man is too busy! (i don't know at what, because what he is supposed to do never gets done).... Let's hope that simcity 4 won't be like emperor ... it would be a giant step forward in computer gaming (yass=yet another sims` sim) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. hi! well, anyone fell free to join this topic: i have a winXP on one of my computers, and it has some problems: 1.it hooks up (freezes) when running games (with a long beeep that actually stops when i restart) 2.when writing big files to drive c windows crashes saying it hd done so becase of a fault that was a possible hazard to one of the computers` components. 3.it has a problem with detecting new hard drive when i add it (as secondary slave, or master) any ideas ?
  13. westwood is known for it's "cheater friendly" code....
  14. okay, well, maybe try this: 1.try removing one modul (256mb mem chip) and reboot (twice so windows could "respond" to the hardware changes) 2.check out the amount of memory in "my computer properties". 3.set the "virtual memory" setting found in the preformance tab, in "my computer properties" window, check the "let me specify my own virtual memory setting",fill 0 in minimum, and 256 in maximum. The logic behind this: 1.i don't know what OS you own, but windows` optimal memory is 512mb 2.some programs i have just crash in a very bizzarre way when i let windows manage my virtual memory. some games do the same when windows decides to allocate memory and never really remembers to free it (a known problem for C, C++ compilers in windows)...which might just be it
  15. well, i had somewhat "close" problem. the exit button said "em:emp." after 15 emails to westwood, after 4 times i reinstalled the game, i found out that the problem was split into two bits: 1.directX 8 was not properly installed 2.i had a virus (melissa 5246) which has corrupted some of the .EXE files of emperor.(for some strange reason this virus does not cause harm to 32bit systems, its a DOS virus). better check for it.
  16. edrico, i am with you (that ,means i am with all of you) true.... true ..........
  17. well, i sure do hope that BLIZZARD WILL NAVER MAKE A DUNE GAME! you know why ? because blizzard is too much of an RPG than an RTS maker. look at warcraft III and starcraft and you'll see what i mean. on any case, any other 3rd party should make a good game... as long as it follows the good spirit of DUNE......
  18. what about the good guys from the past ? vladimir vodka ? frodo ?
  19. well, crying too much on this forum won't help us much
  20. i still haven't played the game, but from what i have read, it's more like 60% RPG and 40% RTS. Blizzard have already told to www.gonegold.com and CGW that there are heroes that have a main role in the battles. also they pointed out that you can't win a battle if your side has no hero, and the other side has one. also... man.. you suck piracy is bad! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
  21. well, frodo, their hype is making the games to be sold. and after the cash flow.... we can party and forget about the product, right ?
  22. well, i know nyar. and it's a tough thing too. that's why i admire your hard work in this scene.
  23. well, just to add more wood to the fire... When designing a product 67 of all costs go directly to .... support. that's right. support means: 1.fixing and tracing bugs. 2.adding features. 3.making the program more stable with OS. 4.research and server support. well, westwood done all that (yeah, right :- ) they still dodn't fix all their bugs, i think nyar here deserves a westwoods' paycheck for his wonderful work. features were added, but not too much (at least no grouping was added, and no music patch was ever done, nor fixing known multyplayer bugs...) and about research and server support, well, they took off their site over @ westwood and dropped it all on gob.... well.... i think that they should trash their source and give it to the public. i mean ... look at freespace 2, homeworld, cataclysm and total annihilation , those have too much mods and goodies because the developers wanted to see what will the talented fans make out of their work. i don't mean that there's been some bad work on emperor, but it should have been made more... "user friendly"
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