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Desert Ranger42

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Everything posted by Desert Ranger42

  1. Hell, if that happened to me then I'd look like that little boy. And I wonder why that thing didn't come for him ;) I'm scared....
  2. Hi, I'm the useless blob of goo that sits around doing nothing all day. I occasionaly post on anything that takes my fancy. My computer crashed, and that interrupted my posting on this site. Anyway I'm blabbing. Welcome to FED2k, and if anyone starts giving you trash just let good ole' (or should I call him young?) Gob know.
  3. A ranking system would be good too. Yes I am alive, I just became separated from the Fed2k link when my computer crashed.
  4. Maybe we should vote or something? ???
  5. Me too. I like the fremen image.
  6. Thanks. ;D
  7. I started visiting after Dune 2000 came out, about 1999. But I didn't join.
  8. This may be posted or listed somewhere else but..... How do you stick a banner or a picture in your signature? If it is listed somewhere else then I apologize for my laziness.
  9. On Dune 2000, there is a file with heaps of spare pics in it. If you tweak them up a bit they could look origonal. I hope. Just an idea.
  10. HOUSE ATREIDES!!!!!!! They may be a bit different but the value HONOUR0!!!!!!!!!! And good wine and loyalty and snipers.......... :D OH! And minotaurs............... ;D
  11. What is the point of hidden text? My most hated infantry would be..... The Sniper. They're good fun when you control them, just not when the opponent does.
  12. For some reason I recall the name Duke Achillus Atreides from somewhere. Seriously I do. Also Baron Rakon Harkonnen pops into my head. I don't know why, they just ring a bell...... ???
  13. How about a heirachy? Each house would have a House command (All the C in C's and what not) then house gaurds, the army, and finally the civillians. That or some other such thingy. But I'm still an ignorant newb. :-[
  14. I would advise everyone joining a pre-existing house (Atreides Harkonnen and so forth), up to an agreed amount of people (say 20), and once all the other factions are filled up, start creating new ones. But I'm just an ignorant newb, what do I know. :-[
  15. Oooooo :O, They sound like fun.
  16. I am honoured by all this advice I am getting from what I term "Modding Gods". Your knowledge far outclasses mine in modding matters. And I am not being sarcastic here. I have to get my A into G and start it or otherwise I will have wasted all your time for nothing. Cheerio.
  17. Your welcome :)
  18. There has to be a place other than the Dune Editing website to get Empy mods off. Cos the Dune editing website is down and I would like to know when it will be back up. Failing that could someone give me the plasma mod. It is such a good mod. Much appreciated. Oops. Sorry didn't know you had posted before me. Sorry. I'll shut up now.
  19. Living things move! And some non living. ;)
  20. I see what you mean. Will do.
  21. I want all origional vehicles removed (not entirely or the game will stuff up). Only the subhouses would provide combat vehicles. Origional houses would have infantry and other stuff for APC's. More later.
  22. Here's my idea for the mod. It's just infantry and old and outdated vehicles. Medical vehicles, Sand buggies, and all the Ix transports, Tleilaxu transports and walkers you can hit with a stick. Fremen shall provide Yak riders and Bikers (Squisheness), Sardaukar provide all the up to date weaponry such as drop ships (if I can make it work), the Imperial APC, tank, and the general. All houses will have the same infantry: Light infantry: using the Atreides Infantry model thingy. Heavy infantry: using the Harkonnen one. Machine gunner: The Sardaukar with a different gun, slower, and just...well....different. Kindjal: Deployable anti-tank weapon. Best in the game. AA trooper: Best against aircraft. Ordos AA trooper. Missile Trooper: Lighter anti tank weapon, not a seeker though, and not AA. Hark trooper Flamer infantry: Need I say more? Chemical Warfare trooper: *Titters* Atreides sniper: For atreides. Ordos assain: Sniper for ordos with all the appropriate sneakyness. Harkonnen doesn't get one. I'll figure something out soonish. Saboteur: Ordos only. Mortars: Everybody gets artillery. Ornithopters: Everyone gets them. That's about it. Basically all the sub-houses are all powerful. But the three origionals are still fighting, and all the sub-houses are back stabbing and double dealing. Which explains why they are so powerful. Not very inventive but, I only just started. I have to re-install empy again cos I stuffed up with TibEd. Or rather stuffed up the Yak rider manually. I will do stuff manually instead of with TibEd becuase manual seems more reliable. If anyone can see any problems with the above then tell me please. This is my first mod, it may be a bit ambitious, but what is life without ambition?
  23. I might as well. Thanks. :)
  24. It's gonna be a big one and I need info and files. Firstly I need Screenshots of units converted into icons. I need them so that I can differentiate between all the new infantry I'll be making. Preferably of every infantry unit in the game. I would do this myself except I lack the nessercary tools to complete these tasks. If you would like to help me then please feel free to contact me. Help would be much appreciated.
  25. Desert Ranger42's giude for fun: Find a large slope. Make sure that there is a fence at the bottom of the slope. Place 3 Steers (Bulls minus the balls), a hyperactive donkey, and a 1 year old puppy at the top of the slope. Make sure the puppy will follow you. Start at the top of the slope and run like hell. Everything should be following the puppy and the puppy should be following you. Rush towards the fence and when you reach it place your hands on the top of the fence and throw yourself over. Make sure you land in the mud pool on the other side. This comes from experiance. :D
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