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Everything posted by syczek
i can play for 15days cos no comp in home, i from internet cafee thrgd
i dont have any probs with shai hilud 2000 to making maps i use this shai ulud, but for activate maps, i use med2k :) so i sent here screenshot of med2k with concrete placing lol. but when i save and open again changes vanishes lol i created a funreal plain 2 :P and cant made screenshot when i open med2k printscrn not work lol
all regitration servers are off for maintnance, i dot know when be on, wol may want self-kill dune2000 lol
this sasser is like blaster, and he is created by antiglobalist, when poland joined to ue, antiglobalists not wishes polandin ue and for this these people created sasser and issass this second is more dangerous, he deleting files and may damage your motherboard (like cih)
you need 800x600 to play dune, or higher, or copy dune200 to desktop (make shortcut) check properties and go to program, add a -g thing into pattch and may fix grapchics problems
How do I install those new patches/downloads?
syczek replied to Ghana Onslaught's topic in Dune 2000
where i can make new name for dune2000 i tried other links but wont work -
lick my !@#
site snap.to/tu ( http://members.shaw.catu77a ) not work ... proably is deleted :(
i play sometimes but i working for firm mks.com.pl and dont have eoungh time to playing, but i can in work :> my work is creating vaccines agaist computer viruses but i dont play on nerthh i always played without rules but that is some !@#$ (engineers) and just 5quads kill harester in second (grrr) i using another rules than nerthh, FbWoLFtD Fast battle,Winner or Loser,Fight To Death, i play only ordos or harkonnen (atreides !@#$) i have screenshot of polfan project a fremens got construction yard, in prooject is fixed AI (ai dont sold captured buldings) project has been made 4days ago but i just got screenshots :( i dont have access to project polfan second shot is when fremens blowed me up and i tried to survive on right down corner bt fremens created base and almost destroyed me, just survived wind traps and barracks :>[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
no problem... but you need some beware to entering into unknow sites, in these websites can be hideden trojan or viruses. i using internet just for maintenance of my knowledge(earning science) we shall be carefully . many people having troubles with viruses more dangerous than this virus trojan horse startpage or something. best dangerous irus is win32.cih.1003 and virus mydoom . sometmes i got in my mailbox mydoom viruses , but i always delete these !@#$%
maybe u made bad modification and game cant run, find in registry of system a keys ad values contain gta3 gta vc , or something, remove and install, that works, if no. ask other people ..Trrrrrr
there are typchica trojans who residenting in your memory and you shall delete infected with trojan files, scan your all discs wit antivirus what u have,
1...download patch into directory where is emperor 2...unzip patch(with wirar) to same directory where is emperor winrar u can get from www.rarlabs.com 3...do it, that not harm. i played emperor some month ago but emperor istooo hard for me /
we can play until wol is ON, but be not nice when be off again....... about fun: do you know how to place on sand (BOS) build on sanD? FOXrotorz PLACED a barracks in my base, i dont know why but i think he dont captured my any bulding and dont placed cncrete inside my base, that is windows event how to BOS 1.find man to play(can be newbie or oldie) ask him to build a hows bulding but dont place it, 2. tell him o press ALT+TAB , whenhe be on desktop he must in same time RETURN TO GAME (alt+tab) AND IN SAME TIME CLICK MOUSE(WITH SELECTED BULDING TO PLACE<MUST BE READY>) 3. AND YOUR NEWBIE OR OLDIE BE HAVING HOWS BULDING ON WHITE SAND. THAT WORK ONLY AROUND YOUR BASE BT IF U HAVE NEAR ENEMY YOU CAN PLACE IN ENEMY ((U MUST HAVE VER NEAR ENEMY )
you can play game now? WOL comed BACK!!!i actually logged into WOL and its worked! cmon i try play u :D
hmm i know something NERTHH no engineers ( dont use engineers in 1vs1 like cowards) no rush ( i think about attack from 3 or 2 gates in same time) no turrets (turrets are weak and just waste of moneys) no harvester killing ( you die without harvesters, no harvesters --> no spice --> no money)about this rule is not allowed to killing harvesters on spice field, (when u place army in spice near harvesters, you can be taken as HHer* HHer --> harvester hunter about crates: crates are fun and can rescue you (sometimes u can have MCV from crate =] a small tip for deviator if you play ordos and have deviators, u can build around deviator a walls, tanks can be temporairy taken for you untill walls not crushed and deviators not killed
lol my ISP is UPC.com.pl and i dont have any probs with connetion i know wol is dead and is that problem but when wol be online, for 4days or maybe never? i thing , is ending april and wol has been locked , cause is, no mans play on wol, and wol dont get people
i have DSL/cable FAST , 704kbps dont have router, i dont have probs ith connection but dune is down, i get message from WOL about check your ISP etc. but is not cause of my connection, i have all good,, i dont have anyone firewall coz i reinstalled some days ago a windows 98 , but i not using firewalls cos im not internet maniac
i have same problem "connection to Westwood Online failed. check your ISP connection. but i have propertly connected to ISP and im able to play other online games............ wol died
I ALWYAS CAPTURE one of mercs bulding (wind trap or silo) and madebase in mercs, (turrets,) and i attack when mercenaries attacks enemies, that keep mercs agaist enemies and for good battles mercenaries can defend you!
i have a idea, i made a test, with worm and tibed in special opions i set worm to engineer, (special case and engineer-worm e entered to land and captred my bulding lol. ) tried i with fremennon_stealth with SC eniner, and is really !@#$ , in harkonnen mission 4, lots of fremens tried captue me lol , i made a MOD with access to deploy ads into con yard. but next thing is WHY AI ALWAYS SOLD BASE IF LOST REFINERIES OR OTHER IMPORTANT BULDINGS, I PLAYED RED ALERT 1, AND AI NOT SOLD BASE IF HE LOST REFINERY LOL... WHY THAT IS ..
ok.. i get program and tried to test him on dune2000 but no result, i placed a IP of server in one of posts (about XWIS) i think to dune200 is not needed serial number, , i have orginal CD dune2000, but i still have probs into log to XWIS may i need other server, hows i can yet use to login into dune2000 online than WOL and XWIS ?
When XWIS and WOL is down go to ORDS server
syczek replied to Ords's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
i tried and i get error, prgram made bad operation and has been closed, if problems return , contact with producer. lol i plaaced in up and pressed set and test, tried login as asitrike, im not banned bt i get this error.