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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2020 in all areas

  1. It's quite long silence here, so I'll break it by showing a progress from me: You would probably guess it right - it's a Templates.bin editor, a replacement of TibEd. This should be one level above TibEd, supporting all building properties including those that are Unknown fields in TibEd, crammed on a single screen, and most importantly, you can have a live preview of the building visual appearance, including animations. At this stage I am asking all of you who read this, for a comment and feedback on this question - will you ever make a good use of this feature? What I am concerned about is, that developing such functionality takes me really very lot of time and effort, and I want to make sure, that this won't be wasted effort, but there will be enough people that will actively use it and make a really good new stuff with this. At this time, we have TibEd, and people have used it for long of time so far and made really good creations and mods with that, and with some effort, it is still moreless still well-usable. I'm creating something that's going to be better and replace TibEd, but lot of stuff was already created with TibEd and I wonder if there's still somebody keen on modding that much who would create something brand new and interesting with the new possibilities. So @Fey @Cm_blast @Feda @firefly101 @Amander @X3M @azimovhaas8 @AZ-Stalker @lovalmidas @aarmaageedoon now you have opportunity to vote here and tell if you plan to use the better replacement of TibEd I'm currently working on. The more votes, the more I'll be into finishing this. Thank you.
    3 points
  2. This is something bugged with your game then; this is what should happen. A) You start the game and harvest the amount of money requirement (no clicks needed). B) you get the Sonic tanks and destroy the windtraps C) Imperials get angry at you for doing that and then start with the attacks. And then only after the "C" part it's done, he will start launching attacks, but no before that. Did you play any modded campaign recently? because maybe my trigger it's "certain unit/building exist" but due you using a modded version, that unit/building arealdy exist (or don't) and everything trigger before expected. If you want to check this is the teaser I did for the campaign, I did move a bit the harversters (exploring a bit the area) for the sake of the video, but you can see how I am just calming doing my thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwE-hAQqKxo Just in case I recently downloaded the mission and applied/loaded with the mission launcher. Nothing wrong happened to me (That's the MCV landing). Harvesting the quota, doing the windtrap thing, receaving the MCV, no enemy unit on sight. In fact, the enemy it's made to be passive, and will actually waits until you fullfill the windtrap goal, when you do that, you get a MCV. When you deploy the MCV, the enemy can start producing units, and only when the siege tank it's produced (which will take some time as the AI will build other units befre), an enemy wave will trigger and launch a attack. It's true that you only have low tech to protect against combat tanks and so on, but it's just that, he is passive until you do that job (or if you let the game running for... dunno, maybe 3 hours, then he may launch an attack on you). Just be sure that you copied the file "tiledata.bin" provied (although I don't think this has anything to do with it), which path it's "data/bin", but if you already did, then you may need to rever whatever change was done on the game. Here, these are the usual 4 files that gets modded depending on the campaign, this upload are the originals I have as a back up. Template Original.rar They are in the folder "data/bin". So try to overwrite them. This should revert the game to the vanilla state and try again the mission. And again, the battle shouldn't ever start not until a MCV it's delivered, and even then, the AI will take some time to arrive (so your Sonic tanks have enough time to come back, you can build a second ref and barracks and group a decent amount of infantry/troopers to protect yourself). Even storywise you are the neutral faction, Imperials are not the attackers, you are the one that "attacked" a windtrap the emperor wanted and then retaliate because of that action.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. The issue with TibEd is that even what works currently is very poorly documented (actually not all all by the author). Right now Fey is the guy everyone goes to when it comes to how to use TibEd, since he spent the most time researching it and its bugs. There is no way to create a decent mod (which involves more than just changing the HP of buildings and basic stuff like that) without spending tons of time finding out what certain unknown bytes do, or understand what behavior really means, as it's a pretty bad word to describe that feature. A new TibEd, especially based on the screenshot I saw above, would be absolutely amazing. Even more now, since people can actually get into modding and have their files installed and uninstalled automatically. The fact people had to copy paste and backup files themselves used to be the main reason not a lot of creators decided to go for mods in their missions. Ever since the new launcher, there has been a significant increase in modding desire on our discord server. However, TibEd is really not the greatest program ever, so I really believe your tool would be a life-saver. I know for sure that I'd use your tool over TibEd any minute just by watching that screenshot above. Not to mention the preview of the building with animation support, which is huge Lemme give you an example: let's say I want to make the sietch selectable and repairable, then add a unit queue to it. I have a general idea of what I have to change, but I'd have to go over 1-2-3 pages of forum topics or search in a big-ass history of discord messages, or even PM Fey just to find out the byte numbers that I have to change, since I don't remember the actual numbers. Your editor can only be a serious improvement over TibEd, there is no reason anyone would use TibEd over yours if you get it to do all that TibEd can do + the better, more documented interface. Another reason: I am planning a sequel to my War of the Landsraad campaign pack, but I said I'll wait even 2 years if that's how much it takes to have some documentation done over all the unknowns and other TibEd stuff. I would really prefer to not have to deal with numbers, but with actual text organized in a very good GroupBox-style interface like in your screenshot. Maybe there won't be 100 people using it, since the community is small, but I can guarantee me, Fey and Cm would use this without a thought, and I'm sure the other modders like @Amander will also transition to it, as there is simply no reason to stick to TibEd if something like this becomes available.
    1 point
  5. I always had in mind a big campaign where I go to edit everything, using every single tileset done as multiple planets so you face nameless factions (or random factions as I may give them based on wikis) with weird tech; although for the most part I am aiming with the graphics that exist already, but as Fey had several graphics here and there (and units) I may use them too. If I had that tool with those nice "cannot be sold" It's something I would prefer over reasking Fey or re-re-researching myself which bytes do what. I simply cannot say for sure "I will do it" because who knows if by when I am finish with my current campaign I am totally done with modding, or maybe not; I don't know; my "Dune Emperor final" mission was on my mind but I created like 3-4 campaigns before actually doing it. For my part, having some of these options more clearly (and not lying as Tibed does in some parts) It could be that future/possible campaign of mine it's more certain to happens. And of course, it is more likely to happen now that Feda Launcher allow using modded stuff more easily and with less limits for the user/modder.
    1 point
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