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Why are FAT people hated so much??

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Hello, I bring you another article relating to the everyday world. I dont think it is so comon nowadays or maybe it is that fat people are considered so uncoll or whatever. Apart from racism and sexism this is another topic that comes into the mind is discrimination.... Most of us here may not like to discriminate fat people but there are many in the world who do who call them names who even try to hurt them through sticks and stones even words but in your opininon is it a fair act? Do you think fat people are all so losers they couldnt achieve anything whereas on the other hand fat people are by no means losers so why do for example "A fat kid when he is in a new school gets to be the first victim of bullying" it is  very sad thing to know :( . WHAT DO YOU THINK OF FAT PEOPLE ANY THING YOU SAY WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY IT IS A PART OF MY TEST TO SEE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF FAT PEOPLE AND I KNOW THERE ARE GONNA BE VERY RANDOM THAUGHTS SO LIT IT RIP!

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I don't hate fat people and I don't see what's wrong with them.

Around me I also don't see other people hating fat people.

As for fat kids being bullied I just notice the inverse.

Fat kids tend to be taller and have stronger body build and more strenght.

I usually see fat kids bullying other kids and not the way around.

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<i>Fat people got

No reason

Fat people got

NO reason

Fat people got


Not true actually. Being overweight leads to a whole SLEW of associated health problems.

But DAYUM I do loves my boneless chicken pizzars! ;D

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Fat people put massive strains on public health. Besides they take up too much room on buses and don't get charged extra on planes. Now that's just unfair.

Worse than fat people is fat deniers. Glandular indeed.

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It's unhealthy, and more parents should actually start payinga attention to what they feed their kids. But as for adults, if they're happy being fat let them.

Fat people put massive strains on public health

I seriously doubt that, since they tend to die earlier. So it's also good against population ageing  ;)

(For the record: I weigh less than 70 kg)

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i have something to say in here .. i was an athlete all my life 38 yo  and only in the past

5 years i stopped working out and was in some kinda of depression and my weight went from

70 kilos to 110 kilos  turning me and my torso to something like a big caw 

and my blood pressure went up to over 105/160

i was about to start getting on high blood pressure medications untill i decided to

to dig my old workout gear out and i went back to the track ..

i started running last summer with this incredible weight but i always had the dreams

of my old buddy in front of me and i knew just what to do and haw much i need to run

based on my old running experience..

i suffered the scariest pains ever in my life .. u name it .. my knees my abdomen my heart

they all seems to be crushed under my massive  weight    ...

today after 1 year and 3 months of my training program my weight is now 80 killos

and my blood pressure went to 90/130  and i dont need the water pills now

i run 3 miles daily and i hope to lose 10 more kilos and i still need abdominal workout

to pull back the extra skin ..

i want to say that people who take other peoples problems and pains as a joke are just rude  and law class people and ignorant of the facts of life ..

fat people are poor and helpless and they get attacked by the weight just like me

while they are passing hard times in their liefs ..

we are all humans and we will all suffer some day and die .. and those people who joke on

fat people and hate them they think they are perfect ? and immortal ?

they will get a horrible disease on day and die a painfully death  or get hit by a car

or any other way and die helplessly .. coz that what humans do all the time

and then i will have the time to laugh my ass out at them and i spit on their grave 

make love not war ...

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I disagree with just about everything that has been said so far by people in this thread.

Firstly, people who are not themselves overweight - or have not been overweight in the past - have no right to judge those who are.  From those who are morbidly obese, right down to those who have a little excess, "FAT people" (as SAND puts it) are very rarely the lazy, gluttonous burden on society that many of you seem to envisage.

Sitting in front of your PC or laptop as you are, stop for a second and think about the following statements.

- An overweight person thinks differently about food than those who are thin or average weight.

People who are overweight actually process information regarding food in entirely different ways.  For example...

- Overweight people often don't stop eating when they're full.

Instead, they stop when they're stuffed, as in their stomach can't hold any more.  This is because they ignore the signal their stomach sends to their brain when it's satisfied.  It's likely that they've conditioned themselves to ignore it for so long that they no longer even "hear" it.  As for reasons why they began to ignore it, this could be due to subconscious conditioning.  How many people came from a household where you couldn't waste food?  Where you had to finish everything on your plate?  This sort of thing can worm its way into a person's mind and cause them to eat until the plate is empty, regardless of whether or not they're full.  Along the same vein...

- Overweight individuals tend to eat for reasons other than physical hunger.

If a fat person is sad, angry, or even bored, this can prompt a desire to eat, simply for the rush of endorphins that this produces.  If you eat when you're not hungry, your body doesn't metabolise the food in the same way it would if you were actually hungry, and it stores a higher percentage of carbohydrates / sugars / etc. as fat.  Along with this is the tendency for fat people to ignore the act of eating itself, often gobbling food down as quickly as possible without taking the time to enjoy it.  Enjoying food is a big part of eating, again often something that overweight people don't do.

- Diets don't work.

Even when dieting, if you wait until you are literally ravenous with hunger, your body thinks (for want of a better term) that there's a famine.  This means that when you do eat something, you again store a much larger percentage of the food as fat, because your body believes that you may not know where your next meal is coming from.  But aside from all of that, diets tend to have about a 9% success rate, because they don't address the underlying psychological differences.

Now I know that a lot of people are just going to dismiss all of this and stick to their prejudicial guns regarding fat people, but you're wrong.  It's frankly offensive to be confronted with this sort of ignorance from a supposedly "educated" society.  There's still this image that being overweight is something that people inflict upon themselves purposely - in the vast majority of cases, this is not true.

Consider the simple facts that most overweight people eat when they're not hungry, don't stop when they're full and don't really enjoy what they eat - and that all of this can be subconsiously controlled until they are actually stopped and made aware of it - and you might just see that being overweight isn't always the person's fault.

I'm not going into the whole tirade about the need for a balanced diet and exercise, and the fact that overweight people don't do this either, because it's the psychological relationship with food that needs to be addressed before anything else can be done.

And $picy, I'm not trying to de-value what you experienced, but I don't agree that fat people are "poor and helpless".  They get attacked unfairly, but when they've been educated correctly about how to change their relationship with food, in most cases they can make a change for the better.

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yes sure they can .. thats what i am trying to say by telling my story ...

but at the time when they are fat you cant just attack them right?

because they are ill in some way and haw can we hate an ill person ? instead of helping him?

i mean they are poor and helpless in the condition they are in while they are fat ..

like u said maybe they had pressures in their liefs  or been eating bad diets..

even ure buddy hermons or  gene dna can make more fat sells in ure buddy than others ..

haw many of the fat people wanted to be fat ?  none sir they all cry and moan in Griff

so they are poor and helpless and ill

do we just stand and point a finger at them ?  thats a big moral scandal ...

yes their duty is to act like soldier and hit the weight back like it hits them

and at this point they can be responsible like you said

my mum is not responsible at all for her extra weight .. her buddy just kept storing food

after she had 3 kids and she failed to put and end to it busy working at day and feeding us

at night ... she aged real fast and the weight kept coming at her ...

she didnt have big muscles like me to kick that weight back were it hurts but

she is the best woman in this life ... what do i do now ? shoot her like an old caw ?

she is so old and the weight is pulling her to the ground .. hurting her knees

and pumping her blood pressure ...

but that is not the end of life ... fat people can still live in this planet ..

infact some likes them fat .. hehe if u know the dig ..

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It's nice to know that so many people find life-threatening conditions hilarious.  Childhood obesity leads to adult obesity at best, and an early death at worst.  I can only hope that those of you that find this "funny" never have to come face to face with the truth of this kind of situation.

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I've heard that Japan brought a law about a penalty on taking some extra weight.

(as for staying on topic, well I'm not sure it tells that fat people are hated, but they are perhaps seen as undue strain on society there)

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I've heard that Japan brought a law about a penalty on taking some extra weight.

(as for staying on topic, well I'm not sure it tells that fat people are hated, but they are perhaps seen as undue strain on society there)

Yeah, there's plenty of jaw-flapping going on, but I haven't been paying any attention because I'm assuming it doesn't really affect me. Just another example of a nation of children being led around by the nose by a government trying to be everybody's daddy. (Don't get me wrong, I've lived here for two decades and do generally like the people and the place, but sometimes the levels of socialist silliness just get to be a bit much.)

As far as I know, there are no real penalties, but I'm sure that it will provide a wonderful new source of in-company and personal discrimination cases that will keep the liberal lawyers and courts busy FOR YEARS. (Ooh, more paperwork! They just cream themselves over paper!) I've heard that several companies have denied promotions to otherwise qualified employees because they were overweight. THAT is going a bit far, but it's a perfect example of what the nutjobs over here are capable of.

(Personally, I come from a long line of chubbies. One of the forebears on my mother's side actually went by the nickname "Big Fat Papaw". I've always carried around a few more pounds than I probably need but have never considered myself obscene...I mean, obese. My problem's always been that I was never good at sports and came to hate them and get bored by other forms of exercise. Six-pack abs never seemed worth the bother. If by some weird turn of fate I found myself a bloated mass merging with my sofa, I would definitely kill myself. Sorry, but "But it's my genetics/metabolism/etc!" wins no sympathy points with me.)

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It's nice to know that so many people find life-threatening conditions hilarious.  Childhood obesity leads to adult obesity at best, and an early death at worst.  I can only hope that those of you that find this "funny" never have to come face to face with the truth of this kind of situation.

I didn't even read this thread but seeing as how you have taken offense to my comment, I went back and did and now see why.  I posted my comment earlier because of the picture Andrew posted reminded of a different episode of Family Guy.

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Hey tell me how many fat people are in...



Eastern europe?

Oh yea, Don't give me that obesity is genetic. It's all self control, you don't want to be fat. Get off your ass and go run, or simply stop eating so much.

It's that simple.

I have no absolutely no sympathy for fat wastes of earth who cry about how fat they are, while they jam a bag of m&m's down their face and say it's a gland condition.

Disgusting, control yourself.

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Well, I don't think fat people are discriminated so much. I think many people who are unusually fat are at least a little ashamed of it and so feel a bit too sensitive, perhaps taking too much offence at just minor thoughtless remarks; and I think this is often the case in cases of "discrimination." But, on the other hand, I'm sure there are fat people who are made fun of, especially in primary school. ;D

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I'm discriminated at for being..

A Jew

Left handed

A Socialist.

You don't like being discriminated at for being a strain on public transportation, public health systems, or being ridiculed. Stop eating, exercise. You won't get an oz of sympathy for lacking any type of self control.

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I'm sure there are fat people out there who have a serious condition and can't help it at all, but they're in the minority.

I'm not fat, but I try not to judge fat people too harshly - I mean, maybe it's easier for me to be thin. In fact, maybe I'm a pig, but I've just got such a fast metabolism that I burn it all really quickly. People who are lazy should be judged lazy, but I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that all fat people are lazy.

Wow, I didn't know I was so fair! (I hope it doesn't carry on.)

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I'm discriminated at for being..

A Jew

Left handed

A Socialist.

As well you should be!  ;D

You can renounce and hide the first (except in the club locker room?), and practice using the other hand to "correct" the second. Not much can be done about the last, though, unfortunately. (Sorry, ask someone you know to shoot you?)

Seriously, though, look at it this way: at least you're not also Black, female and a lesbian. AND fat. ;)

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