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Kanly: Revisted

Lord J

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*Jaws theme plays*

Frodo stands, seemingly alone in the arena. He can hear the sand shifting with the Dust Scout's movements... but where is it?!

Meanwhile, the Dust Scout is moving underground, not so far from the surface. Churning up the sand to make it looser, more pliable... It begins to circle, following the stone of the arena walls. Circling, faster and faster and the going gets easier. Faster and faster it runs, with speed as it's primary advantage the Dust Scout zooms around under the sand.

Frodo, seeing the now-obvious trail in the arena floor, at once runs to the edge and sticks Sting into the dust-like sand in the trail.

Swerving aside, Dust Scout misses the blade and begins to work inwards, spiraling into the centre of the arena.

Taking a step into the dust caused by the run, Frodo is shocked to find that he sinks as if it were water! Quickly withdrawing his leg, he finds that all of a sudden he is trapped in the centre of a rapidly shrinking ring-shaped dustbowl. In moments, he is up to his waist in dust.

As the heavier sand settles to the bottom of the bowl, the lighter dust moves to the top. Dust Scout stops running, his work now able to continue itself. He waits for Frodo's inevitable sinking and drowning, the attack having worked well.

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ExSPlug leaps away as the HE canister went off. He then clear his mind and concentrate. In his eyes he now only sees Sir Sard. Static charges starts to spark around Sir Sard. ExSPlug has cast an overwhelming attack of psi storm.

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Wow, this match has gone faster than I expected! You guys have just fought the final round, and it's up to the judges how it's going to go!

Attacking party: ExSPlug: 25

Defending party: Sir Sard: 18

In a vicious turnabout, and an incredible use of an overwhelming attack, ExSPlug has knocked Sir Sard unconcious and swaying!

Type now, and type fast, ExSplug, for a fatality round is your's to capitalize!

In other news: players Exatreides and Earthnuker are set to into battle. Prepare for slaughter! Begin!
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*Exatreides jumps into the arena, Purplish vondum crab armorprotecting his chest and groin, Ampstaff held in one hand snaping its head like a snake fangs ready to phil eartnucker with acid.*

"Co' Do Hua Noc! De Nyar!" Exatreides spints the vong death cry translating to "You will face your death infadel!"

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I am a Protoss Dragoon. Dragoons are robotic walkers that contain the bodies of mutilated or incapacitated warriors who control the machine. It stands about 2 metres high, moves on 4 legs and is armed with a launcher that fires guided proton charges. It's lightly armoured but is protected by a shield generator.

The Dragoon establishes a weapon lock on the man in the funny crab suit and fires a proton charge at him in a counterattack.

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Frodo quickly begins to study his options, not that he has many. He is constantly sinking and every second is precious. He grabs another firework, and holds on tight. It is a good thing hobbits are so light, and wizards have such powerful fireworks, or the plan would never work. Quickly shooting into the air, Frodo jumps off of the firework from about 20 feet and lands on the dust scout, leaving a small dent where he landed. He quickly takes sting, and stabs down into the dust scout with a ferocious counter-attack

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Vicious Hobbit!

The Dust Scout immediately sinks back down into the sand, taking Frodo with it. The rough sand scratches the hobbit's skin and eyes, and causes him to choke when it enters his mouth and nose. As he thrashes underneath the pressing weight of the dust and sand, the Dust Scout wriggles free of Sting's blade and dives deeper.

Making his way to the side of the arena, but still underground, the Dust Scout bashes the wall repeatedly and rythmically. The audience wonders what could be going on as the struggling lump of sand that is Frodo begins to slow down. A low rumbling and hissing is filling the whole area...

The Dust Scout stops thumping the arena wall and lets Frodo's struggling do the rest. The rumbling grows louder, and the audience smells the smell of... cinnamon...

All at once a massive sandworm launches itself from the sand! The Dust Scout dug deep indeed, and has summoned the worm in a spectacular defence Frodo is tossed high into the air as the gargantuan jaws open wide...

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Ermm...Dustie, you can't Counter-Attack a Counter-Attack. There are only so many moves in a round (two, actually ;) ). His Counter-Attack was to your Attack a page ago.

Attacking party: Dust Scout: 5 points

Defending party: Frodo: 8

Continue! I think ExSPlug has elected to skip a "fatality" round. So, are there any unengaged competetors for ExSPlug or Sir Sard?
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[hide]Sir Sard is twitching on the floor screaming. The psi storm had fried his brain and nervous system, and he is not much difference from a dead men. He now only knows one thing in his mind, and that is fear. ExSPlug walks over and picks up the sword, and decaps Sir Sard.[/hide]

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Curses, I knew something was up... Modified.

With the worm high above, and the Dust Scout safely hidden under the sand next to the arena wall, the worm opens it's jaws wide... and engulfs Frodo in an amazing overwhelming attack.

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Frodo quickly jumps and hangs on to one of the worms teeth, hanging on tightly, the worm begins to close his mouth. once it does, frodo puts on his ring of power. he immediately goes invisible as the worms mouth closes. he is still hanging on to the tooth, and the dust scout thinks he has been eaten. he quickly slides through the teeth, and climbs up the worm, getting onto it's back. as it begins to sink frodo quickly jumps off of the worm onto the dust scout. the dust scout has no clue what is going on an begins to dance around trying to get the invisible thing off of his back. he dance around enough to get the worm to stir again, and with one quick motion, the sand begins to fall. frodo quickly jumps off and runs to the wall of the arena. there he is safe for now, until the second part of his plan is complete. counter-attack.

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Good writing, guys :)

Attacking party: Exatreides: 9 points

Defending party: Earthnuker: 9 points

Attacking party: Dust Scout: 7

Defending party: Frodo: 13

Dang, these are some strange battles. E v. E is even all the way. And Dustie's Overwhelming attack produced a 2! 2 out of 12!

I swear, I'm not rigging these fights, it's how the die lands. Are there any devil worshippers, or ancient shamans involved with this thread? ;)

The next is the last round for Dust Scout and Frodo. Fight well guys, I'll divide and place you against Sir Sard and ExSPlug next :)


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Well no LJ, I'm not into that devil worshipping thing anymore. So it's not me. Yeah.

Earthnukers Dragoon chassis had endured severe damage. One leg was torn and leaking hydraulic fluid- he sealed it off to prevent the chassis from literally bleeding to death. He now only had 3 functioning legs left to stand on.

He decided it was time to use the experimental weapon mounted on his Dragoon. A small, high energetic Kobalt projectile that was exceedingly more powerfull then standard proton charges. He only had one, but then again, most things wouldn't survive a single blast. He armed the projectile and fired it at Exatreides in an overwhelming attack.

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Exatreides seeing the fireball racing towards him pulls the acid gernade out of the back of the armor, acid so powerfull it burns through metel in a manner of seconds, he hurls it towards the crab walker in a overwelming attack.

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