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World View of the United States of America

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I personally prefer - the non-perfect - option that should be the market, by its supply and demand forces that should control media.

I like the idea of an ombudsman devoted to media only. That should guarantee a state (no government) presence, regulation and control of media to protect both freedom of speech and privacy and rights of people.

I've seen ombudsman experience in other areas that are not media and it worked fine in several countries.

Btw, I don't believe in "independent" media, there is no such thing as independent media.

Whenever someone say independent media, there is a black wall behind it, no information at all who's supporting it (who puts $$$), and they are usually (in my opinion) left wing media. On the other side the corporate media, has no problems to let know who's supporting them (companies, governments) so at least there is no "secret intentions" behind them.

I like media that takes a position, I like to hear their analisis under their believes, that allows me to make a much better analisis myself, because at the end we all end up taking one or other position too. No one can claim being independent.

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if all these people think bush is stupid or dumb then why was he elected president...he obviously did something right, i mean who cares if he is just finishing off what his daddy started. i say he relieved the world of a threat that was getting stronger by the day i mean who could imagine if saddam got his hands on nukes

He was voted in because:

1. He was rich (you have to be to be president)

2. His dad was president so a lot of people were all ready in his pocket.

3. He has ties with the oil barons and jews so he had more votes in the bag. (off topic, but because he has ties with the oil barons, he did NOT sign the kyoto (sp?) deal but decided to be the biggest polluter instead).

4. He had a fit daughter I believe.

Why are you anti-BBC? It is not your channel, so you should be grateful that you get it, whether you like it or not.

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i believe that bush has done a great job as president. i can't even begin to imagine what would have happened in iraq if gore was president. for you to say that bush cheated is pretty low when there is no proof of it. also, one of the main reasons countries hate the U.S. is jealousy. They are jealous because we have better living conditions and pay than everybody else does. at least that is my view on it.

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LOL! I can't be European as our prime minister has his head so far up Bushes ass, he can see how small Bushes brain really is. I never mentioned a feeling of superiority, I never said that people were "Jelous" of my country. Before you start flaming Europe, remember where your ass comes from.

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i believe that bush has done a great job as president. i can't even begin to imagine what would have happened in iraq if gore was president. for you to say that bush cheated is pretty low when there is no proof of it. also, one of the main reasons countries hate the U.S. is jealousy. They are jealous because we have better living conditions and pay than everybody else does. at least that is my view on it.

Well this is the point: you're saying there's no proof of it while I'm saying there's no problem when you have arguments, that there's nothing low about giving all the arguments (that may or may not form a proof to your eyes). But it is lowering our brains to deny ourselves the right to look at these arguments.

Arguments found here:


and here:


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And how do you get these funds if you aren't rich? You need enough supports from all lobbies around and from your own fortune (it's an investment).

Acriku, a little question for ya: Why do corporations invest money in politics?

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That's where connections come into play, and of course getting loans. It's not as easy as having the money in the first place, but it's not impossible. Then again, you can end up like the woman candidate who dropped out because she didn't have enough money to continue.

Corporations invest money into politics of their choice to benefit themselves, considering that the paid politician doesn't yank the cord on the corporations.

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LOL! I can't be European as our prime minister has his head so far up Bushes ass, he can see how small Bushes brain really is. I never mentioned a feeling of superiority, I never said that people were "Jelous" of my country. Before you start flaming Europe, remember where your ass comes from.

We are a NEW Europe, Englie... ;D

But we may call it self-critics. Most great european nations, including France, Britain and Germany, feel still that old Westfalen system of mighty empires with some fightning grounds. Even in Britain, maybe now rules Blair, who is rather cosmopolitic, but Tories will return once. We have to find a common politics with USA, not stand isolated in worldwide problems and still make conflicts only in our puny Europe - she don't have to be puny, she may be once great, if we'll ally with other civilised powers and if your empires will accept those former battlegrounds like Slovakia as more than a province.

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There's no such thing as "New Europe", Caid. There is only a group of nations which used to kiss the USSR's ass until 1989, at which point they decided to turn around and kiss the USA's ass instead.

Bush knows that a united Europe would be a threat to American imperialism, so he concentrates a lot of effort into establishing sattelite states in Eastern Europe. This way he can keep both Europe and Russia in check.

It saddens me to see people like you, Caid, who would rather be subjects of an American Empire than equal partners in a European Federation.

Not that the European governments actually care about the people, of course. They just happen to be the lesser evil at this point in time, because at least they don't want every other nation in the world to worship them (like the American government does).

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Frodo, you say we (Europeans) are jealous of the american way of life? I can only speak for myself, when I say no. I can name various other countries with better living conditions, better enviromental policy etc than the US.

As I see it the problem is that the US (note under Rumsfeld rule) are trying to enforce there rules on other countries while not accepting any them selves (Koyote the international court for war crimes) so no I'm not jealous of your country I'm doing pretty damn well if I have to say so myself, I'm pissed that the US see itself as a the supreme rulers of the world and that they are better than other countries.

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You don't have to be rich to be president

Paaaaahhh leassseee

You need ad campaigns, media coverage, flyers, major scams, etc...

You need a lot of money, period.

Read the above posts, I explained myself the first time. ::)
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Well having alot of money will give you such contacts Acriku. If you're mister nobody, well the only chance you'd have would perhaps to defend integrally your lobbies' interests, but even then you're less powerful than the guy that has 2 billions in oil interests!!!

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