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I dunno if there was such a topic by now, but here it is!

From what I have found out, the most recent reasearch have shown that Atlantis could be situated in present day Bolivia, by the banks of a lake. They han canals connecting the capital with the Atlantic ocean. Those inelar walls were also found there, as well as marks of the canals and some other things. This could be the only real explanation. They could have brought drugs and tobbaco into Egypt (some mummies show traces of nicotine and drugs).

Yer opinion on this please.

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I saw a program on TLC a while ago about it. They looked at several possible locations of Atlantis.

The one they concluded was most like Playto's description was what is NOW (most of it is underwater) a small island in Greece South of the mainland. It was a perfect vison of Atlantis:

It was destroyed by fire and by water. The very little part of it that is still over water is covered in volcanic ash. The rest of it is under water in the Mediterranean. Fire and water, likely the result of a massive regional Earthquake (broken artifacts have been found suggesting a 5-7 on the Richter scale, not enough to see massive quake damage but enough to set off nearby volcanoes and unleash dammed water).

It was advanced in technology and art. (even had plumbing) Archaeologists had only uncovered a tiny fraction of what was there at the time this program was made, but they uncovered beautiful pottery and mainted murals. I also remember seeing a bathtub with two pipes running into it; presumably for hot and cold water.

It fit literally every discription of Playto's Atlantis. All but two;

Playto said that it would lie West of the Pillars of Hercules. It was assumed that he meant two peninsulas that divide the Mediterranean from the Atlantic (one from what is now southern Spain and one from what is now northern Morocco). This assumptioned earned it the name Atlantis, because it was hence in the Atlantic. However, because of this remarkable new discovery, many now believe that the two Pillars of Hercules were actually two beautiful, large rock islands shooting out of the Mediterranean almost straight into the air. These pillars (and they actually do LOOK like pillars, BTW) are East of the alleged Atlantis.

The only other inconsistency is that Playto said Atlantis' destruction had taken place over 9000 years ago (from Playto's time that is). The archeologists uncovering the alleged Atlantis date their findings as 900 yeas before Playto's time. 900 versus 9000. A tenfold difference, but could it be an error?

There are discrepencies in numerical systems even today. For instance, what the British call one billion, Americans call one trillion. With this discrepency still here during the information age, it's not improbable that over the years and through the cultural translations, Playto's prophecy was skewed or mis-translated.

I was very disappointed that the program didn't go into further depth than it did, for it was the last I saw of it and I had long forgotten the name of the Island in Greece and was unable to find anything about it on the net... :(

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Another posibility could be that Atlantis could have been situated in Antartica.

There are ancient maps that reveal the non-glacier soil of Antarctica thousands of years before the sattelites could see deep into the ice.SO, someone has been there before the Antarctic glacier has formed. And that ice is 3000 meters thick. Do you know how slow can an ice glacier grow? :O

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I believe that it was an island off the coast of Greece, advanced and everything, until the volcano blew and sunk it.

The other two theories is that Atlantis was Minos, or Crete, both of which are unlikely. I go for ACElethal's description. Although the pillars of Hercules were actually the straits of Gibralter, perhaps there was more than one place with the same name?

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LOL, Nema - still on the job. ;D

And Arhok - so... Troja never existed either... nor Phoenicia, nor Chartage, nor other ancient civ, right? They were unheard of until they were rediscovered in the XIX -XX century.

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I stopped being lazy for a few seconds, so here's a depiction of the "Pillars of Hurcules" theoretical location from Age of Mythology.

Yeah I think this is the right location. If not for the reason of Atlantis, Atlantic. Kinda stupid, I know.

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I found more stuff about it on the net. The group of islands that it is now today are the Theran Islands, 75 km North of the much larger Island of Crete in Greece. The people that lived there and were called the Minoans. They were assumed destroyed in the massive eruption in about 1500 BC, some 900 years before Playto's description in 370-380 BC.

Here's a couple good sites. I still have to go with the Sartorinas/Minoan theory. The Bolivian/Andes one doesn't seem to fit.



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I've read a theory of one russian scientist, who believes Platon's Critias was based on talking about cultures of western Europe or British Isles. Greeks haven't passed trough the barbarian northlands, so they couldn't know it's more on the east of Gibraltar. If they've reached it, they possibly sailed trough Gibraltar on the west, but by powerful Golf Steam they were put to Britain.

Myself, I think it could be, altough I prefer searching under Azores or Iceland, where is, anyway, very active litosphere.

Explosion on Santorini island in 16th century BC was so powerful, that it could cause earthquake capable of disrupting whole see as reported by Greeks, but impossible to destroy prosperous minoan civilisation on Crete. Also Agamemnon, one of minoan kings, is known as a leader of attack against Troja in 12th century BC.

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Personally I reckon if you follow the fault line through the Straits of Gibraltar towards the Canaries you should pass the site. The Canaries are volcanic and have a habit of collapsing which have caused tidal waves with clear effects on the Carribean, The Madeira islands are also a strong possibility.

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I'd like to present a theory, that sounds in my ears as the most reasonable one. Historians and Archeologists formed the Thesis, that Plato described an utopian society, which he saw as the perfect society. The city/society (?) which came closest to his ideal was Troja. The Ruins of Troja show some similarities to Plato's description (concentric circles around the center of the city, canals which are connecting all the circles etc.).

Perhaps i will do some more research on that theory, because i forgot most of the facts and arguments of the theory. Fact is: Plato's Atlantis could have been the ancient Troja...

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