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Greetings everyone!

First off, I'd like to announce that I'm a new guy around here. Nice to meet You all. :) I hope we'll all be friends.

I am also a Legacy of Kain fan, I love the series, but the community sucks and everyone is so mean there. I hope You folks are all good people.

Anywho, I'm a Dune fan such as You folks. For many years, actually.

I just recently discovered these boards (I've not been with the old WWS community since its demise). And the first impression is great. :) Now I'm interested in Dune yet again (had a long down period).

Okay, I have almost all of the Dune games, but lack of one ...

Frank Herbert's Dune

Now, I'm a Dune fan and all, but here the game got seriously butchered in the reviews. Seriously. Leaving the impression that one would only play it when it fell from the sky into one's arms.

The thing is that here the game doesn't cost so much no more. Meaning that I don't have to pay the full price.

So, I ask You folks - would a Dune fan, such as myself, enjoy FHD?

Thanks in advance. ;)

- Matthew


Played it, and liked it. Within the possibileties of the game. And yes, it has been overpriced at first. Mayby not all that great as it has a fixed storyline with almost now alternate routes to get to the end then just mindlessly follow the bread crums. And I can understand that compared to other Adventure games it's not that good at all. And that is exactly what game-journalists should do. Evaluate if the game is worth buying for the general public. And for that, I think they are right. [ who an I to say they arn't ;) ]. Now, as you and most others here are Dune Fans, we arn't a part of the generel buyers of the game. We buy it because it's more then just another adventure game. And for that, the critica are wrong. Partially that is. Ok, the game play is bad, and you can only use the crysknife if your appontn hasn't spotted you first, not to mention the unrealistic damage system and a way to short game in total.

This game is the only game in a long time that gave Dune Fans the oppertunety to really be Paul himslef. Not to play around with a C&C style tank-battle-interface, pretending he is on Dune. . .. No, really walk on it and see more of it. And although in a way a little more freadom like the first Dune game [ after you have done all the needed game events ] would have been more then welcome. Well, within the limits of Cryo, it isn't all that bad, certainly if you are a Dune fan. And with the game proced at about 6 Euro's I don't think it's a rip off.

Almost forgot, welcome to Fed2K. . . .hope you'll enjoy it here. :)


Thanks a bunch! :D

I can already feel that this will be a neat place.

And thanks for the heads up. Since I'm not flat broke or something, I'll consider buying FHD.

Thanks again. :) If a Dune fan likes it, then why the fudge can't I? ;D

- Matthew


Sure thang.

I'm also quite a review writer as I may say so myself.

I'll IM You if I've bought and played it. Thought the upcoming exams will pose a threat... Oh well. I'll drop by the mall next weekend most probably and purchase it. :)

- Matthew


@ Low - Does it urk you that he ends his messages like that or are you just trying to raise your spam count? Don't waste thread space for silly nonsense if it bugs you that much send him an IM.

~ CiD


Hey, are you the same firesnake from the tumsun forums?

The very same. The newsposter, remember? Hiya, Scrinny. :)

Long time.

- Matthew

What is tumsun ???

Only once the best WWS fan site ever... Until its descent. :'(

We had some good time there.

- Matthew

and you can only use the crysknife if your appontn hasn't spotted you first,

Wrong, my friend played the game and killed opponet with crys knife, and the opponet was shooting the character. It's just daaaaaaaaamn hard. :)


What a coinsident, i read the sites' history (tiberiumsun.com) a few weeks ago and wondered who this firesnake guy was... probably some mahdi figure :-

  • 2 weeks later...
and you can only use the crysknife if your appontn hasn't spotted you first,

Wrong, my friend played the game and killed opponet with crys knife, and the opponet was shooting the character. It's just daaaaaaaaamn hard. :)

No it isn't.

I killed two guys firing at me with a Crysknife.

The fighting system REALLY bites wind. He practically stands on one place when he slashes his knife.

He should move forward as in the LOK series or SW-JKII-JO.

- Matthew



This third level with the Sardaukars in Liet Kynes' HQ bites wind!

I'm beginning to think that this mission is close to near-impossible!

I'm trying out different tactics and combinations of killing enemies, but I'm ALWAYS LOW ON AMMO! >:(

Geez-the-whizz! I mean - GEEZ!

I have poisoned the plants in the secret cave, but I have only 2 shots left from that regular laser pystol. And I have 1 Sard patrolling in the corridors (not much of a nousance because I can out-run him).

BUT - I have 2 Elite Sards and 2 Sards waiting for me at the Ornie site.

Now, I can try out-running them, but that's fragging hard.

I'll keep trying, but does anyone have suggestions?

- Matthew


Lol, I wrote this and forum dissappeared ???

But I will write it again.

Ok, first run to the electric machine (this station is really a MAZE). Shut it down (there is sardaukar elite inside) , and now run away another direction than you came, because if you run back that route what you did come, some sardaukars awaits you. Now you can shoot them with maulapistol. Go to the planetologist's room, and take disc. Now run to the ornithopter, kill the sardaukar elites down here, backstab the other with crys knife and shoot the other one. Then searcher the landing area for ammunation. Run away to the big telescope. And use the disc to the computer blablabla... And when you have poisoned the plants, run to the cave. Backstab the sardaukar and run again to the orni. If some sardaukars have respawned there, just shoot them and laugh to their blindness and dumpness. Some other thingies have to respawned there, a lever. Anyway, it's in left or right "room". It took 15 mins from me to find it :P

Pull it down and the cannons will go underground. Now escape with the orni.

And the presnet! Chani kisses you :P

Well, I hope that this did help you, but one hint: I am 80% sure, that you are at very low ammunition on the mission's end. That's not a problem, because you have voice. Run straight forward to the enemy like a berserk and when your health status is at red, press the attack key. ZAM, the enemy will go unconcusius. Too easy.


Thanks, mate.

I passed the mission an hour ago. :) Thanks for the tips.

I didn't know about the Voice. But it's a wicked weapon though. ;)

Thanks a bunch. :)

- Matthew

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