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The funny thing is, the many ways infantry die. I dont like people dieing, but its kinda weird. theres:


-getting crushed

-falling holding chest

-spinning and falling

-flying in the air and landing in body slam position

-**(my personal favorite)**spinning in the air like a balerina

-coughing from gas

-spinning around from fire

im sure there is more, but I cant think of any. if u have anymore tell me or say ur favorite.


is it just my eyes, or do sometimes fremen just sort of disapear when they die?

All units disapear. But they mostly fall down and thats it (I think).


is it just my eyes, or do sometimes fremen just sort of disapear when they die?

Yeah, sometimes a fremen warrior just disappears when it dies :O

I like infantry units coughing, really, once i met an opponent who made 20 troopers and i came along with 10 chemical trooper, cough cough cough cough cough ;D

Guest LtTitan

I find it funny that soldiers never get out of the way of tanks and other units. He is firing, tank comes close, doesnt move, then he crushed. It pisses me off when I have about ten or fifteen Sardaukar and half of them get crushed because they take their sweet time lifting gun, aiming, pulling trigger, firing, spraying fire, putting gun down, taking out clip, putting another clip in, then when they are done, they start to move and get crushed. I think its also funny that the Sardaukar actually stop firing and have to reload their gun, since the gun is connected to a backpack which would most likely hold AMMO!


Sometimes mortar seem to 'bury' the fremen and they just dissappear

It's not called burrying, the cinematics for a falling and slowly fading fremen warrior just doesn't appear, that's all.

Guest LtTitan

Isn't there a keyboard button symbolizing 'scatter' in it,correct me if I m wrong,maybe its only in other EA[WW] games like TibSun.

What I meant was, while the soldiers are shooting, they have to finish firing before they start to move. This gets them crushed a lot. In other RTS games, (C&C, TibSun, RA2) the soldier would stop firing instantly and move out of the way.


I didn't notice anything about the 'firing' stuff...seems like the soldiers are very 'unwise',maybe they fight alongside the mindset of 'Death before dishonor'?Or honourary is their soulmate ???

Guest LtTitan

Maybe so fighting with honor. But there is a fine line between honor and stupidity...


Maybe so fighting with honor. But there is a fine line between honor and stupidity...

I must agree with that. But my favorite ir that flying up in the air. By the way, I didn't figured it out before... But this game is great LAN game :P

Guest LtTitan

THATS THE BEST ONE! WOO! Keep right on firing long after they're dead...


The spinning ones are wicked. Also the holding chest ones. :)

How delicious ... ...

Heh, since we are talking about dying already, then I'd like to drop in that the Suicide Terrorist in C&C-Generals is fun-nee. :D Heheh, it's a buncha phun to look how he runs waving his hands into battle.

- Matthew

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