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which one is best (in your opinion)


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I have two questions for you:

1. Which of the C&C titles do you think is best, for it's time that is?

- Command and Conquer Tiberian dawn (original one) +evt. Covert Operations

- Command and Conquer Red Alert (+evt. Counterstrike and/or Aftermath

- Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun +evt. Firestorm)

- Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 +evt. Yuri's Revenge

- Command and Conquer Renegade

- Command and Conquer Generals

2. In what C&C games do you think the cutscenes were best (for Generals that would be the ingame cutscenes)

- Command and Conquer Tiberian dawn (original one) +evt. Covert Operations

- Command and Conquer Red Alert (+evt. Counterstrike and/or Aftermath

- Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun +evt. Firestorm)

- Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 +evt. Yuri's Revenge

- Command and Conquer Renegade

- Command and Conquer Generals

My opinion on these questions are:

1. Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn (i like all C&C titles though, followed by the RA series and last would be Generals)

2. Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun

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1. Tiberium Dawn - One of my first ever games and still a classic.

2. Red Alert 2 - Ahh Kari Wuhrer... oops I better wash my hand :-[

o.... k? You better wash your hand and not tell us about this :P . i realy don't wanna know :)

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RA....2? or ra1.....no wait tib sun....me confused!

and tie between

C&C..."From God, To Kane to Seth...."

and RA2

well Tanya why dont you just bend over and look at those maps again....yes good girl....heres a buscuit oh you droped it...well you better bend over and pick it up then...

cough ahem.....

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o.... k? You better wash your hand and not tell us about this :P . i realy don't wanna know :)

Whatever do you mean?? Oh I get it you have one sick mind flameweaver ;)

well no offence. but you started if sick fuck :) . Ok perhaps i did try to imagine a bit too much :P

And Ex.... 14 year old boys should not think about stuff like that ;) . Tanya was better in RA1 i think. RA2 was too funny :)

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Quote from ExAtreides

well Tanya why dont you just bend over and look at those maps again....yes good girl....heres a buscuit oh you droped it...well you better bend over and pick it up then...

cough ahem.....


im with ya on that one ex.

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