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Advice needed! - Which game to buy?


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Haegemonia: Legions of Iron. ;D

The graphics and detail in this game are out of this world, and although it might not be that hard once you get the hang of it, you should find it somewhat of a challenge at first, even with the AI on easy (in skirmish) :). Just make sure your computer can handle it. ;)


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Frontline Attack: War over Europe

The graphics aren't stunning, but they are okay. It has better camera mode then Generals and Emperor. It uses real tanks and verhicles from WWII, like the Tiger, T-35 and the Sherman. The AI is good, and mod scripts are available to improve the AI to really hard.

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uhm hmm... you might try something new, like highland warriors, i dunno if it's that good. But it looks pretty nice and it's realy new. Perhaps if you find some online reviews that might consider you getting it. But i dunno if it's good or bad. Generals is ok, but not THAT good. Great graphix, lacks a bit in gameplay and a good soundtrack.

But there are many more great games, just look around in the stores and look at what YOU like. Everyone here can claim a title as a must buy, but like you could read here, not everyone likes Generals, and that is so with many games.

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1. Cool, preatorians looks great, can you describe what you do in the game?

2. I don't think it's that wise to buy two games in such a short term, cuz then you can't choose which one to play and eventually you'll find yourself playing one and totally forgetting about the other. I advice that you wait untill you have enough of preatorians and THEN buy heagemonia

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Thanx Flame, I used your advice and didn't buy Hagemonia. Praetorians ir a game similar to Total War series, but you don't capture lands. You fight with your squads in RTS mode all the time. There's no recourse gathering. The whole game's focused on WAR! The graphics are briliant the Roman,Egyptian and Gaul soldiers look very well too. The A.I is quite smart. Couldn't play online yet since I have problems with my router firewall... And offcourse there'r cool tricks like hiding your troops in dark forests and high grass, putting legionaries into turtle formations etc...

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cool, i also read something about centurions, that they can improve in level and stuff. like heroes and you can take them from mission to mission, is that right?

Each side has a ranking officer - Romans have centurions, Gauls - warlords and Egyptians have officials. These officers gain xp and level up but it only amplifies their range of effect (like centurion's stamina regeneration). And in campaigns you get commanders that must survive...

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