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Alright because of the conflict in another thread about which force was better I have desided to start this to see. Post what force you favor and why. The question is NOD or GDI.

There is no question for me, I am loyal to the Brotherhood of Nod. I believe in there cause and like them alltogether. They have a stronger, smarter, craftier and no doubt cooler leader. They have alot nicer tech and I like there attude. COME MY BROTHERS AND SHOW YOUSELFS.

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If one talks about Renegade, all depends actually. Looking at the tanks, the GDI Medium tank owns all on the battle field with the right driver. The GDI MRLS isn't the best, compared to the Nod mobile Art. The Mobile Art is the most effective long range. The Nod Stealth tank is very effective in sneak attacks. If used in a group of Stealths, these tanks are very effective in taking out buildings in sneak attacks. An experienced Stealth tank driver can easily take out a less experienced Mammoth/Medium tank. Especially if one sneaks up behind the Mammoth/medium and starts firing from behind. Before the Mammoth/medium tank realizes what's happening, respectivly 2/3 - half their tank health is gone. The Mammoth should never be used IMO, unless GDI has a strong grip of the battlefield.

As for infantry units, I'd prefer Nod slightly above GDI. Especially the Stealth soldier can be extremely effective, again if used properly. Most units on both sides are alike, only have different names. The Stealth soldier can be used to sneak into the GDI base and can cause havoc by placing Nuke beacons. I've played the game a lot and only a few people actually know how to create havoc among the GDI forces.

So concerning the infantry units I would say Nod rulez, but looking at a tank perspective, they both rule :)

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I like them both in all the C&C games. But generally i think i prefer GDI over NOD in all games as well, due to their supercool units, more raw power based, than stealth stuff. Nonetheless NOD is realy great, especially with characters like Seth and Kane.

btw, in the beginning when i was young and not realy good at english i always thought that in that movie, Seth said: I'm sad, just sad. And then i would reply with, YEAH THAT'S WHAT I WOULD BE WITH YOUR FACE! Ofcourse i was just joking as he was pretty neat, well until Kane shot him ofcourse.

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The Brotherhood of Nod desires a world of peace and fraternity. Guided by the spirit of Kane, we will crush the fascist GDI oppressors and liberate the world from their dictatorial grip. Join us, my brothers! Fight with us for peace and freedom!


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Earth in the Tib sun days in a barren Tiberien filled wastland, GDI is trying to help the surving Colonisits, And Mutants, Only to have the TERRRORIST NOD come and start fragging mutants and civies,


They want to control the civian populace, Make them worship Kane while they are being starved and beaten.

GDI=Love, Peace, Freedom, Democracy.

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But offcourse NOD are the bad guys Ex, that's the rule of C&C - ones are good ant the others - bad, but I personally believe in NOD army and NOD people not in Kane. I'm an Ordos guy - If I were Slavik, I'd kill Kane just when he'd try to launch the missile, I'd stabb him in his back and call him a traitor, then take control of NOD and since the GDI are defeated - the world domination ;)

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You dare to plan an assisnation plot againts our great leader Kane??? Commander Slavic is an awsome character but he would never plot againts kane. If anybody does not support kane they are not true NOD supporters.

O yeah Ex look at the majority of people that posted. Dont see too many GDI lovers. There are more Nod brothers than pathectic GDI scum.

The brotherhood are not the bad guys, your vision is shaded , you will see that the GDI are the real bad guys. They wish to control the world, be the supreme leaders and control all people wheither or not they want to be controled or not. The brotherhood supports its people and does not let its people starve. Our only purpose is for peace.. all we wish is peace. The GDI want to run your lifes dont let that happen come to the Brotherhood of NOD and we will take care of you and you will not be controled againts your will. Kane will lead us through the darkness we will arise and crush all infidels in the name of peace, in the name of kane.

Come forward my NOD brothers show your support for your brothers.


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Why tiberium WASTEland? It could be...nice ;D

Yeah, and if the old maxim "waste not, want not" holds true, it could also be called a WANTland. Am I right or am I right? Or am I right?

By the way, I've only played C&C and Renegade, but I'd have to go with NOD, since they're adapting for a Tiberium world.

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Exactally, Tiberian is the most valuable substance on earth as far as we know. A whole planet of this magical mineral would mean new technologies and new inventions for the good of mankind.

GDI chooses to fight Tiberian technology and only use it as a sorce of income. The Brotherhood Of NOD embraces tiberian and wants to find new ways to use the mineral. There are endless new technologies that can come from tiberian. We are not terrorists, all we want is peace. When there is GDI there is no peace, therefor we must fight for what is right. Join the fight for peace, join the Brotherhood of NOD and join Kane our great leader who will lead us to victory.

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Tiberium world? And loose Earth? NEVER! GDI fights for Freedom. From Democracy. for Justice! and most importently GDI FIGHTS FOR EARTH. We wont abandon Terra Firma, no matter how ill she is. We will find a cure and save her from this vial tiberium.

Dont you know that tiberium comes from outerspace, a asteroid i belive. Its not a natural substance it was alien made, to weaken us so they could come in and mop up. We must defeat Tiberium, Becouse if we fail, Terra will fall, and so will the rest of humanity.

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Well than Ex if GDI thinks of tiberian as the enemy than why do you harvest it??? If you are so againts it as well as GDI why do you deal with it at all. Yet GDI still harvests it. There are other things on earth to harvest.

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Huh Shigga say wha g?

We harvest it to slow its growth down, and help stop it spreading. We dont harvest it to make missels and kill civialns! thats sick that nodd can even consider doing that!


death to the tiberium world and its minions.

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Bull shit GDI harvests it for its value. For the income. Your harvesting efforts will maybe slow it o .000000000000000000000000002 percent considering it GROWS BACK. Only the fool GDI would wish to destroy Tiberian. We must learn to adapt to Tiberian and use it for new technologies and sciences.

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