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Mod Contest


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ill contact you via im vidi, we need one more participant and i remember that your mod in the past was very good. you could request someone to work with also. but if you don't have the time, i will contact you about judging because you are defianetly qualified for it.

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My problem is maybe the time...

But if i could be added in a team as a INI Editer or Texturer/Skin maker.

But is the point to choose 1 prefered team mate or?

I will not be a project leader. But if the team can give me interesting jobs, you can Count me in!!! And yeah... i want permission to edit my teams mod for later modding...

PS Forgot to say:

VidiWare (aka. Phoenix, Vidi, Vidar)


Textuerer + INI Editer

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OK. Here are the teams. I don't want anyone to complain, I tried to be as fair to everybody as I possibly could. Things that had to be taken into account were preference, request on who to work with, and Anders unique category and request ;D (just kidding). If you do have a complaint, direct it to the IM system, your post here will be deleted.








Mike of Moritani

You May Begin Work:Immediately

Deadine for Mod Turn In:Saturday April 5, 2003

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