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Why Age of Mythology is Better than EBFD!


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Feel free to post your own reasons if you have played both games following the numbered formula.


# 1. Popularity

I see anywhere from 500-2000 people on everyday.

# 2. It's New

Providing a change of pace and fresh newbs for killing.

# 3. User Interface!

Many channels allowing for easy chatting and organization.

# 4. Endless Maps!

Feature which allows you to download new maps that other people may have made or have.

# 5. Map Editor!

This is much easier to use then the EBFD one.

# 6. More Resources!

Farming,Hunting Animals,Fishing,Cutting Wood, Minning Gold, Caravans, and Favor from the gods.

# 7. Diversity!

Each race, Greek, Norse and Egyptian's have incredibly different playing styles suited to a variety of different players.

# 8. The Number of Player's in a Game!

You can make a 12 Player Game!

# 9. Easy , Moderate, Hard, Titan Difficulty levels!

Unlike EBFD these settings truely mean what they say a setting of Titan would require at least two people to defeat the comp making for a very risky battle for the 2 players. People sometime

# 10. Formation Movement!

Various Military Formations every time you move Units.

# 11. Lifetime and Diverse Ranking!

Unlike EBFD your characters ranking won't get erased every month and shows incredible stats varying from any point in the game.

# 12. 9 Civilizations and 3 Races!

Each civilization has a certain Major God out of a possiblity of 9. Each Major god has a choice of 6 Minor Gods of Worship. Each Major God of one Race has different combo's of Minor Gods out of a possibility of 9 Minor Gods. Each Major and Minor God has many abilities. ( A lil confusing huh? )

# 13. Important Walls!

Walls play a huge key role in this game ranging from 3 types of walls depending on race with upgrades including gates!

# 14. Numeric Life, Defense, Attack Stats for Units!

You are able to see exactly how much life a unit has, how strong unit's armor is, and how strong unit's attack is with current upgrades, god powers, and or mythical unit powers.

# 15. AOM has Water!

You are able to produce mythical/naval unit's and harvest an endless supply of fish.

# 16. Living Neutral/Agressive AI! (Animals)

Bears, Wolves, Polar Bears, Crocidile's, etc can attack anyone that strays close. These animals can also be controlled by using the egyptians. Along with about 20 other animals.

# 17. You can Shout Commands!

While in battle or just chatting you can shout live commands from using keys 1-35 including a theme song of elves by typing 999.

# 18. Easier to Make Names!

What was with EMP and the wierd names you had to make! :P

# 19. Special Powers!

36, count them 36 special and unique god powers.

# 20. Improving Buildings!

Every building in AOM can be improved with hitpoints, some with defense and attack rating. You can also send troops inside building garrisoning them and making them stronger.

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Feel free to post your own reasons if you have played both games following the numbered formula.


# 1. Popularity

I see anywhere from 500-2000 people on everyday.

# 2. It's New

Providing a change of pace and fresh newbs for killing.

1. Emperor had 3000+ people playing in the tournament when it was new.

2. Emperor isn't new anymore, wait 2 years and you'll find the mythology community shattered and very little games online.

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Am i missing something Ken? I played emperor as soon as it came out. What are you talking about tournaments?

I do not understand what you are trying to say.

If you wanted to list a con then thats not one.

3000+ In a tournament? How long was this tournament a month? I'm talking about in any given day there are at least 500-2000 people I seriously doubt that EBFD had anything close. Do you realize how much marketing and advertising AOM has out?

Emperor didn't even compare to the same marketing thats why it failed so miserably.

No I think you failed to point out your reason.

If KEN, you wanted to say something bad about this game I would have to say requirments are high.

My computer which I bought for almost 3k 2 years ago can barely run an 8 player game.

I agree with you on one topic though ken I believe AOM won't last 2 years for me.

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Am i missing something Ken? I played emperor as soon as it came out. What are you talking about tournaments?

I do not understand what you are trying to say.

If you wanted to list a con then thats not one.

3000+ In a tournament? How long was this tournament a month? I'm talking about in any given day there are at least 500-2000 people I seriously doubt that EBFD had anything close. Do you realize how much marketing and advertising AOM has out?

Emperor didn't even compare to the same marketing thats why it failed so miserably.

No I think you failed to point out your reason.

If KEN, you wanted to say something bad about this game I would have to say requirments are high.

My computer which I bought for almost 3k 2 years ago can barely run an 8 player game.

No need to make 8 lines just to point out that you *think* that emperor didn't had 3000 people playing on the tournament.


1. neither do i understand you :P

2. oh really?

3. hint hint, nudge nudge: the ladder :P

4. IMO marketing does not make the game.

5. i still don't understand why you'd put this fifth comment while i'd only made 2.

6. high? really? emperor runs perfectly on my computer.

7. lol, i have this one for 2 years as well and i don't have any problems with emperor.


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There were once 3000 people playing in the tournament, the tournament(Emperor single player ladder and clan ladder) lasts for 1 month, then it gets reset and it begins all over again.

So: singleplayer ladder = quickmatch.

clan ladder = battle clan.

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Ken you are indeed a wierd one.

I rarely do post and thought I would try to enlighten some but you come and TRY to spoil it by stating really wierd arguements. Yes of course there is a ladder system in dune but you are obviously referring to 3000 people in ladder games in a month so why even bother trying to use that as a defence. I never said marketing makes a game nor do I think it should emperor was a great game due to the fact that it didnt get alot of marketing. Never did I say Marketing made a game it just helps with it's popularity so more people know about it.

I can run emperor fine too! Whats your point here? Dude I said that was a bad thing about AOM because it requires more memory, processor speed, etc, it is a bad thing about it. I was saying it way a bad thing. You obviously can't seem to read english very well to give me such weak arguements that dont make sense.

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AOM has music also, like EBFD each race has a different music style.

You don't even wanna get me started on the special powers... ;D

Scy I know emperor is a dope game and it will always have a space in my closet for it, to me EBFD is a Classic Game! Don't get me wrong I think Emperor Battle for Dune was and is an excellent game for it's time but frankly a game that I have been playing for 2 years needs a rest in my opinion. I am just trying to state the facts why I like AOM better. If you do not feel the same way thats fine.

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Wow edrico's (member # 25!)your dune editing staff? That must mean you would love dune. ;)

I love the game too I have been fascinated with the whole movie series, books, and basically all the dune games.

You ask me to compare it to when EBFD came out as to AOM's current state now? Well I guess you should know how it was considering your the editing staff for dune! I myself have had both experiences and popularity wise AOM takes the cake, but to when I was most impressed by graphics and gameplay it was definetly dune overall I would say EBFD was the better game but unfortunately I got so good at dune and have played it for so long that I have gotten really tired of the lack of maps/people/ and general freshness of the game,(updates and such). It seems like westwood abandoned the game very early on and left a legendary game in the dust before it even had a chance to grow into something huge.

In a sense I agree with your post but if you wanted to compare the general practical fun AOM would be better I think. I liked debating that. =) Thats a good and bold statement

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# 12. 9 Civilizations and 3 Races

Each civilization has a certain Major God out of a possiblity of 9. Each Major god has a choice of 6 Minor Gods of Worship. Each Major God of one Race has different combo's of Minor Gods out of a possibility of 9 Minor Gods. Each Major and Minor God has many abilities.

Well, Emperor has Subhouses too. :)

But I really agree with this:

It seems like westwood abandoned the game very early on and left a legendary game in the dust before it even had a chance to grow into something huge.

They never gave Emperor a chance. :'(

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I like AOM (and all of the Age series), but I still think Emperor is a better game. From a purely technical perspective Emperor wins because you can rotate the map. I really dislike all of the newer 3D RTS games because they totally ignore this feature. If you could rotate the map you could see the villager hiding behind one of your buildings. To my knowledge the only 3D RTS games that let you rotate the map are : Emperor, Homeworld, Ground Control, Dark Reign 2, and Earth 2150.

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Ha, number6 you are wrong.

You can rotate the map in Age of Mythology also. Most people don't realize this but you have to turn this option on before you start the game and once you turn it on you will always be ale to rotate the map.

There is one thing that you failed to pick up on if you have played Age of Mythology and that is one feature that it doesn't have compared to EBFD and that one feature is the zoom feature. :'(

If the zoom feature was in Age of Mythology it would be to damn cool. :O

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Well you were right about the rotate map thing Fedak1n, but you were wrong about the Zoom feature. You can also zoom in and out in AOM by using the + and - keys. It is a bit cumbersome to use the keyboard for zooming and the mousewheel for rotation. Most games that allow rotation either have you press mouse button 1 and 2 together and drag left or right or simply right press and drag. For Zoom most games use the mouse wheel. I find it odd that map rotation is not on by default. Why make it an option?

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Does nobody care to make any reviews on this game? I want people talking. Tell me what you think of this game if you like or if you don't. Please state reasons for why you think this and I'll try to the best of my abilities to answer or just simply reply to your post. I really like this game and would like a couple cool people who I know from emperor playing. I believe anyone that is or has been playing emperor has a very good taste in RTS games and therefore I believe will like this game. Unlike C&C which I knew would be a flop I believe AOM will provide for that much needed change. One thing I agree with though is that it can't dethrone emperor as the best all time rts game I have ever played. I know that i'll be playing AOM for a long time. I will probably find a new game to do a review on in a few months but for now my eyes are on AOM.

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Wow really you can zoom in and out? Thanks for the info number6 I can't believe I didn't know about that. Yah I know what you mean the rotation is a bit akward but I find it easy still. Later tonight I'll be on. I dunno when you normally play but if you would like to hook up a game later tonight I go by pacific time it's 9pm here right now. I just woke up 2 hours ago can you believe that??!! Hehe this is what happens when you get laid off and have too much time on your hands all of a sudden! Well anyways I am normally on channel Erebus or Nyx with my name being Exile. Look me up dude.

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Age of mythology can't survive against DK3(Dungeon Keeper 3),the 3th series will beat all games,in this series u will vs humans in real castles and natural terrains.

DK1+DK2 there gameplay is u control evil army and mighty Dungeon Heart, feeding monster make them happy,build prisons to store some weak humans for to be skeletons, and build grave yard to make ur imps drop corpses into graveyard to make Deadly Vampires!

Maybe i need week to write about this game.....................!it's a unique game, i hope to try this game!

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Duke Leto I see your point but it's not magic really it's mythology.

I was in Greece last summer and find mythology facinating. In school I learned about the Egyptians mythology and the Norse mythology reminds me of a game called DAOC (Dark age of Camelot). I find the so called magic abilities (Mythological God Power and Units) quite entertaining I can understand if you can't relate to this but you talk about realism in a game? This game is called Age of MYTHOLOGY for a reason it is not about realism it is about myths! Maybe you failed to pick up on this before you got the game? Sometimes taking the time to research a game helps. =)

I gotta say one thing though even though I think this game is really cool I can't see myself playing it for more than about 2-3 months but, it is a very nice change from the monotony of EBFD.


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