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the 1 million dollar question of the day is C&C generals worth it?

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That's not true, i liked emperor right away

Me too !!

It's really sad to see so many people leaving for generals... :'( But I hope that many will return once they confirm again that Emperor, IMHO, is one of the best RTS's in history. :P

Emperor is probably the biggest and most fascinating underdog of computer gaming. If we could just show Emperor to all the people who don't know it and that would surely like it...

::) (Stop dreaming, WhiteShadow)


well to be honest i hated emperor to start off with..... until some1 let me know rhat u had to set graphics to low to achieve any kind of speed then i pretty much loved it, emperor is such an underrated game but im telling u the amount of times ppl write off new games without giving it a chance is more than ud think.,,,

anyways lets give it a chance, i here theres prizes to be won...


Well i have bought Generals... burned of course ;D

Never seen game more horrible!!! EBFD is MUCH better.

Better graphic,storyline and moreover normal system req. Generals hardware engine is slow by nature.

Too boring


No, of course Generals is not worth it. It'll be permanenetly abandoned by EA in less than 3 months from today. The graphics suck. The gameplay sucks. It's like a Blizzard-RTS/AoE wannabe and the interface and gameplay of Blizzard/AoE games all suck compared to the amazing interface of Dune 2 and Emperor etc.

Looks like the time of good RTS games has come to an end. The only hope we ever have to get another good RTS game is if EA sells the rights to Dune RTS games to another publisher who will take up the same formula. Or better yet, if EA goes out of business. That's what I'm hoping for. All it takes is a few bad business decisions by one incompetent Exec., and EA is done. We should all pray for that to happen every day. In the mean time, Boycott EA.


Besides, this is justice - EA deserves it.

For what? Not continuing to patch a game that didn't sell? GET OVER IT! YOU ARE SO IMMATURE! >:(


personally I like mohaa, fifa XX and NHL XX by EA but I really think that generals is the worst crap of all RTS games I've seen yet. I'd rather play tetris (imo one of the most annoying games ever invented)


I love tetris =)

and anyway I like generals cos its just quite fun... IMO anyway =)

but anyway everyone should play Xcom: Apocalypse instead... no online play but it doesnt need it 8).


Well i think it's worth 50 bucks, but ofcourse that's easy for me to say as i do not have it legal. Anyway, not the game is not perfect, but it does have some realy cool things, and i don't understand why anyone would say that the grahpix suck, cuz if you play it in 1600x1200 they look truly great


Im already playng the China's campaign with my pirated copy. The A.I. is horrible and easy to beat even at "Brutal"( ;D) difficult.The heaviest attack I had to face was two marauder tanks...eaten in sec by my Overlords.Usually the enemy sends one unit per attack ;D.

There are no excuses.EA sucks like his childish games(FIFA,NBA...needI say more?) and i Thanks god that I paid Generals only 2$... it is more than enough.

EA just wanted to imitate Blizzard, but I think that NONE can reach a similar level of quality.I would buy Blizzard games for ANY price :)

Finally I just want to say that the only two westwood/EA games that can come closer to any blizzard game are C&C tiberium Twilight and Emperor:Battle for Dune.

As for you Duke Leto... close your mouth dumb atreides... I cant waste my few money for a such crappy game.I'll preserve my solaris for Warcraft3:The frozen throne expansion.There's no dubt that it will be a worthy game!!!!!!!


For what? Not continuing to patch a game that didn't sell? GET OVER IT!

Why should I? I DON'T CARE if the game sold or not. I DON'T CARE about their *need* to make millions upon millions of $$$ from taking a renowned brand name like C&C and bastardising it into a pathetic zombie-like shadow of its former self. I DESPISE them for the way they slowly tortured and twisted Westwood beyond recognition, only to kill it slowly and painfully in the end.

I am a customer. EA failed to please me. In fact, they pissed me off beyond belief. It is my RIGHT as a customer to boycott them. It is the companies that should be bending over backwards to make their customers happy, not the other way around.

EA = Electronic Antichrist

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