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Iraq Issues

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I saw the live footage of that last hour. It was awesome. They attached an armored crane to the head of the Saddam Hussein statue - but not before putting an American flag over his face :) - and pulled the bastard down. And guess what? All you people who think the citizens don't like Saddam getting out - just watch the footage. When the American forces pulled down the statue, within seconds they scrambled on top of it and cheered with the Iraqi flag. :P

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I've heard countless of times that the Iraqi do not want it, who hate the invaders of their country. But also, they are happy to see the Americnas IN Iraq, as seen in the footage. I saw Iraqi people waving the American Flag! This war was a success for the people, and for the country.

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"but not before putting an American flag over his face"

Every time something like that happens, the credibility of the war drops a notch.

If the US want liberation, they should be hoisting the Iraqi flag, and not just leaving it to the Iraqis.

I also wonder where the Iraqis got the US flags... I rather suspect that they were brought along for the very purpose - there are bound to be some pro-US Iraqis; I hope the country of Iraq is not held to the actions of a few.

I wonder how much policing will actually be done in Baghdad, and if the soldiers there will ever switch to berets.

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They first put an American Flag, over the statue's face, and everybody cheered. Then some guys on the bottom of the crane waved the Iraqi flag while the American one was taken down to bring down the statue. It didn't bring down the credibility. The Iraqi's couldn't bring down the statue themselves, so the Americans came to save the day, with their armored crane, but not before putting the flag over the face - to symbolize conquering Saddam.

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Note that a large group of Iraqi civilians was trying to pull down the statue for two hours before American troops helped out. And I wouldn't be so certain that it was the troops who put the flag over Saddam's face. Even if it was, it was probably a 'spur-of-the-moment' kind of act, certainly not something ordered of the troops from the top.


Oh, si that how we pronounce my nationality? :P

And how do you see them ACE? What differences do they bring to Calgary? (just curious :))

Uh...I do believe that in English Quebecer is the correct term, but I could be wrong. Is it Quebecois? If so, is that a noun and/or adjective and is it multiple? (I'm seriously wondering, my French [or lack thereof] is terrible)
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"And I wouldn't be so certain that it was the troops who put the flag over Saddam's face"

I would. I saw footage of it. And an inteview with a Cpl (I think) Chin, who, at the first opportunity, said he was following orders... (ie he wasn't to blame for offending anyone).

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